Spiraling over what to do next (vent)

Posted by Upper_Skin_6762@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 11 comments

I (American, 24F), moved to France two years ago as an au pair. I’m currently in language classes and should have a B2 by the end of the year according to the structure of the program. I had always thought that I would earn my masters in communications here, hopefully find a job that meets the salary requirements after, and that would be it.

However, I’ve been debating going home. I really don’t want to, but the fear of becoming even more attached to this country and having to eventually leave if I can’t find meaningful work in a few years makes me wonder if I should just leave now before it gets worse. I have this nagging feeling that if I leave, I will ultimately never come back. I’ve always been interested in marketing, but my bachelors degree makes me ineligible to study it here. I’ve been considering pursuing MiM programs (probably none of the super prestigious ones like HEC or ESSEC), but I worry that I will be too old (26) by the time I start, considering that MiM’s are usually for people who are only a couple of years out of school. I’d have to go back stateside for a time to focus on making money and studying for the GMAT. If I manage to get into any of them, I’d also most likely have to take out a loan in the event I’m ineligible for any scholarships, alternance, etc. from where I am accepted. There are also very few lenders that offer loans for American students studying in France as I’m finding out, so it isn’t much consolation. In the event I’m not accepted anywhere, one year away from France will turn into two as I regroup and try the university route again. I’d be living with my parents in their very small town in the meantime. I’m not looking forward to reverse-culture shock at all.

I wonder if living in France, as happy as I am here and have been since the beginning, may just be one of those good things that has to come to an end for me, it’s just a matter of when. I suppose I could always fall in love here, or get really lucky with a job, but I can’t bet on those things. Has anyone else been in this situation, in France or otherwise? What did you do? Should I try to shoot for something a bit more profitable with more name recognition by doing an MiM even if it means going home for a while, or stick with my original plan of staying here until I potentially run out of options? If anyone has any words of support or anecdotes, I’d really appreciate them.

Thank you for reading.