I really hate badly aimed LED headlamps and automatic brights.

Posted by SuperSathanas@reddit | driving | View on Reddit | 85 comments

Took my family out to a haunted trail thing about an hour from home on Saturday. In order to get on the highway that'll take us most of the way, I had to spend about 20 minutes on windy, completely unlit country roads after dark. I was getting assault by brights and badly aimed LEDs the whole way there and back. I of course also had my brights on when there was no traffic to close in front of me, but I flip them off once I'm a few hundred feet away from oncoming traffic.

What was happening over and over, though, was that either oncoming traffic's brights would not turn off, I'd flash my brights a couple times when they were way too close with them on, at which point they'd turn off pretty quickly, or I'd flash my brights a couple times at someone with some just bright as hell lights only for them to then flash their barely brighter actual brights back at me, meaning their low beams were aimed too high if I was mistaking them for brights.

I'm going down these 45 and 55 mph roads, but having to go 15-20 under the speed limit because I'm trying to see the curves in the road and avoid road kill with all these bright lights right in my face.

I decided to start experimenting, trying to determine which of these cars had auto brights that just weren't turning off as we approached each other due to how dark it was outside. Some cars would flip their brights off at a reasonable distance, so either their auto brights aren't crap or the driver is manually flipping them off. For the other ones that still had them on when they were way too close (and if it wasn't the case that I was just mistaking badly aimed lights for brights), without fail, if I flashed my brights, theirs would turn off within a fraction of a second, faster than a person would react. So at least there was one solution to that problem. Just blind them back a little bit and trigger their auto brights to turn off.

But then there were the hills. I'd be coming up on a hill with my brights on, and I'd see a big ball of bright light emerging from the other side of the hill. I flip my brights off in anticipation of the other car coming over the crest, but theirs stay on. I flash mine a couple times to try to let them know I'm on the other side, but they stay on still. Either auto brights, they can't see my brights flashing because of how bright their lights are, or they just don't care. So, no matter the case, I have to get a face full of brights at close range until they either come over the hill, see me and turn them off, or I flash them once their over to trigger theirs off, which was basically useless anyway considering how close we already were to each other.

There's deer out here, other animals, road kill, pot holes, tight curves and other stuff we need to watch for, but I can't see anything for most of the drive down these roads because of all the damn bright lights. I used to prefer driving at night back before all the LEDs and auto brights. Usually less traffic, but more also because I have sensitive eyes and it was less draining and painful than driving during the day in the sun. Now, driving at night is just a guaranteed headache.