Learning Command Line Interface Linux [Higher Ed]

Posted by Stubrochill17@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 10 comments

So I'm currently enrolled in a database admin program at my local community college. I started in the summer and my first classes were fairly easy, but the fall term courses have really tested my resilience. I have a Bachelors degree already in an unrelated field, but I'm taking this hard science associate's to further my career.

My classes right now are really pushing me to my limit for what I can handle. I have Intro to Linux and Intro to SQL at the same time, plus two other much easier courses. I'm keeping up with my grades and everything, but I really feel like I'm not learning anything because my brain is too split between learning these foreign concepts. I feel like I'm really close to catching onto SQL, the logic in it makes sense to me. But my Linux course is really kicking my ass.

We use Testout for quizzes and videos and I have an in person lecture twice a week. I pay attention in class and stay late to ask questions to my professor. But I'm just feeling like this is an impossible task to learn both at once. The course is designed so that at the end, we should be able to take the Comp TIA+ cert, but I honestly feel like I'd score maybe a 10% on that exam right now. We're about halfway through the course and I'm still struggling with simple vocabulary.

I have a laptop running dual boot Win10 and Pop!OS to practice stuff on. I purchased the Linux command pocket guide. I take hand written notes and do my best to pay attention to online learning (though I tend to struggle in that environment).

I guess I'm just venting, but for those well versed in CLI Linux - am I wasting my time if it's not clicking for me? Was there anything that made the learning stick for you? How long should I tolerate losing my sanity and confidence? For those that work in the IT field, how much of your education would you say is imperative to commit to memory vs how much do you just learn on the job from others?

I just don't want to complete this degree and still feel like I'm at square one. Thank you in advance

- struggling student