Is My CFI Overlooking Solo Prep by Focusing on Emergency Maneuvers?

Posted by Ok_Independent_7499@reddit | flying | View on Reddit | 53 comments

I’ve finally gotten comfortable with flying patterns and have decent landings, with a few perfect ones sprinkled in there occasionally. However, instead of focusing on patterns, my CFI insists on now practicing emergency maneuvers now that I’ve become proficient at our towered field.

I have my stage check next week and my solo flight the week after. I’m confused as to why we keep practicing emergency maneuvers when my solo will only involve flying the pattern.

While my patterns and landings are good, I want to perfect them as much as possible before my solo. Since my solo will just be flying the pattern, I don’t understand why we’re spending time and money on emergency procedures. I believe that improving my landings and pattern work will make me more comfortable in both regular and emergency landings.

I’m considering telling my CFI, ‘I want to focus more on flying the pattern and practicing landings in the pattern before my solo. I think it’s the best use of my time and money and will improve my comfort with landings and emergency approaches.’

What are y’all’s thoughts? Am I just a know-it-all new pilot or are my concerns legitimate?