The word itself makes some men uncomfortable Posted by wayfarerer@reddit | lebowski | View on Reddit | 13 comments
[-] DaniLabelle@reddit Is that what this is a picture of? [-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit In a sense, yes. Our freeways have been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. [-] 2wheelsThx@reddit Shit, our freeways should be condemned for being strongly under construction for, like, for-effing-ever! [-] handsomeape95@reddit We're not talking about a guy who built the railroads here. [-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit The Chinaman is not the issue here. [-] GarethGobblecoque99@reddit Whereas men can refer to their freeways as the 405, or highways or Johnson
[-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit In a sense, yes. Our freeways have been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. [-] 2wheelsThx@reddit Shit, our freeways should be condemned for being strongly under construction for, like, for-effing-ever! [-] handsomeape95@reddit We're not talking about a guy who built the railroads here. [-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit The Chinaman is not the issue here. [-] GarethGobblecoque99@reddit Whereas men can refer to their freeways as the 405, or highways or Johnson
[-] 2wheelsThx@reddit Shit, our freeways should be condemned for being strongly under construction for, like, for-effing-ever! [-] handsomeape95@reddit We're not talking about a guy who built the railroads here. [-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit The Chinaman is not the issue here.
[-] handsomeape95@reddit We're not talking about a guy who built the railroads here. [-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit The Chinaman is not the issue here.
[-] GarethGobblecoque99@reddit Whereas men can refer to their freeways as the 405, or highways or Johnson
[-] MarkyMarquam@reddit I’ve been adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber.
[-] SoleSurvivorX01@reddit In a sense, yes. Our freeways have been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men.
Is that what this is a picture of?
In a sense, yes. Our freeways have been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men.
Shit, our freeways should be condemned for being strongly under construction for, like, for-effing-ever!
We're not talking about a guy who built the railroads here.
The Chinaman is not the issue here.
Whereas men can refer to their freeways as the 405, or highways or Johnson
I took the picture, I am comfortable it's just really funny.
You mean coitus?
Now fortified with essential vitamins and minerals — same great taste
I’ve been adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug regimen to keep my mind, you know, limber.
You mean beaver? I mean, you know the guy?
In a sense, yes. Our freeways have been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men.