How much money do I need realistically for a move to England?

Posted by xomissblonde@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 46 comments

Hi guys! I’m a 25 year old woman from Switzerland. Well Germany actually, still hold my german passport if it’s of any relevance, been in Switzerland for 15 years and don’t see the reason to pay a lot of money for the naturalisation, only to end up with a worse passport. Lol.

Now onto my reason for posting: I fell madly in love with an Englishman and we made the decision to reside in England in order for him to get his doctorate degree. And well, I love the country. I also feel miserable socially and have failed to have built even ONE meaningful friendship. I need a fresh start, really. I speak the language perfectly, he has a huuuge family I’d hate to take from him and quite frankly I think a lot of swiss people have a stick up their ass. My family consists of parents, doggo, my two sisters and my step aunt, all able bodied so can visit!!

There’s no rush for anything but swiss economy makes it hard to save a lot. Prices are skyrocketing, a loaf of bread is 5 CHF!

If I move to the UK, I know I’d lose my C permanent residence permit eventually and they’d be after me for the taxes up until my move date (I’m not a high earner and swiss taxes are chill, I currently pay 4.5k annually). He’d need to prove that he can provide for me to the government, that’s no issue as he is well over the threshold and I plan to get a job IMMEDIATELY. I went to culinary school but don’t plan to do that for much longer, maybe uni?

Brexit made everything a lot more difficult, I’m well aware and they are very, very strict with foreigners.

So realistically, how much money do I need to not have too much worry about leeching off my boyfriend? How much would import cost for my car if I wanted to take it? A rough figure would be much appreciated, the internet wasn’t super helpful. We’d live in London btw!

Sorry for any formatting issues!