Truck almost hit me head on and now I can’t stop thinking about it

Posted by Civil-Selection-2564@reddit | driving | View on Reddit | 0 comments

I was driving home after a long day at work, I was driving on a 2 lane road with oncoming traffic coming from the other lane. As I was driving a truck was heading towards me and everything was fine until the truck started to veer towards me, went over the yellow line and onto my lane, I barely had time to react and soon as you know it, I was about to collide head on with the truck. Luckily. It missed me by about 6 inches. It was so scary the whole drive my heart was racing and adrenaline was pumping through my veins. I now can’t stop thinking about it and I’m kinda scared to drive tomorrow fearing something like that will happen again. The thought of dying instantly just like that is very scary and the fact that you could drive as safe as possible but it only takes one mistake from another driver to hurt you or worse. Any advice to get me through this?