Lies and fear-mongering is all they have left.
Posted by strangecargo@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 945 comments
I never got any training. Did you get any training?
Piss off Jan Burke. Stay off my front porch.
1.5 Gen Asian American here. Registered this year just to vote for Trump. GG
Asians love leaving their authoritarian hell holes and turning their new home into authoritarian hell holes.
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Well that still sounds safer than total chaos.
Is the “total chaos” in the room with us?
I trained my kids to be intelligent, so my household will be generating five Harris votes in November.
You and your kids may be intelligent but you’re voting for the dumbest presidential candidate of our lifetime and it is not close.
Yea you have to be way smarter to inherit a fortune, lie about everything, be a civilly liable rapist, be a convicted felon, cheat on your wife and commit treason than to pass the bar. Checkmate.
Ask yourself... Since Trump doesn't do his own taxes, he has accountants and tax attorneys who do the paperwork and certify it to the letter of the law, then his taxes were filed and accepted by the state of New York and the IRS, he was audited, found to have no issues, investigated by the FEC, found to have no issues, then a Biden DOJ member go to New York, get a law passed to sidestepp statute of limitations, prosecute hime for an accounting issue which was done by some else, not allow that someone else to testify, instrut a jury that a unanimous decision isn't necessary and that they can just suspect him of linking 34 accounting line items to any federal crime they can think of, without being prosecuted or convicted of said federal related felony, WHAT DO YOU HAVE? And then the woman he was found guilty of only "defamation of character" and not sexual assault, is a woman who lives in a forest with a house of free roaming mice, has accused multy men of the same thing, and said Trump raped her in a year she doesn't remember at a location she doesn't remember in broad daylight in a mall store surrounded by customers and employees, and Trump is found guilty of defamation for saying "she's not my type" what is that? Are these convictions or the twisting and abuse of the judicial system?
The numbers were all there. That was never in dispute. There was not 1 Penny unaccounted for. The problem was where the expense was coded. And again that was coded by the accountant who was not allowed to testify to such, the Attorney who verified it, and the IRS, NY State, and the FEC who all approved it. look it up. To be ignorant in the Information Age is willful
Your accountant can only use the numbers you gave them. They aren’t there to see if you lied about them. A lifetime of lies is finally catching up to him and you’re there catching knives trying to keep his house of cards from collapsing. So ask yourself why are YOU so invested in defending someone who habitually lies and cheats.
34 counts of fraud lmao
The fact that you believe half of that speaks to your intelligence. What does civilly liable for rape really mean? You cannot even tell me what felony he committed. Cheating on his wife? So does Harris sucking off a married man make her less intelligent?
Good question - how many IQ points have you dropped?
You tell me! You’re the one who thinks infidelity precludes you from being a decent president.
You didn’t answer the rape question. You did not tell me what felony he was convicted for.
When Trump wins the appeal for the civil case against him for using his property as collateral, are you going to admit that the NY AG acted outside the scope of the law (as the judges have already stated) or stick with its all okay bc orange man bad?
Bless your MAGA heart huckleberry, there’s no need to answer any of that for you.
The only question worth answering is if your IQ has dropped a corresponding number of points equal to the number of married men you’ve sucked off.
Reality is painful for the dumb. I bet it sucks waking up every morning in pain. When you get out of your mom’s basement and actually get a job, it won’t be as bad. I promise.
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Dude, you are on a serious projection roll.
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Are we talking about Kamala here?
You actually thought that was a real checkmate? Lmao
Glad to see I'm not the only one on all of reddit that isn't brainwashed lol
A lot of hive mind over here. Likely bc the average age of posters on Reddit is 15. Most haven’t experienced life and have an idealistic view of the world.
Nice projection lmao
One day you will graduate high school and move out of your mom’s basement. Keep moving forward
Ah so you really are a master projector. He just can’t stop!
Hit too close to home huh? Don’t worry, I’m sure your mom will give you extra dessert tonight
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That or whatever their dumbass teachers and parents tell them to believe. Had to pull my kid out of public elementary because they were teaching that bullshit lgbtq garbage.
Lmao rage bait
If you honestly think that Trump is smarter than Kamala then all that does is tell us how stupid you are.
Kamala thinks that we can just “build more houses” and “go after the price gougers.” Nothing pleasantly her intelligence like her own statements.
Wait, are you saying that we can’t build any more houses? What? And yes, we can go after price gougers.
Good one man… really. Good one 🥱
Hahaha okay mr few week old account. Say hi to your komrades after your shift at the misinformation factory.
It really is too bad that no one trained Kamala Harris to be intelligent.
She’s a California attorney, much more intelligent than you are.
And she got that position by becoming a homewrecker. You really expect me or anyone else to think highly of her for starting her career off as someone else's side piece?
Homewrecker? Willie Brown was separated from his wife for 10 YEARS before Kamala. Give it a rest.
So that automatically makes deviant sexual behavior okay?
Why do you care so much about what people do in their private lives?
Because she is a public figure. Modeling such behavior for children is abhorrent. Mankind is not intrinsically good, mankind is intrinsically flawed, but can cultivate virtue if he chooses to, and such virtues must be properly modeled.
Additionally, public servants should not have private lives until such time as they are not in office.
And further, to address the (potential) argument that you are not referring to public figures, the private affects the public. If a sewage main opens up under a rug, eventually the grime will seep to the surface and ruin the rug. So it is with the social fabric.
You are unhinged. “Public servants” can’t have “private lives” until they’re out of office? Are you high? Or did you just forget your meds today?
Also, do you live on an Amish farm or something? Someone having sex or engaging in sexual acts with another consenting adult is NOT being “sexually deviant.” You are weird.
An individual is not the basic unit of the fabric of society, just like a proton, neutron, or electron is not the basic unit of an element. The basic unit of the fabric of society is the nuclear family. Kamala becoming Willie Brown's side piece is (despite his long-term separation from his wife at the time, he was still married) still engaging in the corruption and destruction of the basic unit of the social fabric, and by being a public figure she is putting that on display for everyone, including the most impressionable minds in our societies. That is the deviancy I was pointing to, you unthinking dolt.
Now, to the other point: Public servants need to be held accountable for their actions in office in order to prevent corruption. This is a basic bitch concept and you can't see the point? Have you never learned that power corrupts? I was told that in elementary school.
You sound like a white Nationalist. Enjoy your day, weirdo.
Why would you bring race into it? Nothing I have said thus far impinges on anyone's race.
Making a personal attack at someone like you just did is a sign of low intelligence.
It’s your lack of intelligence that makes you sound like a white nationalist.
You're lack of intelligence doesn't allow you to understand my arguments, so because you don't understand and you think you disagree, you denigrate me.
That is literally a sign of low intelligence. Look it up. People insecure about their intelligence insult people with higher intelligence than them instead of debating the merits of their arguments.
Unfortunately for you I have actually had a legit IQ test administered by a doctor and I am in the top .01% of the world.
Also, two comments up you are insulting someone’s intelligence. Your lack of self awareness is just another sign of your low intelligence. You might want to take your own advice, master projector.
It’s sad you see an educated woman and assume she slept her way into passing the California BAR and receiving millions of votes. You are simply delirious and misogynistic. Not a valid criticism of Kamala whatsoever.
I'm not talking about her passing the California BAR exam, I'm talking about her documented, scandalous affair with Democratic kingmaker Willie Brown when she was 29 and he was 60 and serving as speaker for the California Assembly.
Unbelievable that you are so uneducated about your "candidate".
You are claiming she isn’t intelligent and still have not provided a single valid argument for that lol. Keep focusing on her personal relationships while Donald Trump imports younger wives from Eastern Europe lol
Didn't Kim Kardashian pass that same exam? I wouldn't consider her intelligent either, only possessed of a low cunning. Much like Harris.
Also, if she's so intelligent, why can't she think of anything she would have done differently from Joe Biden during the last 4 years? Why were the large portion of her responses to Trump's factual accusations during their debate, "how dare?" Instead of factual refutations?
Yeah, I don't see Trump divorcing Melania any time soon, nice try though. If you just look at stereotypes, the Trump family does kind of look like that one.
One simple google search would tell you Kim did not pass the bar… she hasn’t even taken it. The baby bar, which took her multiple times to pass, is for first year law students. You can’t even do a little research…
Oh was that what she passed? I had only heard she had passed an exam by an English teacher and was a lawyer. I didn't bother to follow up on hearing that because I don't associate myself however distantly with trash "celebrity" pornstars.
However none of that invalidates what I said about Kamala.
Now you have to explain why you think multi BILLIONAIRE Kim Kardashian isn’t intelligent?
Like… with actual sources this time please.
Cause one hand ya say a person can’t be a billionaire without being intelligent and on the other you’re saying billionaires aren’t intelligent because…. They’re women?
And don’t say because they have sex!! people celebrate Trump and he talks about his sexual exploits so openly.
You've triggered the MAGAts lol
In comparison to the people who think a president with dementia and a running mate who enforces the strictest laws on weed in Cali is acceptable? Kamala the district attorney of California. Biden the one who passed the crime bill. She just enforced maximum sentences on people who had a few pounds like they were going to fall out of a plane and kill some one. Lmao at least you are dedicated in having a catchy nickname for the opposition. Have a nice day 😃
I like candidates who aren't convicted felons.
Wow I really did. Good to see some competition lol.
The bots are out in FORCE now that we are so close to the election. They means the magats are scared. Let's turn Texas blue together brother, and bring a friend!
Imma celebrate for a week straight if we can unseat fled cruz.
I see all the people from California are coming in to ruin the great state of Texas lmao.
I'm a native Texan, dickweed. Been here for over 30 years. I've lived in Midland, College Station, Waco and Dallas. You'd be shocked to know there are more democrats than republicans in Texas, and the majority of them are native. We just don't vote for shit.
When we finally turn Texas blue, I can't wait to taste all the salty conservative tears. This state has been run like shit my whole life, it's time for change.
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Guess southern hospitality doesn't apply to dems, lol. Why are people coming to a red state? Hmmmm, I wonder. You're already crying, so I think those are your tears. Cope kiddo
For the southern hospitality applies to everyone from here but it’s like respect you have to give respect to get respect. If someone treat you with hospitality and your you need to be respectful Why they are coming here has nothing to do with it being a red state They are coming hear buying up houses cost of living in California is a lot higher than Texas A 1000000 dollar house there is about a 300000 here. They also make a higher pay rate than Texas. Yes am a native Texan born and raised after the election It will be your tears kiddo not mine. If you think they’re mine you just mistaken them for sweat from hard work. If trump does win which I doubt. It just another4 years. What he does in office will affect gen z and future generations more than mine.
Can’t turn blue when the AG is throwing out hundreds of thousands of votes like they did 4 years ago
Harris cant even answer questions!! CBS has to edit and change her responses!! Not too intelligent to vote for that! Scary more like it.
Trump refuses to even attend an interview.. sounds more like hes the scared one here.
Why should he? Totally biased moderators. Kamala refuses to have Republican moderators!!! Because they might ask her a real question. We know she can’t answer. She is not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Kamala accepted a debate from FOX, did she not? She's also a very accomplished woman... SF district attorney and the attorney general of California. You can't get those titles by being stupid.
No but you can get them by giving sexual favors to Willie Brown though lmao.
right.. because she can somehow sleep with millions of people to convince them to vote for her? It's really telling that y'all can't accept that women can be intelligent.
It's really telling that you aren't smart enough to know she blew a married man for her first job which helped propell her where she is now, but by all means keep making up shit, ignoring reality, and showing your lack of critical thinking.
It's not like they even kept it a secret lmao it's not our fault your a low information voter.
He was separated from his wife for 10 YEARS. Who gives a rats ass.
I like how you ignore how she got the job by sucking dick by the dude who was cheating on his wife. If youre still married youre still married and if youre boyfriend gives you a job for sucking dick it's.... well it's amazing study you people will defend when it's your team.
First public office run in 2003. She wasn’t with him since the end of ‘95 or beginning of ‘96. READ. It’s fundamental.
BUT BY ALL MEANS, KEEP MAKING SHIT UP, IGNORING REALITY, AND SHOWING YOUR ILLITERACY. Also, maybe read a bit about confirmation bias, you simp for the cheeto with bad makeup and a dirty diaper.
Imagine being so ignorant you think because some time went by he wouldn't do her favors because she used to blow him.i I'm not surprised you don't understand the concept of quid pro quo.
LOOK I CAN TYPE IN ANGRY CAPS TOO. No ones making shit up it's well reported and known you just can't stand it because of political tribalism. The irony of you claiming confirmation bias when youre sitting in your echo chamber refusing to accept reality because it hurts the last few brain cells you have as you try to pretend she's anything other than trash. She left people to rot in jail while having exculpatory evidence knowing they were innocent. She left Americans to die in Afghanistan, 13 Marines are dead, and our allies were abandoned. And she bragged about the exit and being the last one out of the room.
There's a giant list of why she's trash, but youre so obsessed with orange man bad its pathetic. I couldn't give two fucks about him this is about HER get over your obsession with cheeto.
You should go back in your corner and sulk some more. Have a nice day, man baby.
Yes, you can get those titles by being stupid. There's plenty of examples.
I don't think she's stupid, though.
Like Trump is? The idiot's President
He can run the country better than her! She didn’t do anything last four years. Its not a
Oh please! You can't run the government like a business! All his businesses went bankrupt!
So much misinformation. Please tell me what Kamala has done? Ever….. I will wait…..💀💀💀
Well she left Americans to die in Afghanistan along with our allies and 13 marines. Remember "she was the last one out of the room"
Oh and she also held exculpatory evidence until California courts forced her to release it thus exonerated people she knew were innocent she put in prison.
Oh you wanted good things....uhm....shit were gonna be waiting awhile lmao
Kamala has done nothing since she wasn’t the president. Just like how Pence was useless (something we’ll both agree on for different reasons). Seriously this is stupid and when Kamala is running for a second term ya are gonna be the uneducated folk saying she has been president twice already. It’s ridiculous and you know it is.
You're gonna be waiting a long time, 8 I already told you what to do, Trump sure does love the uneducated and you're one of the examples
Huh? Kamala accepted the Fox debate, Trump declined. He's a snowflake
Someone hitting the conspiracy juice too hard
Harris sucks
Nah that’s dumb as shit 😭 Clearly done 0 research on Kamala and infinite on “ew trump tweet mean”
He literally attacked our country with a hillbilly army and attempted a coup.
Nothing else matters.
Ooorrrr he said to go peacefully protest outside, not once said to break in, and when they did (including antifa “Trump supporters, as confirmed especially by that one dude who was arrested and found to have tens of thousands deposited into his bank account by MSM, I can send the report), he posted a video telling everyone to go home and denounced their actions, which was deleted by every platform it was posted to. Trump had 0 responsibility in the illegal activities, considering he never said to do them and when they were done he said to stop. But what do I know
You forgot to include it has been officially confirmed that FBI officers were included in the crowds and helped incite the ‘insurrection’. And Trumps request for the 10K National Guard.. which so many democrats openly deny never happened. But then….
THis is so disingenuous. After ranting and whipping people into an angry frenzy for an hour over lies about election fraud, saying "be peaceful" once does not negate that.
And you can't deny the fake elector scheme which a big part of the coup attempt.
If you actually live in Texas and are still voting for Ted Cruz, you are an idiot and a simp. I don't care if you're a democrat or a republican. Cruz and Abbot are sinking the state. They have to go.
You are going to "generate" votes? That is a weird and unintelligent way to say you are gonna vote for Kam/Tim.
Kids are either intelligent or unintelligent, you parent your kids to do the right thing and think critically. You sound like an excellent voter for Harris/Walz.
You’re saying eww to training people to be intelligent?
They don't like it when people are smart cause then they won't vote for Donald
I’m well aware, but you have to call shit out when you see it.
Oh yeah, I was meaning to support your statement :)
What intelligent policies does she have? It’s sad that she’s gonna giggle and word salad her way to getting so many votes. Just admit you’re voting for her because she seems “nice” and you don’t like Trump, because that’s at least rational albeit nonsensical.
Have you listened to Trump? Fucking yeah I hate him, and he has some of the craziest word salads of all time. His policies ruined the economy and the one good thing he did, Operation Warp Speed, is something he can’t even take credit for because he’s spent so much of his time appeasing the stupidest people on the planet.
Kamala Harris has great policies, expanding the child tax credit, allowing the ACA to cover in home care, common sense gun control, etc. Trump’s inflationary tariffs would ruin this economy, his plan for the housing crisis is mass deportation, which is insane and fascistic, and he still can’t replace the ACA.
When I saw the two candidates debate, only one person went into an outburst and repeated a myth about how Haitians, who are here legally, are eating the cats and dogs of other citizens.
oh wow, a critical comment about Kamala on Reddit. You don’t see that every day. Kudos to you but warning you’re about to get downvoted to oblivion for having a differing opinion.
Bro please go outside, the way you type is giving off green stink lines.
I work outside, & I can tell you’re just as lost as the Trumptards by the way you type.
Reddit is a liberal echo chamber. Literally go watch her CBS, Colbert and View interviews this week. Getting interviewed by fellow bleeding heart liberals and she can’t even help her case. Been stressing how she’s not Biden and has her own plans yet said she wouldn’t change a thing from past 4 years if she was in charge. Drinking a beer with Colbert to appear “down to earth” Offering glittering promises about decreasing inflation and prices on consumer goods but can’t describe the plan to do so with any detail. Tack on her recent flip flopping on numerous issues which is clearly just a ploy to appear more moderate.
Her whole angle is “I’m nice” and “im gonna make pretty sounding promises” but it’s straight fluff and it drives me nuts that people can’t see through the pandering purely because they’ve decided Trump is so bad. Cue the downvotes.
Yeah the libs are fucking annoying and you're not wrong she's pandering, but most people are just holding their noses and going blue because Trump is that bad. Saying shit about being a dictator are just politically indefensible. Also flip flopped on winning or losing the 2020 election. This before you even get to the rest of the deluge of other baggage he has.
If he was such an existential threat to democracy then why isn’t he still in power? Guy had 4 years to dismantle the constitution and appoint himself high chancellor but it didn’t happen.
Jan 6th was stupid but it has more to do with the mob and less with Trump. Nevermind that Trump asked Pelosi and the mayor of DC for a greatly increased police and national guard presence prior to that speech because he knew people would be heated yet they didn’t do shit about it.
So, you're telling everyone you have no idea how our government works. Got it.
Curious how you could extrapolate that from what I said. Liberals argument for every shortcoming of Biden/Harris is that it’s either a) the fault of the previous administration or b) because those damn republicans in Congress or the Supreme Court. You’re basically proving my point that the executive branch can’t just do whatever they want (and again there’s 4 years of Trumps presidency as historical evidence) yet somehow magically this time all the checks and balances are gonna fly out the window and he’s going to seize total control. Fear mongering crap because again Harris has no actual substance to vote for so the only angle is vilify the opponent
Not once in your rambling retort did you explain why Trump couldn't accomplish those things. Stay on topic and try harder.
There are more "liberals" around you here in Dallas than you probably realize, and by "liberal" I mean moderate centrist Republicans. Trump is a bridge too far. By the way, I've seen Harris several times on TV lately and she's the kind of smart brunette this country needs STAT.
I consider myself a moderate republican. Socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I don’t really give two shits what someone does with their body or who they are attracted to. I believe women should have access to abortions for medically viable reasons and not simply as an undo button for being irresponsible. in regards to this “prosperous” economy Biden and Harris have gifted us, give me a break. Gas, groceries, mortgage rates, etc are all totally out of control yet these clowns want me to believe that they’ve led us into some new echelon of prosperity because the S&P is up. Don’t pjss on my shoes and tell me it’s raining.
You're either for abortions or against them. There is absolutely NO middle ground or grey area. Period. Stop using your sinful moral compass as a rule for others and their own bodies.
Inflation is not the fault of Biden or his administration. It was a culmination of Trump and Biden and both their administration's mishandling of the pandemic and our economy via taxes and tax breaks, etc.
I didn't want to vote for Biden, but to ensure Trump was not put back in office, I was ready to throw the dude my vote. I'm, however, happily voting for Harris because I believe she is intelligent and deserves a chance to show us what she's made of. Trump already showed us his ass, I don't care to live under his thumb or bs ever the f again.
Ah yes absolutism, the hallmark of tolerance. Rape, incest, severe fetal abnormalities and risk to mother’s life are all valid reasons. Getting knocked up from a one night stand and getting an abortion is just avoiding personal responsibility. If you’re going to have unprotected sex then be prepared to deal with the consequences. Much like if you take out student loans you should be prepared to pay them back. So many policies they have are about bailing out adults who can’t take responsibility for their own actions or choices
How are you going to prove a pregnancy is the result of rape? Filling a police report, the report resulting in charges, the charges resulting in conviction? Now what about the victims who can't even file a report, what about the reports that don't result in charges, what about the charges that don't result in convictions, what about the cases that are reduced to lesser offenses? That is why you can't put stipulations on abortions. Use of critical thinking on that one would have helped you a bit so that I didn't have to write out a paragraph explaining it to you, third grade style.
You're out here complaining about helping people with their overpriced and ridiculous student loans, but I notice not one single mention of the absolute abhorrent bail outs given to MILLION AND BILLIONAIRES for their bs reasons for their companies. How many of these millionaires took a hefty paycheck from their company in one hand and a nice bailout from the government in the other hand? Let's not shit on the middle or lower class to just keep the upper class above consequences.
Trump and his admin are a disgrace to the USA and would be an absolute danger to our country and its people. I will take Harris/Walz all damn day as an unknown risk over a very well-known documented risk like trump.
You could tax billionaires into oblivion and it’s not gonna make up for the deficit our government has accrued. I have almost a quarter million in student debt but I took that on. If you’re an adult and can’t understand how compound interest works then I got nothing for you. My mortgage is pretty pricey, can Harris just make that go away too?
We’re never going to agree on this stuff so pointless to bicker back and forth. Just see where it shakes out in a month.
So because taxing the billionaires won't make up for the deficit, it's OK to continue to throw them bailouts and tax breaks while damming the lower/middle class to suffer more?
Good for you on your superior thought process of because I struggled and continue to struggle, everyone else should too. You sound like you'd be really popular at parties.
You conveniently skated right past the issue of abortions, I'm going to take that as you see exactly my point on why there can be no middle ground or grey area and has to be an either you're in support or not in support. I personally wouldn't get abortion but I'm so glad I had the option to make my own damn choice on my terms, and I'll be dammed if either of my daughters are not given the same option to make their own damn choice regardless of how they became pregnant. I hope that after all the talks over the years, my kids all grasp the importance of protection. I still don't want them being told by some geriatric God complex buffoon using their religious preferences to tell my daughters how to proceed forward if they're not in a position to do so and especially if they were put in that position against their will. That's why I will forever be in support of abortions being a decision left to the one pregnant.
No one cares - please just stop with the self righteousness about your voting choice.
LOL...fucking clown.
Nothings more intelligent than doing what you’re told!
Education ≠ Coercion
Indeed. They are in fact antithetical to one another.
Makes you wonder why one party wants to get rid of the Department of Education. The same party, I might add, that decided to deregulate the Texas public college system, sending tuition from around $3800 the year before deregulation to around $4850 the year after deregulation (an average 28% increase) and paving the way to today's $11,600 price tag.
Do you think kids growing up in California should have a curriculum drawn up by people in DC? How about in Montana? Texas? New York?
All very different places with different economic strongsuits. Education for people in Wisconsin should not be determined by a committee in DC, it should be decided by local/state governments to determine what is needed in those areas.
That's what removing the DOE would do. It brings it back down to the state level. How and why is that a bad thing?
That's why each state also has its own department of education and state university system lol.
Do you really think the federal DoE determine the curriculums for every state, every school, and every class - and tell states what they can and can't teach?
At what grade level did you learn how to balance a budget? Learn basic mechanical skills? Basic cooking skills? Any plumbing or general household knowledge? How to do taxes?
School prepares us to be obedient workers in an office environment. It does not teach us practical real-world skills such as those listed above. All those classes went away when the DoE was implemented.
I worked at banks and other financial roles for over 10 years. The number of people under the age of 40 who have no idea how finance works is TERRIFYING. But nearly everyone 40+ knows basic life skills because they were taught in school.
How many math formulas do you remember from math classes? How often do you use them in your daily life? Beyond the basics of how to read, basic math and science, and some shallow history, what do you remember from school? Probably not much that you use in your daily life, right?
That's a whole lot of deflection. Local schools have more flexibility than you realize, its down to students and parents choosing to coast, or otherwise not actually exploring their options.
The funniest thing about your whole comment, is the lack of wondering about the parents. Where are the parents in all this? Why aren't the parents involved enough in their kids schooling to realize that they're not learning these things, and stepping up in their local school systems to get classes added, or teaching their kids themselves? Plenty of schools offer all of what you mentioned and more, its up to people to choose to take them.
But for the fun of it:
9th grade in home economics
We had a full shop class that offered electrician and woodwork courses in my public high school. Other high schools in the district also offered architectural courses, automotive, HVAC courses, carpentry, plumbing courses, even agriculture and herd animal care. That being said, I declined those in order to take electives focused on my intended college selection. I instead learned basic plumbing and mechanical, and taxes at home.
A lot, because math forms the basis of algorithm development and statistics - both of which I use for my job on a regular basis. What exactly was going to be your point? "People don't use these, so why do we teach them?"
That would literally just lead to red states having an even worse education and blue states having a superior education. You want that? Why should there not be standard education throughout the country?
Well, for one thing, I grew up in Indiana and found that my education was equally applicable when I lived in Illinois, Ohio, California, and Texas.
Apparently you think that I should have just been taught about corn, basketball, and manufacturing, and when I moved to Texas I should have been at an economic and educational disadvantage because I hadn't been taught about cows, oil, football, or tech.
And never mind the poor child who moves to a different state and now is totally screwed because they were living in a state that decided algebra was stupid but now they're in a school system where an eleventh grader is required to study calculus.
And of course, "states rights" was the battle cry for those who wanted to keep Blacks as slaves.
There are already school systems that are trying to white-wash that fact from the history books. Your scheme would make that a whole lot easier.
Maybe not everything should be up to individual states.
Just sayin'.
Every accusation is a confession. You one of the folks who didn't evacuate because daddy Trump told you not to?
I’m not voting for Trump (or Harris for that matter), but this is the problem, not the solution.
You reasoning being what?
I think the “I’ll teach my kids what party is RIGHT!” is the same bullshit that creates the ideas in the original post. I think it’s absolutely absurd to think that a candidate is worthwhile based on their party. But I am so disenfranchised from American politics, maybe I don’t see the Forrest for the trees. Personally, they are all a bunch of fucking scum bags in my book…but I’m just some jack ass on Reddit so 🤷♂️
Democrats become Dems because of the values we attain and achieve OUTSIDE of politics. You know, like loving our neighbors, regardless of where they come from, how they look, or who they love.
No one thinks the Dem party is "right", but we all KNOW it's better than the GOP/MAGA insanity.
No, I don’t think it’s better. Nor is GOP/MAGA. I have friends from both and they are equally perfectly fine people. I would go as far as to say it’s ridiculous to think that political party affiliation (not talking about openly supporting Nazis or something lol) will ever constitute your value as a person to me. I think that’s such a fucked up way to go about life. I am sure you will feel compelled to explain the error of my ways and how the big, bad Republicans want to destroy the world…please don’t waste your breath, I have already acknowledged I hate all parties equally. Lol.
MAGA is openly supporting Nazis, and if you don't see that, your head is in the sand. This isn't funny. You're obliviousness is literally how Germans allowed Hitler to rise to power, and all the evil and hate that came with it. Wake the fuck up. Study history.
Jesus, you are maybe missing the point I was making. Dude, I’m Jewish, I formally acknowledge I don’t support Nazis lol. Chill bro. Look past the “he disagreed with my political party”, I’m STILL talking about something else.
I am not a Democrat, so you're not "disagreeing with my political party" - you're just giving tolerance to the intolerant, which is equally bad. Your words and beliefs are PART of the problem.
Ok buddy lol. You want me to be mad at MAGA? Sure. The point you are trying to make, I can agree with. And also, there are equally as worthless Democrats. So fuck that whole party too.
Fuck the Democrats, as well. But it's not an equivalent amount of hate.
My issue with (either party)) is that people have lowered their expectations to the point that “I dislike A” equals “I like B”. That is not accurate.
You can dislike the Dems, but the MAGA republicans need to be hated, in the same exact fashion they hate others. It's only fair.
But so do them Dems in my mind.
Who do the Democrats hate?
Well I would suspect all things MAGA/Republicans.
I meant I think the Dems deserve to be hated too lol.
MAGA hates everyone that is non-white, non-christian, and non-MAGA.
What should be hated about the Democratic party?
I go back and forth these days, but I don’t COMPLETELY disagree with you lol.
You're taking the position of "fine people on both sides" - enjoy sitting on the fence. And I am saying- MAGA is the new Nazi party. Full stop.
Study history; or, take your uninformed opinion, and stow it.
Fine people? I’m not following.
I’ve also freely acknowledged I despise the current iteration of government in its entirety, and would much prefer legitimate anarchy. Not sure how much less “on the fence” I can be.
You seem to be getting incredibly worked up. My original takeaway was actually that maybe we can agree to good luck bro.
We can only agree to disagree when both sides have your best intentions at heart. Currently, we don't have that. Therefore, your opinion is incredibly dangerous.
Genuine question, NOT simply to become argumentative …
What about my opinion is “dangerous”? That I think people should allow other people to think for themselves? That I am just fine with disagreeing with you while not hating you?? Or is it simply that I don’t agree with you?
It's dangerous that you don't believe the MAGA Republicans to be Neo-Nazis. This is exactly how Germany allowed Hitler to rise to power. The vast majority of Germans simply did not realize the extent of evil before them. It is INSANELY dangerous to the future of this country to not only not acknowledge this openly, but you seem to be quietly sweeping this under the rug, instead of addressing the problem.
This is literally not about me whatsoever.
The thing is most of us are not beholden to the Democratic or any party. When dems turn out to be corrupt we toss them out rather than circling the wagons around Dear Leader. Just because we are voting for them doesn’t mean we are monolithic.
Sounds like you’re operating on assumptions that sound a lot like how MAGAs think. Coincidence?
Lol. I sound “MAGA”? Bro, I want full on Anarchy lol. I hate the GOP every bit as much as the rest of the choices out there lmao.
With that said…if the whole “party lines” thing doesn’t apply to you, then neither do my opinions. I am a HUGE proponent that you and I are allowed to disagree, and we don’t have to hate each other for it. Vote for whoever you want, even if I think they are worthless. That still doesn’t inherently effect my view of your worth. In fact, I wouldn’t have it any other way (in that we are allowed to disagree, openly even). What bothers the fuck out of me is how it has turned into “I’m right, you’re wrong”, and no one listens. I’m probably making it worse in this fairly isolated example as I understand half the things I said here are just riling people up. But I don’t think that anything I said SHOULD rile you up. You could tell me you disagree with literally everything I believe…it still doesn’t make me more right or you more wrong.
But scroll back a bit. What did I say that somehow offended folks? Lol. That I didn’t believe convincing your kids only one party was possibly worth voting for in their lifetime was a shitty way to go about it?? Lmao. I’m advocating not for the dreaded MAGA, it rather to let kids think for their fucking selves. Politics and religion…I tried to expose my children (now adults) to as many versions of both as I could, so they could make an I forward decision.
This is what makes me sound coincidentally “MAGA”? Oh get fucked with that. I’m wayyyyy too poor for those bitches to want me to join their party lmao. And I simply don’t care about other peoples choices that don’t effect me enough to join the left it seems lol.
Get back in the box!
If you don't vote, you don't have a voice. Period. No politician is going to care about your opinions if they don't get a vote out of it. If you're in a demographic that doesn't vote, they will continue to ignore that demographics needs and concerns. Your vote is where your power lays. No vote, no power.
Also, there's more than just Presidents on the ticket. We're voting on state and local elections, too. And not just who's going into what office, but also on state and local provisions. Choosing not to vote is unwise and it shows.
You’re missing my point.
Now I am jaded in as much as I don’t believe that they care about my voice if I DID vote…but I’m not complaining about any or even all of the politicians here. I’m complaining that this trend of “my side HAS TO win!!!”, and even passing that on to one’s children is absolutely the wrong answer TO ME. I fully encourage my children to think for themselves. I don’t want to “raise a (fill in the blank party)”.
You didn't say or imply any of that. You only said you weren't voting. I can't see your point when you don't actually say it.
My point, as I said originally was that the sort of thinking in both the OPs pic, as well as the post I replied to, is what I believe to be the problem. Or at least a problem. Not sure how that was quite so hard to grasp (not that you need to agree with it, but it really sounds like you just want to be argumentative. Such is life I suppose)
I'm not tryong to be argumentative for argument's sake. My first reply was how out of unaffective your plan not to vite (your actual comment) is. Also, your point is clear to you because it's in your head. The post is calling out a specific politician's action, and the comment that you replied to said that their children are voting for Democrats because of how they raised them. Neither covers the "choose MY side/only MY side is right" narrative you're trying to claim is your point. So it's easy to grasp now that you actually said it, while it's quite the extrapolation from your original comment.
That’s fair, and I freely admit things commonly make WAYYYY more sense in my head than out of my mouth lol.
Happens to the best of us.
To actually (attempt to, anyways) address some of your comment…
So I admit I am well into “jaded” with regards to politics as a whole, and that that pov hugely affects most of my relevant opinions. In this case, I don’t actually disagree with any of the actual opinions about one side or the other. Instead, the bigger idea that one side is inherently “right” because the person views the other side as inherently “wrong”. Don’t agree with GOP? Well then by default the democrats are somehow good or right. Or vice versa. Don’t like those dum liberals? Well then Trump god is somehow good or right. Maybe my point of view is totally incorrect, but it sure seems that a lot of people have digressed to this lowest common denominator as far as having the right to make a choice about their political views. But instead, because I don’t agree with any of the applicable choices, I’m the problem because I don’t vote. Well, ok then. I’ll just sit here minding my damn business, still perfectly ok with my day to day life regardless of who gets elected or how much I disapprove of them.
nah, not voting is the problem
That’s fair. I think maybe there are bigger issues, but I don’t disagree. Still not gonna vote.
so you just like to complain. are you a masochist?
Lol. I don’t actually spend much time complaining about it. I just find it funny how “wrong” Reddit finds my views, when I am actively preaching you can believe whatever you like, I don’t even want a say in what YOU believe lol.
I just think the closed mindedness is stupid. I know perfectly worthwhile democrats, republicans, you name it. I also know complete pieces of shit from each party. The difference, to me anyways is I believe they would still be a piece of shit if they didn’t vote for that party.
Sure there are bigger issues. It's just, in my mind, if one doesnt vote you shouldn't have a voice in a political discussion because one doesn't even so the minimum personally
I suppose that’s actually a fairly valid opinion. I don’t know if you see the separation, I don’t complain about politician xyz once they are in office for that reason. I am not so much arguing politics, rather the bigger issues with, in my mind, how divided we have become and continue to become more so.
Also, it’s Reddit, so people (myself included) will just say the first things that comes to mind 🤷♂️
Yeah and for the record I didn't downvote you lol
Lol. I think that parts funny. And, sorta the issue I was talking about.
That’ll teach me!! Lll.
It's better to just accept that there are different ways to view the world and there is often never truly a "right" answer. There is no value to lobbing insults back and forth.
I agree. In this case, not even a little bit. Voting for the felon- who already tried to overthrow the government once, who has admitted that his plan is to fire thousands of federal workers and put in his loyalists, who wants to abolish the EPA, the department of education, and the FBI, who has already stacked the Supreme Court with his cronies who have wrecked havoc on people’s rights, and will install judges even more extreme if he wins- is nothing short of idiotic.
You mean the same exact shit the dems will do if they win?
You mean the dems that won 4 years ago and did none of that?
This is how they will get you. It's how Hitler did it and it's very effective. Just let it happen.
UNLESS you agree with all those things and that's how you want America to be run.
Oh wait no it's still idiotic.
I agree that there's no value to lobbing insults back and forth.
I vehemently disagree that (in this case) there is not a "right" answer.
That might make sense when they stop denying rights to my fellow Americans, until then - nah.
The fact you think that’s an intelligent decision speaks volume. I imagine you’re medicated if you’re this out of touch with reality lol
Says the cult member, this household is generating 3 votes for Harris because we aren't enemies to democracy, women or immigrants.
Democrats don’t care about women’s rights, just slaughtering the unborn .
The GOP only cares for the unborn because it's a cute little talking point. Once you're born though, your fucked.
With you cult members would care more for actual living children over guns and your sick bastardization of the Christian faith.
Women in Texas are dying because of the abortion laws, many bleeding out in hospital parking lots since hospitals refusing to treat certain cases where baby isn't viable.
We also love to eat those babies we just slaughtered and we also have adrenochrome-fueled orgies.
Eating fetuses and pets, just as our founding fathers intended.
God bless America! Nowhere else in the world can I get fresh babies like here!
It’s too bad we’re now having to import them from Commiefornia. Curse this state!!
Yeah surely that makes sense
So you’re friends with corruption, treason, poverty, murder, and ignorance?
No they said they were voting for Harris not Trump.
You’re living in the most corrupt presidential era RIGHT NOW and you’re voting for more of it. Make it make sense. 😂
Naw. I believe in science, empathy, and critical thinking. Getting the GOP outta Texas will do great things for this Country. It's always projection with y'all.
You have no facts to back your statements up, but I don't expect an intelligent or productive conversation with a cult member. Your orange god won't win this election, I promise you.
What do trump voters consume? Where do you get your news again?
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I like my candidates to know how to read.
If we are playing this game of modern reality I would much rather have kamala's team over trumps. You never know though. He did get voted in once already so we will see.
You mean 7 NPC's???? You said tranied not raised....
Big difference.
The same people who call religion “brainwashing”. What a lark.
Yep, also the same people with the most mass "pewpew" incidents ironically
The statistics and records show literally the opposite of your claim, but I guess you Looney Tunes thrive on fabricating your own fantasyland, don'tcha?
Lol bro look it up on, all you are saying is "blah,blah,blah" right now, you live in between the Nile and Denial.
Granted Yuri Bezmenov warend about people like you so im not suprised of your NPC behavior.
Imagine my complete and utter SHOCK when I see a rando on reddit spreading russian propaganda tell me to reference a known KGB propagandist as a trustworthy source. You seriously cannot write this shit to be any funnier lol
Lol yes a guy who morrally defected from the kgb and a good life in that system and warned us of what exactly whats going on, with exactly what type of people are being produced from a system.
"You will not do anything until the boots are your neck, but by that time it will be too late" even if i point you facts you will deny it, because you are programmed to think.
Thus you are an NPC
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What else is he known for? Oh golly gee, look at that, far-right wing conspiracy channels and organizations. Oh look! Hes often used in covid conspiracy theories and anti-vaxx movements! Soooo.....A KGB propagandist who pushed christo-fascist ideas, was a far-right shill, and is often used by the exact same kind of cartoon characters as you to push their laughably braindead beliefs? So your source is a 1950s MTG?
Christo-fasist ideas..... so Abraham Lincoln being a republican and putting into the constitution the 13,14 and 15th amendments is extremist and Christo-fasist.... what about my body my choice? The same applies for vaccination too.....
Unless you are a communist....
Im saing things needed for a United States Citizenship entry, I also know that the Democrats were the south during the civil war and formed the kkk and the Jim Crow laws.
Yes you are indoctrinated, you are an NPC.
Define Communism real fast. Like the actual definition. Hint: It is not "a person who doesn't blindly agree with me and my decades outdated ideas"
I lived communism, it where you cant have a political opinion and you don't own anything, where if you say anything negative about the system you dissappear like my brother Ignacio. Where people and neighbors turn you in because they cant feed thier families to the government.
Where you are surrounded by death and disappear the next day and you have to escape because they are finding dicenters.
You have misguided ideals, you dont know how good you have it.
You going to define Communism or are you just going to keep repeating far-right anecdotes like you've been trained to do? Go ahead. Waiting
Dios mio, mi hermano Ignacio que descanse en paz, did you read what i said before?
Problem being is that what you are describing is what happening under a dictator, a tyrant, a king, etc etc. You have been trained, however, to label all of those things as "communist" or "socialist" or "woke" as if any of those things are even in the same boat, much less mean the same thing. You are sat here calling people NPC all the while anyone reading can see that you have no idea what you're talking about. An anecdote does not change the definition of a word, no matter how much your feelings want it to
He's not a dictator, tyrant or king, he is a communist leader, just like china.
And emotions? I play games and my friends play games too, its how i learned English, there are npcs in both sides left or right. I have seen both.
Blind loyalty is bad.
Brother, you are still sat here pointing the finger at everyone else when you clearly have no clue. Thay is the issue right now lol.
Blind loyalty? Again with the projection lmao
You are pointing the fingers at, Christans, Republicans ect..... as negative yet they legally stopex slavery here first and banned it, while the world acted the same.
You insult my religion, yet you think you are good You insult me learning your language You insult the memory of my brother as fake talking points You insult the ground of your ancestors
Yet you say you know everything.
I will just block you i will pray for you.
You are rationalizing and generalizing the conversation without seeing the conversation. I pointed at history and you say lies, no conversation only the feeling of wanting to be right.
You are beyond the pale without humanity.
"Communism is an economic ideology that advocates for a classless society in which all property and wealth are communally owned instead of being owned by individuals."
There, I'll just do it for you. What part of its definition falls in line with your stories about where you supposedly grew up (this is the internet and you ARE sat here rattling off far-right talking points, so forgive me for being skeptical)? Or have you simply been mislead / misinformed / lied to about what it is your entire life?
Jesus Christ, yep, this is all shit you heard from Tucker Carlson. What a strange, weird little world you've built for yourself
Whos Tucker Carlson?
Everything said so far has been copy/pasted straight out of Tuckers mouth, word for word, the entire time.
"Who's Tucker Carlson"
Again, I say, conservatives lie as easily as breathing
I will look him up, sorry for not knowing who he is.
Keep reading that history book, sweetheart. You've almost made it to 4th grade civics. Imagine how silly you're going to feel when you debunk your own tired talking point that russian propaganda hasn't shut up about in 8 years. But nah, you're definitely not just a bot
I had to pass my US Citizenship test, i thinl you would fail it, its sad because it 6th grade matireal and apparently a lot of citizens here would fail it from what im seeing.
I escaped cuba. I know what communisam is.
Also whats the 1950s MTG?
Also should point out the broken spelling and the fact that you spout the exact same crap everywhere as all the other Russian bots do. What's the weather like out there right now? Putin have his fist directly up your ass as we speak?
Lol "broken spelling" at least I dont have a broken mind, sure I might have some spelling errors, but you understood. Plus I do rely on word spelling checks since English is not my first language, I have seen communism, and you are acting like it before you notice what you are supporting.
If you are attacking my spelling, it just goes to show you are a person without substance that you rely on being word.exe and I am pretty sure no one cares since [ we are not in English school and you are not my Teacher, also someone professional to use word.exe for my spelling and grammar checks], than attacking my points.
"I have seen communism"
Still talks about communism as if it is a category of person rather than an economic platform. You people lie so damn easily lol
Go to Cuba, it's an ideal that a person holds. What do you mean you people? Racist much??.....
They tha real NPCs
Describe sunday school for 5 year olds real quick
Lmao religion is brainwashing. Like by definition. Thats for being a working example :)
If they were intelligent they would think for themselves
If only you could do the same for yourself.
I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s not intelligence. It’s honestly sad you think that makes you and your poor kids smart. They deserve better than you.
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The emptiest vessel that ever held public office. Nice!
Wow so your family is full of idiots voting for communism.
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Hey there, is what you are doing there called "maga"? Or do those posts come naturally to you?
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You mean 7 people being npc's??? You said trained, not raised, even in my household there are differences in party alligence, but are of good charater .
In your case they are probably going full Republican if you tranied them lol
Just gross.
Thanks for the laugh!
You mean to be good little Marxists
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Good one
Thank you!
Can anyone say one thing about Harris that is a positive based any of her time in office (DA, Attorney General, Senator, or as VP). Just curious why you like her besides the fact that she is not Trump.
She's not a Nazi.
I’m a pro life Catholic
I’m voting Harris
That should tell you everything you need to know about Trump
Vote for whoever you want. That's your right and you should absolutely take advantage of it.
But why lie? To get some fake internet validation?
Who is lying?
You. Someone that would willingly identify themselves as part of the pro life movement and a practicing catholic wouldn't be able to morally align themselves, in even the slightest way, with Harris.
Trumps a half brained baboon with two left hands but he still did more for your supposed "pro-life" agenda than any president in modern history.
I'm personally ambivalent about abortion. Definitely doesn't make the list for policy positions that are important to me.. But you've clearly stated that abortion is against your view and you think it's murder, yet you say you would vote for the party that wants to "undo all the progress " your little evangelical movement has made?.
If anyone believes you for half a second they should not be on the internet because they'll obviously believe anything
I understand where you’re coming from, but hear me out for a moment
Abortion is generally immoral, and should be avoided in 99% of circumstances
The Supreme Court is republican heavy and would never agree on any issue that would reverse the current ruling on abortion and states rights
The president doesn’t have authority to make changes to law like abortion, only to veto or sign bills or wait for court rulings
Trump is a danger to democracy, and the threat he poses is higher than one can possibly imagine
All of this adds up to mean- pro choice sentiments won’t result in any changes in the law, Trump is insane and shouldn’t ever be given power over anything again, and therefore it’s morally acceptable to be pro life and vote for Harris
Also, the Catholic Church and Pope have both admitted that one doesn’t have to vote for a pro life candidate in all circumstances to be “pro life” themselves a
Trump, and the Republicans are a danger to democracy? Aren't they the party that actually had an open primary process? Because I could've sworn that kamala harris didn't receive a single primary vote from a single citizen in any state this democrat primary cycle? And didn't the dems fight and sue to keep RFK, Jill Stein, and brother Cornell West off ballots around the nation?
Well they changed their mind on rfk once he wanted to withdraw his name from ballots after tossing in with Trump.
Funny how that works. Almost like they don't want you to have choice. Ya know. Democracy?
When LBJ took office, do you think the democrats rigged the system? Or is it just how the system works that vice president is next in line in case of death, resignation, etc. also Biden is simply not running again, and most Dems agreed Kamala was next in line- but technically anyone could run against her if they wanted, but most Dems agree it’s more important to back a single candidate and defeat Trump.
Yea buddy you’re gonna need to share some actual sources on those claims you’re making. They fought to keep people off the ballots? Funny, It seems to be the Republicans, scared of zombies voting or something, that keep implementing laws to make it incredibly difficult to vote, whether that be through removing mail in ballots, limiting the early voting time window, decreasing the number of drop boxes etc.
I can’t take you seriously if you truly believe the right hasn’t completely lost their mind under Trump. The man could tell you to go to the capital right now and you’d do it
Oh wait
Now here's where they started fighting to keep him ON ballots when he endorsed Trump and was pulling his name off States ballots. Why would they do this now? All of a sudden fans of democracy? Or did they just want to hurt their main competitor? Use your brain.
You keep going back to pretending I support Trump.
And what was that brain-dead question/accusation about lbj? Yeah buddy I believe they illegally put the vice president in when the president was killed. Yup. That's what I believe 🙄😂
You are what you hate, only on the opposite side of the fence. It's hilarious. It's just sad you're so unaware of your empty talking points and complete lack of information. You really didn't know they fought to keep multiple candidates off the ballots?
There's no way you didn't know they didn't hold an open primary when the majority of registered dems were calling for an open primary.
The Republicans are garbage too in so many ways, but in this cycle? They're the only party of the duopoly to actually carry out our democratic norms and run a primary of potential nominees
“The latest legal challenge against Kennedy comes from election lawyer Scott Salmon, a Democrat not affiliated with any outside group, who wants to keep Kennedy off the New Jersey ballot under the state’s “sore loser law,” which prohibits candidates from mounting an independent run after a failed bid for a major party nomination. The statute says that among those banned would be candidates who have been “a member of a political party at any time after the immediately preceding primary election for the general election,” or who “unsuccessfully sought the nomination of a political party to such position in the primary election.”
Kennedy decided to run as an independent last October, dropping his Democratic primary bid.”
In the articles you shared. These specific states have laws on the books which literally bar former republican or democratic candidates who failed their primary nomination bids and then immediately jumped to independent ticket. It’s also important to note that republicans were trying to get Harris removed from South Dakota for dubious reasons like “hasn’t been the nominee for longer than x months” or some bs I have to find the exact article but feel free to google it yourself too and save time
I'll wait on your reply to this one. Ought to be good. Or are CNN and CBS not good enough sources?
And you comparing the swearing in of LBJ after the assassination of the sitting president to - Biden, who got the primary votes from actual citizens of the states, being forced to step down at the END of his term and his vp being anointed because she (and this is from her staffers) was gonna make such a stink about it if they passed over her.... the fact you think those situations are remotely similar tells me you aren't able to make an educated vote based upon fact instead of emotions
Actually, the president can make all abortions available at all military bases, solely on their authority.
Also, if harris wins, dems will likely pick up seats in house and even flipping 1 or 2 senate seats would be a disaster for your single voting issue.
They could add justices to the supreme court. It hasn't always been 9 and there's nothing that says there can't be more.
I think you must be upset and not thinking clearly to go from the guy that got the evangelicals what they've dreamt of for decades to the exact opposite, a California liberal, just because they're being politically savvy and meeting Americans where most Americans are.
All the referendums and state votes on abortion access, even in states like Kansas, when left to the people of that state they say they want abortion.
This is politics.
But I know the pro life wing is accustomed to being catered to by republican lawmakers. Suck it up buttercup. Now you know how almost every other special interest group feels when they are eventually sold out
So to be clear, you’re totally fine with a want to be authoritarian who denies election results and wants to imprison his political opponents?
Nice straw man, please show me where I said anything about supporting Trump? I've voted in presidential races twice in my life ('08 & '20), and neither were republican. Obama in 08 and, in 2020, the 1 out of the 3 major candidates not accused of SA. I'll give you a hint, it was a woman.
I mean that’s great and all, but there are two choices in this election. If you aren’t voting for Harris, you’re effectively voting for Trump. Same goes for the other way around too. Saying “I don’t support Trump!” Is meaningless when you don’t have the backbone to support one candidate over the other especially in an election like this one where the choice is a female with a funny laugh and some (though not many) far left economic views, and the other is a man who literally denies election results and has been recorded saying over and over again that he’d try to imprison his political opponents on day one.
Like this isn’t exactly a difficult choice
There's more than 2 choices in every election. 3 parties have 50 state ballot access. Green has around 21 this year i think.
Regardless, just because I don't like Trump doesn't mean I can in good conscious cast a vote to say THAT lady should be president.
I'm a conservative and have been voting a mostly democratic ticket since Trump was elected to represent my party. I can't believe i have to do this to ensure our Republic stands.
If tRump was still a Democrat, I would definitely vote Republican. I didn’t like him as a Democrat as I thought he was a whiney, pompous, arrogant asshole. And he has done nothing to change my mind.
The problem is, that Whiney, populous, arrogant asshole was a surprisingly effective president who kept us out of war. He was so bad that Biden kept his tariffs in place and recently implemented his policy on the border (remember Trump was racist for doing it?) once it became apparent that the border would be a major issue.
Remember how he allowed the government to control women’s bodies, tried to steal an election and championed a mob to stop the certification? Remember that?
Why do so many people misunderstand how Roe V Wade worked.... He took power AWAY from the federal government and gave it over to the states to make their own decision on the matter. When states are allowed to make decisions like this, it both ensures that the needs of the people in that particular area are met better than having some blanket law across the entire US as well as gives we the people options. You want an abortion, go the California, you'll probably fit in better. You against it? Move to Texas. Everyone has a city or state that fits their needs and lifestyle. I couldnt care less about laws in another state. Do as you please over there. It don't matter if you like him or hate him, most ppl can agree that we need to limit the federal government as much as possible and keep them in check. People over party ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
Cool. Do this with healthcare, education, religion, race, and taxes. You know what? Just get rid of the federal government all together. We don't need that "United" bullshite. Every state should be it's own country. Why do we even have a national "President" when all it does is give power to our federal overlords? Such a great idea. Bigly brained.
Take it even further, eliminate the states, eliminate the counties, eliminate the cities. Every person is their own president! Now everyone is as free as they want to be, I’m sure it will be great!
Why do you think that means I don’t understand what it is. Women in every state, in every country around the entire world should have absolute authority over their body. I don’t give a shit what some small minded, magic man worshiping anyone says anywhere. It’s not about fear of a federal government exerting the crushing power of freedom and equality over women. JFC get a clue.
Please explain how he did any of those things with verifiable proof.
So it is his fault that your state does not believe in abortion? Again, how was the unemployment rate for minorities? How many wars were we in? How many billions in military equipment did Trump leave to terrorists? Like him or hate him, he was an extremely effective president.
We’re still not at war. And when we were at war under Trump he sure loved drone striking Syrians.
You don’t believe we have American military in Ukraine right now?
Is this Kamala?! I know you didn’t know that we had troops in Syria and Iraq but you don’t have to argue on Reddit!
We have troops in Japan. Does that mean we’re at war with Japan? Jesus christ, at least try to use your two brain cells.
It is you Kamala!! Explain cloud computing again!
You okay man?
He was so effective that we had the largest number of COVID deaths that could have been avoided. What a great leader..😔😬
Except 400,000 covid deaths were attribute to Trump while he had 600,000+ under Biden. So yeah, not so much. Now compare covid deaths in the United States to Haiti where they had no masks and no vaccines.
It is 4 years later and you still haven’t figured out that you fell for the propaganda and panic.
I don’t get this stance. I am not a republican or a democrat, or any other. I am an American who wants the most qualified people possible to be elected to the positions they are most qualified to fill. No matter what race, background, personality, religious beliefs, weather I like them or not ect. The most qualified people period. So you are saying If you don’t like someone but they are the most qualified to fill the position. you are going to vote for the other much less qualified, person that could potentially greatly harm our country. Why vote at all? To me it seems like a vote to harm your fellow Americans if you do that. Harm everyone just because you don’t like someone, doesn’t make sense to me…
Also Trump has arguably the smartest man on the planet endorsing him and is going to have a seat in his administration if Trump is elected. That to me says a lot. Watch all of Trumps interviews from late 80’s to present. The man has said the same things over and over, and never changed his beliefs. That is a person who is real! Everyone who say they hate him now were asking him to run for president back then. He didn’t want to unless he thought he had to to save our country.
The smartest man on the planet? Who?
Elon Musk
I apologize. I should’ve said one of the smartest, if not the smartest. He seems to truly want the best for humanity as a whole. Which isn’t a bad thing. he definitely ain’t close to the dumbest person with an IQ of 150-160. Or is that not considered a genius in your book?
Having money doesn't make you intelligent. The dumbo overpaid for Twitter, and then nosedived it into the ground because he didn't know how to manage it.
He has the emotional and social intelligence of a toddler, and he's pouring millions of dollars into the presidential campaign of a guy who's platforming against his flagship company and directly supports the industry that has been suppressing his for the past 200 years.
Same here. If trump or an ex leader like trump was democrat, I would vote republican. Country over party. Too bad we have a lot of MAGA ding dongs that don't know the difference
I miss having polite political debates with people that disagree with me on things. You seem the type that would absolutely politely debate. Since Obama's second term it has become extremely tribalistic in terms of politics. It got worse in 2016 and after 2020 it's almost impossible to have that conversation.
According to my former party, I'm a RINO. I can only hope that people like Liz Cheney start another party to compete with the MAGA GOP. Part of my movement is also the extreme anti abortion stance. Women are dying or at risk of serious complications, and the GOP doesn't care at all. Their black and white thinking is terrifying.
Except Trump has said that abortion in case of rape, incest, and harm to the mother is perfectly fine. It is also a states rights issue but I guess it is easier to blame orange man than your neighbors.
I would like to add that technically speaking, once the woman's life is in danger, it's no longer considered an "abortion" but rather a life saving procedure. That being said, aborting a baby because of danger to the mother was never illegal. All those ads on TV about Trump not caring about these women's lives are all propaganda... There's a difference. Aborting a baby just because you don't want it is considered an "abortion" and illegal in SOME states who decided to ban it. Trump basically said it's not the federal government's business or place and took away their power to make it legal or illegal. It's the states choice and either way it goes, This is literally the opposite of tyranny.
No. Trump took the decision out of women's hands by allowing it to be made illegal. Roe vs. Wade prevented States from overstepping their bounds. Now, states can overwrite other states rights according to residency. Now, if a woman needs a life-saving procedure, she has to uproot her entire life and monetarily be able to afford to move to another state and gain residency there. Thats not how the UNITED States is supposed to work.
You don’t have to uproot your life, you just have to travel to another state. No state is overwriting the rights of another state. Roe v. Wade was a poorly written decision that protected the right to an abortion federally. Again, if you live in a state that voted to not allow abortions that is on you. I choose to live in a state that opposes my view on abortion bc I like the state. It is your choice, not some orange man’s.
Incorrect. Texas, Alabama, and many other states already have laws on the board now for banning travel to other states for abortion access. It is illegal for a Texas resident to travel, or aid someone else in travel to a different state for abortion access.
If you need an abortion, regardless of safety or medical urgency, you can not be a texas resident. And that is DIRECTLY a result of Trump abolishing federal Roe vs Wade protections.
That is complete BS. There are no state laws in Texas banning out of state travel for an abortion. Once again, you buy the BS propaganda. If they ever put laws like that on the books, they would be struck down bc they’re unconstitutional. Use your brain and stop trusting the propaganda.
I suggest you do more research on Ken Paxton and travel bans. And no. Its not unconstitutional. Its a loophole that the supreme courts turn a blind eye to. And its much easier exploited now that the federal protections against it have been abolished.
I suggest you actually look at the penal code. Paxton talking about stuff does not = law in place. Banning travel between states (which would be impossible to enforce anyways) would not hold up on appeal. AGAIN, stop being such an easy mark for propaganda!
Sure: Attorney General Paxton demanding out of state medical records for women suspected of traveling across state lines to get an abortion probably has nothing to do with the government prosecuting women for crossing state lines to have an abortion. Extraterritoriality policies are just a myth. They also never come up in gender affirming care bans or marijuana legality. Im glad your bigly brain is here to clear up the facts.
Is it in the penal code or not? An idiot AG filing a suit that he will lose so he can score political points IS NOT LAW. It does not take a “bigly brain” to recognize when a political party is attempting to foment panic in order to gain votes.
You mean like what the Trump Party is doing with trans people and abortion access?
Is it a law or not?
It doesn't matter if it's still being enacted anyway. 🙃
So it’s not a law and it will never be a law, BUT bc an idiot mentions it then we should be afraid of it?
No. You should be afraid because the idiot is doing it regardless if it's a law or not.
He cannot violate HIPAA just bc he wants to. He cannot violate the constitution.
Except he already is. So .. 🤷🏼♀️
Give me an example of a medical record he received from someone who got an abortion out of state
"orange man" is the one who stupidly put the decision in your stupid neighbor's hands instead of just amending the laws that were already in place.
So you think your opinion should be the law instead of the will of the people? Sounds rather tyrannical
The "will of the people" was 72% in favor of leaving Roe vs. Wade the exact same way it had been for 50+ years. (Thats what actual "conservative" politics are, btw). It was fine exactly how it was.
The only people who complained about it were extreme religious wackjobs who wanted total bans. And Trump played into them, because they are his most vocal (and easiest) targets. And now its hilarious to watch him try to crawfish and backtrack himself out of it and point fingers at the states.
Trump is a moderate who gives no F’s about abortion. That is reality.
I guess 72% of the people needs to make it to the polls in all the states so this can be fixed right? Do 72% of the states allow abortion? Why don’t the pro choice people go to the polls?
Trump is not a moderate or a conservative. He's a radical. Every single one of his campaign hooks have been about change and uprooting the system. "Drain the Swamp", remember? His most vocal fanbase is religious fanatics, alt-right militia groups, and minority-fearing conspiracy theorists. And he caters to them because they are easily grifted. The majority of Republicans are only voting for him because he's wearing a red tie and they've been conditioned to believe that:
RedTie = "Makes you Rich" BlueTie = "Minorities and taxes"
And in case you missed it, pro-choice people DID go to the polls. Trump lost the 2020 election, and they put an actual moderate, nothing!burger president in his place.
They elected a dementia addled moron bc they were convinced despite all the evidence to the contrary, the country was in a bad place. Now we are much worse off. Those fanatics, militia, racists (who btw voted for Biden bc they were not happy with Trump not pushing their agenda) make up less than 1% of America. You are a product of all the fear mongering and propaganda coming from the left. Look at what Trump actually did while in office. Why were we better off 4 years ago than we are now?
They obviously did not go to the polls or none of the states would have laws against abortions.
Trump is a moderate that the media has made you fear despite his actions proving otherwise.
Trump is an 80 year old grifter who suggested drinking bleach might cure covid and surrounds himself with idiots who think the Democrats summon hurricanes.
We are where we are right now because of a viral pandemic that effected the global economy (which Trump bungled in the States) and because "fiscal" Republicans still believe the trickle-down economics lie, and have let mega corporations monopolize our economy unchecked. Look at the money. America isn't struggling. The middle and working class are. The rich are thriving. Largely due to the billions of dollars worth of bailouts Trump gave them that put the rest of us further into the national debt.
Trump is a serial grifter and legacy bankruptcy artist who's entire being revolves around riling people up with empty promises, fear porn, and entertainingly contrarian rhetoric. The most effective thing he's done is convince a self-imposed disenfranchised populace that he's their savior.
So will you admit that the Democrats attempted to weaponize the pandemic in order to use mail in ballots?
Do you think Democrat states (particularly Democrat cities) insisting on prolonged lockdowns negatively influenced the mental health of American citizens?
Let’s say Trump is the worst person ever, the question still remains why was the country in a much better place while he was in office? Why was unemployment down? Why was inflation down? If he’s such a racist, why was unemployment for minorities down? Why were we not involved in wars?
It is entertaining to see Democrats who advocated for shutting the world down and to keep it shut down forever, blaming all of the negative issues on the shutdowns.
No. Because they didn't. You're the one politicizing the pandemic.
And the country was in a much better place before the pandemic (for Trump's first two years in office) because he wasn't doing anything, and he let the previous administration's upswing continue on trend. If he HAD done even half of the things he said he was going to do (abolish helathcare, build a trillion dollar boarder wall, pull us out of our global alliances, etc...) we would be SEVERELY worse than we are now.
Our economic problems aren't even related to unemployment. Again, our inflation issues are a direct result of corporate greed and GLOBAL fallout from the pandemic that had nothing to do with what restaurant Karen was forced to wear a mask in.
So, why did the corporations all of a sudden become greedy under Biden/Harris? Why weren’t they gouging prices on food while Trump was in office?
Why have the profits of the all the food stores remained constant if they’re gouging?
Prices haven't remained constant. They're much higher than they were before, thats what inflation is.
And they DID start gouging prices during Trump's presidency. They just had Covid as a scapegoat to "justify" it back then. But the US doesn't have a food shortage now. We don't have a lack of supply and the housing crisis isn't because there aren't enough houses. It's greed and corruption, and the people who allow it to continue.
So the price of gas under Biden is a dollar more than it was under Trump bc oil companies gouged under Trump (compare prices before covid)?
If the food stores are gouging, why aren’t their PROFITS increasing?
How do you literally not understand economics? Why didn’t all these greedy corporations gouge before the pandemic? Why did (according to you) they become greedy during the end of the Trump presidency and just keep it up?
"Food stores" have reported record-breaking profits and increased CEO pay.
And the gas prices under Trump's administration were not at $1.98 a gallon. (One dollar cheaper than where its currently sitting between $2.98 and $3.15 in my state.) gas prices have stayed pretty stagnant and consistent for the past 15 years, spiking mostly after the BP oil spill (where it raised up to being between $5 and $6 a gallon, and again during the pandemic where it jumped up to about $4. Gas hasn't been consistently under $2 a gallon since the 90's.
How are YOU still stuck on the lies of Reagan-era trickle-down, when it's been gradually digging the country deeper into a hole for the past 40 years?
Average gallon of gas in America before the pandemic was $2.68 per gallon. Average gallon of gas today is over $3.20. It was $5 per gallon in 2022 (Trump predicted this would happen under Biden). Again, why didn’t they get greedy and gouge under Trump?
Profit margin for Kroger was 1.85% before the pandemic and 1.44% last year. For Walmart the profit on food went from 1.97% before the pandemic to 1.6% last year. They’re literally making less money while you’re claiming they are gouging and their greed is causing prices to go up. So we are all spending more on food while the “greedy” corporations are making less. Are you starting to figure it out yet?
I just wanted to say that I think the Cheney's could be dangerous if involved in any national security decisions, and I'm a little concerned about the current administration also. I'm not sure if it's true; but I heard that while vice president , that Dick Cheney facilitated the war in Iraq so that he could reap profits from Haliburton and defense contractors. As an aside, I read that Julian assange was jailed because he published some emails showing how Hillary Clinton planned to sell the war in Iraq, to the American people as a humanitarian cause . Ever since then, I've not trusted Cheney. I voted for Obama twice, but after he did all those missile strikes on those poor people in Syria back in 2015, it really Startled me because I also heard he targeted American citizens for drone strikes, without getting authorization. I also didn't think it was a good idea for President Biden to telegraph the impending sabotage of the NordStream 2 pipeline. It just seemed like it might hurt the German economy. All that, and also apparently some lady named Victoria Nuland (who worked for the state department under President Obama)...I heard that her actions led to regime change in Ukraine. Anyway, I don't know about Cheney and these other war mongers buy I don't think they are the answer. I could be wrong though, all just stuff I've read that sounded accurate.
Liz Cheney is very different from her father, your statements about him are generally understood as correct, but don't bear on Liz at all. 10 years ago I'd have had the same fear though guilt by association, but she is very much not him. Not saying to support her, do your own research, but I'd much rather see her than cheeto-in-chief on the GOP ballot.
Thanks for that. I need to do a deep dive into some foreign policy, apparently.
rest assured, the Democrat ticket is more in line with 80s Republicans than it is with mid century liberalism
Exactly why I'm writing I'm Bernie Sanders. Reagan fucked the average american
Doing a write in when Bernie explicitly came out in support of Harris is insanity and is no better than throwing your vote away. I hope you're atleast voting for Allred, otherwise, why participate at all?
The audacity to claim a vote is thrown away when I refuse to vote for a candidate that supports genocide. Get off your high horse
united tie voting for a top 2 candidate it absolutely is a waste bc yk he's not even a possibility you might as well just not vote it has the same affect
Yeah, being told not to vote is real democratic
The electoral college isn't democratic lol
who said i'm a democrat? you're voting for sundering who isn't running and will not win what's the point? just to say you voted? 😂
I did t say you were a Democrat I said it was real democratic, as in know......the process?
oh i misread that part but genuinely what's the point
So my choices are the Republican candidate or the Democrat candidate is what you are saying? No wonder no one running under a 3rd party "stands a chance" according to you guys. I'd rather "waste my vote" than vote against my morals.
they wont bc of votes arent counted individually the electoral college will majority split trump & kamala even if he got 1 major state it doesn't compare hence why it's wasted. no one wants either of them but it is the 2 who's policy's are more geared towards what you believe is the real question. every politician i guarantee us against your morals they don't get there being squeaky clean but that's is your opinion.
You just not know how a two party system works. The “that will show them!” Attitude shows no one. You might as well vote for Trump.
Yeah I'm pretty sure the GOP doesn't recover from this, at least not for a long time.
I would love an alternative party of rational people who don't want a dictator, don't believe in conspiracy theories, and who do believe in science.
Except that questioning is the very basis of science. And the people who questioned the Covid mandates were correct but were criticized and ostracized.
Authoritarianism, conspiracy theories, and hatred are all the GOP has at this rate. Greg Abbott said he wants to mandate that schools break federal discrimination laws by banning LGBTQ people from being teachers, if you want to know where the party's priorities are at.
I know who they are, which is why I'm voting for democrats for the foreseeable future.
He was in office for 4 years and what happened to our country? How was the economy? How was unemployment for minorities? How was inflation? How many wars were we in? How many billions of dollars of military equipment did he leave for terrorists? The pompous narcissist has a better record as the president than the last two Democrat presidents do.
Keep voting democratic and we lose our republic. Ignorance will rule in America.
Trump is ignorant. He's a fool. He's a tool. He's cruel, and angry, and mafia-like. He holds no Christian values whatsoever. He's the most disgusting, dangerous human right now because he has no morals and doesn't care about anyone but himself. Don't talk nonsense to me. He's disgusting and does not represent conservative values in any way, shape, or form.
Same. 2016 is when it all turned for me. Both candidates in 2016 were bad so I didn’t vote for either. 2020 was no brainer for Biden. 2024 is another no brainer for Harris. How the Republican Party has turned into the party of far right extremists is sad.
Add that people like Cruz, Greene, Gaetz, Cotton, and Boebert have become the Republican face Congress and the house is sickening.
I desperately miss Kay Bailey Hutchinson and those like her.
Man it sucks that people hardly even know what a democrat or a republican or even a liberal are. I guess people have the closest idea of liberals lmao but all parties have really been reduced to characatures over the real values they're supposed to represent. A consequence of constant propaganda and mongering, on both sides. It's gotten really bad the past few years though. I just desperately want someone in office who can make the world feel normal again
I have to disagree. The fear mongering comes from one side, which has to put the other side on offense because of the ridiculous lies and dangerous consequences that come with it. Once MAGA is gone, it will get back to normal
Same here. I would have asked to be lobotomized before voting Democrat in 2015. Trump really improved my critical thinking skills and ability to self assess.
I told my father in law I’m refraining from voting until the GOP pulls their head from their own ass. He thinks I should hold my nose and vote R anyways. There is zero caveat to a vote and a GOP win doesn’t send a message to deliver better candidates. Fuck em. I’d rather have a D win so R’s can rethink why they let Trump hijack the party.
"A GOP win doesn't send a message to deliver a better candidate" WHY IS THIS CONCEPT NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO GRASP FOR SO MANY??
From a dyed-in-the-wool liberal - I respect this a lot. I bet we could have some really interesting conversation.
I... I don't get it. You're advocating for abortion ?
Country over party 👍
Country? The one that’s been run into the ground for almost the last four years?
You had me for all of the first word. The amerikkkan empire needs to fall. It's already tearing at the seams.
And it's certainly never been a democracy. I'm voting for Harris cuz I'm trans and she won't fuck up my medical shit on day one. She doesn't want me dead as quickly. And she's not trump. That's it. She's still a fucking pig, she's still vying to be the leader of a fascist empire. She's pure evil too, just in a different way and Id rather have to oppose her state than trump's state.
Other than that the only real reason I vote, as an anarchist, is to get libs to leave me the fuck alone about it.
It certainly won't change anything, just a little harm reduction.
Run into the ground? Quit being a sheep. Low unemployment, inflation going down, interest rates going down, market at all time high which means retirement account at ATH. Where do I sign up for this hell scape?
“Going down”
Buddy, when inflation went up 20% under this administration and proceeds to drop 1% over a couple years that’s not a trend like you want to flex on.
There is no reality where the majority of Americans are feeling economic stability right now. Your statement is so ignorant of the price of living I have to wonder if you’re being supported by someone else.
Do you know what started in April of 2020 and ended May 2022? Trump agreed with OPEC to cut oil production by 10% for 2 years! Not a couple months, 2 years! That deal ended May 2022. What happened to inflation from April 2020 to May 2022? I’m sure you think it’s a coincidence that global and us inflation just magically went up until May 2022 and then just maniacally started to drop from that point forward.
I hate to tell you but the economy is roaring, you just don’t like facts.
“Roaring” 🫵🏼😂
Sure thing bud. Thats what you got huh? OPEC and trump are responsible for the economy going in the shitter?
Funny because he had it locked in for 3 years and the entire country was in agreement despite hating trump for other reasons.
You assert that oil production was cut by Trump huh? Thats funny, because gas down here in Texas was 1.80$ a gallon and you know that damn well don’t you?
Biden/Harris cut ties with every fossil fuel industry and promised to go “green energy” on top of halting the pipeline and rejecting ALL new leases on oil drilling as well as fracking.
It’s been 4 years and the lowest these clowns have gotten our gas prices down to is 2.50$ while it’s 4 or 5 something in blue states. Which I’m sure you’d love to vote in for us to deal with here huh?
You’re a dependent, that’s the only explanation for why you’re out here convinced that we’re all doing great and Americas economy is “roaring”
Bro it’s barely whimpering. Have you seen real estate prices? Have you seen mortgage rates? Have you seen the price of rent, utilities, groceries, fucking healthcare all of it you twat there’s no fucking way you support yourself and think this shit is ok.
Lmao. Oil tankers were sitting with no where to upload their oil and one month oil was priced negatively because literally nobody was driving. But sometime you want to attribute those gas prices to Trump? Lmfao what a sheep.
Oh the tankers were sitting offshore from 2016-2019 huh? All 4 years we had negative oil prices?
I love how you put on 2019 blinders as though that was the only year that we have statistics for 😂 As you say, COVID was the issue then right? What about the previous 3 years in comparison to Biden/Harris?
Convenient you keep forgetting huge periods of time that don’t suit your narrative
Lmfao. Average gas prices by year:
2019 - $2.60 2018 - $2.74 2017 - $2.23
Try a basic Google search next time.
Oh don’t stop there keep going:
2021 - $3.02
2022 - $3.95
2023 - $3.53
2024 - $3.38
See a difference here, genius?
So u agree the deal he signed that dropped production in 21&22 was the cause since you showed how prices spiked. Thanks for that.
Where is the $1.80 you were bragging about?
Texas all grades conventional:
2016 1.785
2017 2.235
2018 2.409
2019 1.969
You can pretend that Trump is responsible for today’s prices, but these are the prices he had as president. And before you even say it, Obama’s rates were much worse than Trumps as well. You have no leg to stand on here and once again it shows you are a DEPENDENT
I didn’t vote for Obama.
I’m not a sheep and just vote straight ticket. I voted R up until 2016. 2016 was a disaster for candidates and I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton. 2020 voted Biden because Trump is basically a piece of shit who only cares about himself and his millionaire friends. 2024 only voting for Harris because agin Trump has zero redeeming qualities as a person. He literally today said he wants to get rid of taxing US citizens who move overseas. Gee, I wonder if that helps the blue collar guy? Of course not, his rich buddies who leave want it. Take the blinders off, he literally said he would avoid overtime pay. How does that help people like us? It doesn’t, he protects his corporate CEO buddies and that’s it.
You have such a wildly limited understanding of how our economy works and it shows like a neon light.
Idgaf. I’m not voting for him to come to my house and play cards, I’m trying not to lose everything worked my ass off my entire life for.
The fact he wants to stop taxing people who leave the country is a negative thing to you huh? Well isn’t that precious, so you think it’s ok for Americans that want to live somewhere else to be taxed even when they don’t live here anymore?
There are more people in this world than “trumps billionaire friends” you jagoff, just because he comes out with an idea to help people doesn’t automatically make it useless to the rest of the population. How many billionaires have moved out of America? Do you even know? Why should the federal government be able to tax people that DONT EVEN LIVE HERE?
God you leftists are so EASY to manipulate. He didn’t say he would “avoid overtime” for the entire country smooth brain, he said he would reduce the government spending on overtime hours for UNION workers that are cashing gigantic checks courtesy of the American taxpayer via democrats handing them sweet backrooms deals for their vote.
How does that help blue collar Americans exactly? If you’re not in a union what do you get? I’ll tell you, NOTHING.
You’re absolutely twisted up with propaganda kid, it’s pathetic
Lol le me guess you also like his tariffs right? The tariffs that crashed the economy? Very Smoot-Hawley of him
Oh you mean the tariffs that Biden/Harris never got rid of and actually INCREASED this year?
Lmao yall really need to stop getting your economic information from Reddit and TikTok, you have no clue what’s going on in this country. This is embarrassing for you, how did you not know about this?
Except there are quite a lot of differences in the actual tariffs
"But there are differences. The Trump administration slapped tariffs on a wide range of goods, using a wide range of justifications, said Mary Lovely at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
“Sometimes they were justified as a way to reduce the bilateral trade deficit. At other times it was retaliation for China’s unfair trade practices,” she said.
Trump also targeted Canada, Europe and other American allies. But Biden’s tariffs on Chinese imports are much more narrowly tailored — specifically toward the industries the administration’s been trying to promote with other legislation.
Latest Stories on Marketplace What a mostly flat PPI can tell us about where the economy is Why did a lithium firm sell for billions when the metal’s price is falling? How Harris, Trump plans compare on the national debt, and why you should care “The work that was done through the Inflation Reduction Act to support U.S. electric vehicle manufacturing, batteries, critical minerals,” Lovely said.
Biden’s tariffs might be more targeted, but they’re also a lot higher. Rachel Brewster, a professor at Duke Law School, said the Trump administration set tariffs in the 10% to 25% range.
“What they were trying to do is say to the Chinese government, ‘We’re flexing our muscles. We’re hurting you. And so you need to talk to us,’” Brewster said."
Again, Biden RAISED the trump tariffs. So if the tariffs are the reason the economy is in shambles (total bullshit but let’s just assume for the sake of argument) why is Biden increasing them instead of getting rid of them?
You can’t seriously be sitting here implying that the large swath of trumps tariffs that are still in place are good while the few that Biden did away with were so bad that they “collapsed our economy”
You can’t be that dense, you simply can’t.
If you and your wife can’t afford to buy a house with an income of 160-200k combined you don’t know how to manage money. But somehow I’m the one who domestic understand the economy. I work with 25 year olds making less who have purchased a house. Take a managing money course or something. It’s not complicated.
Lol and they call us sheep. “Duuhhhhh Biden said economy good duhhhhhh”.
Inflation as of today is at 2.4% which falls within the range typically targeted by the Federal Reserve. Unemployment is at record lows. Job creation is robust. The stock market is posting record highs. The economy, by all metrics, is in good shape especially considering COVID.
Is any of this untrue? Would Trump’s plan to implement a 10-20% tariff on all imports seriously benefit the economy?
The echo chamber in this sub is unbelievable, there is no way even a sliver of Dallas agrees with these clowns.
These are the same people hijacking the r/Texas and r/Houston subs and half of them don’t even live in the state. The other half I’m not even sure are human anymore, just a bunch of burner accounts and copy pasted responses
Speaking of sheep.
What part of that isn’t true?
That is a bot account. Probably Russian or Maga. Actually, not really a difference nowadays.
AlMoSt tHe lAsT FoUr yEaRs?
Hell, we have been running this country into the ground since 1776, and by we, I mostly mean males of european descent.
Wait til you see the Reaganomics.. oh let me guess you think it was great
Just goes to show you how desperate lefty’s are when they astroturf all of the Texas subs and pretend that this state is desperate for blue 😂
Except democrats never learn, Colin Allred is just another Beto in every way. Same way Beto promised to confiscate guns Allred came out and declared that he would “tear up the second amendment” if he could and that’s a “no brainer”.
It’s amazing to me they think Texans want to be disarmed.
What exactly is it that democrats do? Cash handouts to illegal immigrants, abortion, weed, and extremely expensive social programs that keep people hooked on meager benefits until they die.
Not to mention every blue state with major cities is in the top ten most expensive states to live in the country right now. Go on though, “vote blue no matter who” and experience masochism like never before
Way longer than that. Both parties have contributed
Boy I wish all the partisans realized this
I hope someday I am given the opportunity to responsibility demonstrate this value
That tells me that you’re weak and a sellout to your own faith.
The Catholic Church teaches that all life is valuable. There are cases where abortion can save the life of one, rather than allow both to die- this should be kept legal. 99.99% of abortions shouldn’t occur and I don’t support them.
However, the danger that Trump poses is far too great to justify ever voting for him. He is a full blown narcissist wanna be authoritarian who won’t give up power again if given the chance.
That’s actually stupid. Vote for the candidate whose running mate supports up to birth abortions and HISTORICALLY hates Catholics? Seriously?
Hahaha what? Biden is Catholic for crying out loud.
Being in name and practicing and adhering to teaching are two very different things
Nice no true scotsman fallacy.
Then your neither pro life or Catholic. You are a worshipper of Moloch and propping up the Antichrist
I'm a Classical Liberal Atheist and I'm voting for Trump
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Any “catholic” that willingly votes for continued child murder is not legitimate
There is no “child” until the umbilical cord is cut.
Sure. Let them starve and get gunned down in school instead.
The GOP isn't pro-life. It's pro-birth.
Most Americans Catholics don't follow you sadly. Maybe I just had horrible experiences with them
No you’re right most Catholics will vote for Trump because they think he is pro life and he is responsible for the whole roe v wade removal
But like, isn’t keeping a country safe from authoritarian rule more important in the long run? Idk, to me preserving foundations of democracy is far more important
Foundation of democracy? You do know we ARENT a democracy right?... We are a Constitutional Republic with a few democratic properties. True democracy is mob rule and dangerous. Democracy means if a room full of misguided or malicious people vote to steal your belongings and kick you out, you're screwed. Our Constitutional Republic takes our voices into account but ensures that those decisions remain within certain parameters. Under a Democracy we could vote to make slavery legal again. Our Constitutional Republic says nope, certain things are not up for vote or debate period. The Democrat party actually adopted the name after successfully using this system to vote whether or not to expand westward and bring slavery out west. They voted yes so they did so. With the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, the Republican party proceeded to go to war with the Confederacy, free the slaves, and fight for civil rights. Republican party held true to the fact that "all men are created equal" meanwhile the Democrat party proceeded to fight against civil rights movements and wouldn't allow non whites to join for decades. They even went as far as putting out hateful propaganda and demonizing the Republicans for allowing non whites into their party. When white ppl started waking up and realizing that racism was wrong, the Democrat party aka the "south" decided they needed to regain their voter base and decided to move their efforts into bigger cities and target minorities by giving away free food stamps and welfare in order to win us over and trick us into voting for them. So voting for something doesn't make it right or wrong. Having a foundation is key and in my opinion, integrity is really hard to find nowadays. Certain things should never be up for discussion or vote period. All a tyrant would have to do is brainwash the people and let the people "decide". True democracy is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
Switzerland has true democracy and it is not “mob rule and dangerous” there. Literally anyone on the street can propose and create new laws with enough support.
What did Trump do during his previous tenure that you considered authoritarian.
Oh idk, maybe deny the results of a democratic election and send a mob of his supporters to riot at the capital?
Denying the results is not authoritarian. Attempting to use the military to stop it would be. The mob was rioting while being was giving his speech. Try not to be such an easy mark for propaganda.
Maybe I am out of line here, but I think Christianity in general, but especially Catholicism, have authoritarian undertones in its tenets.
I think it is just something inherent in worshiping a single all powerful, all knowing being.
Catholics don’t believe in the monarchy anymore lol like overwhelmingly if you ask Catholics they will be in support of democracy and democratic elections
Monarchy is not the only form of authoritarianism.
For example Singapore is technically democratic, but it has a lot of authoritarian laws and ways of governing.
Is Singapore Catholic? Like I just don’t see the correlation like you do
No it's authoritarian.
Catholics have authoritarian tendencies.
A triangle and a square are both polygons. That doesn't mean the triangle is a square.
Catholicism and the government of Singapore are both authoritarian, that doesn't mean Singapore is Catholic
You’re making the claim that Catholics prefer or lean towards being pro authoritarian by nature and you used Singapore as an example. It’s not Catholic. What was your point?
I used singapore as an example of authoritarian ideologies still existing in a democratic process
I disagree with your premise that there’s no difference between being pro authoritarian and pro democratic because it “has nothing to do with how authority is used”.
Inherently, being pro democracy mean being against authoritarian rule in any form, otherwise they wouldn’t be pro democratic elections but divine rule or militaristic coups
So do you believe a democracy with slavery or democracy that participates in genocide is not pro authoritarian?
This is not my premise. My premise is democracy and authority are NOT opposites.
If people voted with a mindset of what’s better for everyone instead what do I think is better for me, Trump might log a couple of confused votes from his bloodline. Might.
Tell me the last country where communism was better for everyone?
Literally all of them till the western sanctions, coups, and embargos start. Literacy, life expectancy, quality of life, amount and quality of doctors, and standard of living all go up.
Then why does everyone from communist countries attempt to flea to capitalist ones? Why are their walls holding people in?
Wow, this pro communist comment got upvotes while the one above it got downvoted…
This sub is absolutely being hijacked. There is no way the city of Dallas is begging for communism 😂 This is just sad
The idiocy is strong on Reddit. It is what it is.
Yeah alright “comrade”
Let’s test your theory, if you actually live in Dallas I’d love to see you walk into any bar or social gathering in the city and make the case for communism.
Record the interaction, prove your commie ideas are popular 🍿
Only an idiot would think we are living under communism.
This is why that hidebound conservative layer of labor votes with capital though. Screw everybody else, what's in it for me and my binky boss.
Should tell me everything I need to know about you.
Do you believe that one has to be against abortion in 100% of circumstances in order to be pro life?
That is what the term means.
To be clear, you are of the opinion that if I’m against abortion in literally every single case other than life of the mother (I.e. 99% of cases I’m pro life) that I’m then considered pro choice?
Note that you can support procedures that result in the death of the fetus, so long as the fetus’s death is an accidental side effect of the action and not the main intent.
We just disagree on the definition of the term then
I mean if you think abortion is murder then you are literally telling me that the media has caused you to hate Trump so much that you are willing to sacrifice the unborn and let those laws become even worse and more mortifying.
Like, if you just stopped reading the same news outlets and algorithms all the time maybe you’d see how duped you’ve been by the billionaires that control everything the MSM says. Maybe then you wouldn’t be living in so much fear that you feel like you’re forced to concede on murdering babies.
Do you believe that Harris has any authority as president to change the current rulings on abortion laws in the US?
Rarely does something change extremely drastically with one decision or president… You are looking at this far too acutely. It’s a slow process of implementing gradual change. And to be honest, that reality may change soon.
Kamala is not going to be president if she wins anyway. It’s pretty clear she has no fucking idea what she is doing, it’s the most obvious political puppet I’ve ever seen that I feel like I am going crazy that more people don’t notice.
I implore you to pray deeply about this and see the greater picture. We are not discussing politics anymore if you want me to be absolutely honest with you. This is about seeing your surroundings and picking up on what is happening. If the democrats win, they may never lose again. That’s why all these illegals are allowed to pour in.
If democrats never lose again… If you think abortion is already barbaric, just let them have the reigns and see what they do with them.
I would rather vote Democrat than let an authoritative narcissistic lunatic like Trump ever have control again.
Like talking to a brick wall. You’re clearly too far gone.
If the Democrats win I really hope you remember how much you wanted this.
You must be smoking something really strong for this room temp take.
Username checks out
And proud of it
Well of course you are, you wouldn’t be arrogant if you weren’t proud to be arrogant
🥱 you got anything good?
I got Baldur’s Gate 3, that’s pretty good
Who hasn't?
Actually, it tells everything we need to know about you. It says nothing about Trump.
Your voting for someone who wants abortion legalized everywhere....It sure says alot about you!
I’m a pro choice Jew and I’m voting Trump… that should tell you all you need to know about Harris/Walz
This pro-choice Jew wouldn't vote for Trump, ever.
Strange way to announce you're either a liar (most likely) or self-hating (possible).
Gay kaken ofn yahm with that.
Not lying, I also think we need gun reform and I am an avid hunter and gun owner. Crazy I know. Feel free to read my reply expressing my standpoint and poke holes in it! Unlike 90% of voters I don’t live in the delusion that everything I personally believe is 100% right.
I’m a pro-choice gun owner & I stand by the second amendment. Dichotomies exist. I just don’t believe the government should be making healthcare decisions for the people, especially because the healthcare system in this country is trash.
If more social support & healthcare was available, abortion would be almost a non-issue.
I honestly agree entirely with this.
Side note: I honestly won’t be voting republican straight down the ballot. That is broken democracy and encouraging it is crazy
I tell people to vote for who aligns with their values. And I always suggest people “zoom out” and not be single issue/party voters. And understanding not just what you preferred candidate can do for you, but what they might do to you & the rest of the country. A bigger take home pay isn’t worth my friends & daughters having their rights diminished or their marriage unrecognized. That type of societal damage has far reaching consequences that we won’t see for several years.
I feel I need to zoom out more often, I consciously have not prioritized that previously because my parents taught me (not claiming this is right) that the interest of my partner and our family are first and foremost. But I do fear for the future of my daughters.
You have daughters and you're voting for Trump despite everything you've listed you don't like about him and agreed with others? Wow. WOW. I wonder how your daughters will feel when they learn their own father put his business and money over them and their health and safety. And he's a freaking predator. I hope no man treats your daughters the way he has treated girls and women before, however that's very unlikely. With men like you clearly not prioritizing his daughters safety over freaking money, I'd fear for their future too.
Absolutely detestable.
That’s a really difficult thing that I grapple with. I don’t know how my daughters will feel about my decisions when they get older but I do know I want to give them the tools and knowledge to be better than I am in in every way possible whatever that means and takes. As I’ve said, I absolutely loathe who Trump is as an individual and everything that he’s said and done to put women down. My only self justification is I’m not voting for Mr./Mrs. America. I’m voting for an economic leader. When I interview someone for a job, I don’t ask them questions about the personal beliefs, viewpoint on politics, race, or anything of that matter, I simply look at their qualifications for why they should be the right person for the job. I try to approach voting for president with the same mindset. That may be wrong but it’s the only way I’ve found to approach politics without losing my mind. On the other hand, I could also argue that I don’t want to teach my daughters that they need to use their sexuality to get ahead in life which one could argue Kamala did early in her career forming sexual relationships with men in power to give herself more opportunity. I want to teach my daughters to stand up for who they are as women, not let any man or woman put them down or see less of them as a human beings. Regarding his personal behavior, I agree that it’s concerning, but I separate that from what I believe is best for the country’s future in terms of job creation, lower taxes, and deregulation. I also believe it’s possible to raise strong, independent daughters who are aware of these issues and can navigate the world confidently, regardless of who is in office. My vote is based on what I think will provide the best opportunities for them long-term, even if I don’t agree with everything about the candidate personally.
These are more reasons why I feel the rest of the ballot is more important than ever to erase party lines and vote according to what aligns with my goals for the future of my daughters.
Russian bot says what
What! 😂 dude it’s r/dallas.. need I say more
Товарищ ты вообще знаешь о чем говоришь?
Иди на х*й
Don't speak your abooga booga language
I don't either (believe everything I believe is always right etc)
I guess what I'm asking here is - what is the draw in choosing someone whom you know doesn't care, and whose actions will work against things you supposedly believe?
Honestly I suppose fear and global exposure. My biggest fear being those whose interests are that of the view the population is slaves to consumption and nothing more. The best argument is Trump is exactly that, there is very little to no evidence that’s who Kamala is, but when I listen to her talk I just don’t believe her or believe in her and when I see who supports her that’s what scares me most. I hate this decision and I’ve done my best to try to understand and research as much as I can. As a young voter I feel like the 3 election cycles I’ve participated in I’ve never truly been represented on Election Day. The first glimmer of hope I’ve had in years was the VP debate because I finally found commonality in both sides. I understand the rebuttals that I should fear trump and I do, I fear them both and I hate that but right now I fear and distrust the interest one side slightly more than the other.
Thank you for your questions I really enjoy open conversation.
Here's the hard break:
You're unlikely to really get much representation as one might otherwise expect. That's a thing. However...
That being said, I tend to base my voting as who's likely to do the least damage to the most people. I myself will likely be relatively unscathed by this. In this, I'm not voting for me but all the not me out there, who will be severely impacted by a Trump presidency.
If I skip to the VP - which really that's what the Trump run is about, as the Heritage folks want Vance and will get Trump out of the way as soon as possible then the choice is clearer still.
There's zero chance in hell I'd ever vote for Vance. Walz may not be a hillbilly the way Vance tries but he's still damn closer to being a Texan than that dude will ever get.
I just finished reading Vance’s book and am trying to learn more about his political positions being that I knew little to nothing about him prior to being selected. Is there a major political reason you hate him (outside personal loathing of him as an individual).
Would his outright lies about immigrants not be sufficient? I mean, the demonization of others as means of blame for any/every convenient social ill should be enough. While not the end, it's the first, for sure, as well as troubling Replace Haitians, or Mexicans (another favorite) with Jews and we get a pretty quick flash back to the end of Weimar Republic and the rise of the Reich: find someone to blame for complex shit, lie about it, amplify the lies, and reap what happens when they buy it.
(Note: this wasn't intended to Godwin - it's more "that's kinda how easily it lined up" vs "everything is Hitler", which is silly.)
Are you referring to Trump or Vance?
Very interesting. I suppose history doesn’t lie. As someone that has dual citizenship and lived in another country for a good portion of my life I believe that a country has loyalty first to its natural citizens and their welfare before that of others. But can also see the argument that this is archaic and keeps humans from evolving as a civilization. This is such a difficult one for me because I know I have done absolutely nothing to deserve to be born in the US giving me a huge advantage over many places in the world. But I still find my heart leaning toward those that originate from my community and their welfare which isn’t being met above those of people from other communities, states, and countries. I definitely don’t agree with degrading humans in search of a better life, that is after all arguably our purpose.
We kinda don't get to pick where we're born. States, countries, etc are arbitrary designators of implied community, which fail to adequately address what makes community in the first place.
And no. We shouldn't degrade others in search of better, because I'm pretty sure we would prefer to be treated well, were it us in need.
(I'm of course skipping over the interconnected problems of foreign policy that helped create so many areas of need in interests of both brevity and understood stuff)
To clarify when I say “who supports her” I don’t mean voting population I mean corporations and billionaires.
One of many examples, but a currently relevant one is ABC News obviously supports and pushes Biden then Kamala with 90-100% of conversation on the network being positive to her (feel free to fact check). And ABC News is owned by The Walt Disney Company, which acquired the network in 1995. The largest shareholders of Disney, and therefore indirect owners of ABC News, include major institutional investors such as Vanguard Group, BlackRock, and State Street Corporation. Vanguard holds approximately 7.66% of Disney’s shares, while BlackRock owns about 4.36%. These firms are major players in many industries, including media, as they control large portions of stock in most large companies in the US from the food that’s killing us, to the healthcare system that abuses us. Those are the ones I do not and will never trust. And when they support someone in anyway that person is immediately a no for me.
May I ask why you’re voting for Trump after what he did last time he lost?
Honestly thank you for asking because most people just downvote and move on. In no way do I stand for what *his crazed followers did when he lost, and his lack of effort to try and stop it despite what he says he tried to do with national guard troops and tweets asking people to stay peaceful. I have never thought him a man of decorum either in victory or loss. As a human being I loath so much about him. Who comes from the exact problem that is crippling this nation which is wealth consolidation. But as a business owner I believe he understands the US is the largest business in the world. Despite what some might say I believe his record shows he’s a good businessman in one sense, he understands how to almost always be on the winning side of a business deal, and he hates losing. What these things tell me is he will do everything in his power to be the best possible due more than anything to his pride (I would love to say it was firstly for his love of the people but I can’t).
I honestly wish I had a better choice to vote for overall but when weighing my own personal family benefits and economic future I don’t trust Kamala’s track record or lack there of in terms of economic and financial decisions for our country.
I also feel either way we continue to lose because we live in a country who’s system is not designed for our benefit but is designed to allow those in power to first benefit themselves and their close allies. Both sides are supported by individuals and corporations that tell you everything you need to know about the truth behind their words, and once again I find myself looking at the financial backing of the DNC and their economic backing and finding that one of the most discouraging factors.
Here is an unbiased long version of where my argument is week and what holds value if you’re interested in that: Points to Consider: Business Success and Government: While Donald Trump understands business deals, running a country differs significantly from running a business. Governments prioritize public welfare, long-term stability, and ethical governance, while businesses focus on profit maximization and efficiency. Some of Trump’s business practices, such as using bankruptcy to mitigate losses, may not translate well to managing national debt or public welfare. Leadership and National Stability: Trump’s handling of the January 6th Capitol riots and his behavior in moments of national crisis raise concerns about his leadership. Even if his economic policies were beneficial to some business owners, a president’s role includes uniting the country, upholding democratic norms, and maintaining public trust. His divisive rhetoric could undermine national stability, which is crucial for a thriving economy. Kamala Harris’ Record: While you express distrust in Kamala Harris’ economic decisions, her role as vice president has been limited in scope regarding economic policy. Criticism of her track record might come more from her tenure as a senator or attorney general, which had little to do with fiscal matters. The Biden administration’s economic policies, though criticized, have also had some positive aspects, such as infrastructure investments. If your concern is economic performance, it’s worth looking at the broader administration’s policies rather than just Harris. The Power Structure in Politics: Your skepticism about the influence of corporations and special interests on both parties is well-founded. However, the question remains whether the influence of these groups is worse under Trump than under Biden or Harris. Both parties receive corporate donations, but the nature and policies of those corporations differ. For example, Biden’s administration has taken more steps toward regulating tech and financial sectors, while Trump’s deregulation policies tended to favor large businesses. Well-Founded Aspects: Understanding Business and the Economy: Your argument that Trump understands business resonates with many voters who benefited from his tax policies and deregulatory stance. His focus on cutting taxes and deregulating industries did benefit some businesses and individuals, which aligns with your perspective as a business owner. Pride and Competitiveness: You suggest that Trump’s pride and hatred of losing would drive him to do his best as president. This may hold some truth. Trump’s competitiveness and desire to be viewed as successful are clear motivators, and these personal characteristics could push him to pursue policies that he believes would bolster the economy and his legacy. Skepticism of Political Systems: Your critique of both parties being beholden to special interests is a valid concern. This reflects a growing sentiment in the U.S. that the political system is rigged to benefit the wealthy and well-connected. Your frustration is shared by many Americans who feel that neither party truly represents the average citizen’s interests.
That's a whole lot of words just to tell us that you've learned nothing from history.
You're not "one of the good ones". They'll toss you in a camp as soon as it's convenient for them.
Tokens get spent.
I suppose I definitely have more to learn. I’ve tried to understand global history going back a few hundred years as an equal factor to recent history and ways we have progressed, and regressed and ways we continue to cloak regression in a light that paints it as progression. There are many things about Trump that feel like regression. But to me there is a great fear of my other option being negative progression presented as a positive for me when in so many ways I feel it continues to cripple me and make me reliant on a system I no longer trust.
Hey I get it, all we can do is try to be as informed as possible.
If I were you and my main concern was trusting the system, TFG wouldn't hold that standard by any means. How do you trust someone so volatile and vengeful whose only desires include taking power & getting revenge? One whose every other word is demonstrably false?
In fact he and the Heritage Foundation have made it clear they intend to bring the US back to the 19th century. Project 2025 if you aren't aware of it, give it a search. It's contents (which personally make my skin crawl) should make clear who is offering regression dressed like progression and it sure AF isn't Madame VP.
You seem reasonable, and that post was thought out, so I will engage:
Trumps economic plans seem to just push the problem further down the line, increasing the deficit. His idea of running a business is only looking at short term success with no care for the future. If you really want to talk business, his strategies violate the going concern principle. His solvency ratios would fail.
While I do think it’s important to manage the corporate tax rate and encourage businesses to operate in America, that will do no good without also investing in the workers themselves. But instead, the Republican Party plans to underfund social & welfare programs meant to help people and invest in the next generation of workers.
I think the Biden/Harris infrastructure deal did a significant amount for the economy, and I believe her economic plans are solid & well rounded to include investments in people.
Thank you for this! Very constructive feedback. I do worry about problems being kicked down the road because as a national debt shows that seems to be tradition in this country. I do believe that the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris for the economic future of the U.S. depends on differing priorities.
My understanding is Trump focuses on lowering taxes, deregulation, and America-first trade policies, which he argues stimulate economic growth and job creation. His administration prioritized corporate tax cuts and reducing government intervention in businesses, which supporters claim led to economic expansion before COVID-19.
Harris, aligns with Biden’s policies, emphasizes investment in infrastructure, clean energy, and social programs like health care and education. Her economic vision includes taxing the wealthy and corporations more to fund these initiatives, aiming for a more equitable economy and long-term sustainability.
Trump’s approach is more pro-business, while Harris advocates for greater government intervention to address inequality and climate issues. Each has different implications for growth, job creation, and wealth distribution. For me personally it feels like the choice is greater dependency or Independancy (that last sentence is entirely personal opinion based)
I agree with this.
In another world, where America’s current economic inequality was not at such extremes, and looking at the economic policies only, it would be a hard choice to make. In that world, I bet it would be easy to speak to one another about one’s opinions & engage in thoughtful debates.
Unfortunately, America’s economic inequality is at such extremes that we need government intervention or we will threaten the livelihoods of our children. And when thinking about children and people’s livelihoods- there’s more than just the economy in play.
Trump/republican policies and rhetoric only favor ‘independencey’ if you are a business or a White Christian male. The idea of republicans supporting small government is no longer true. They want to regulate what books children can read & what healthcare women can get. It’s unfortunately very far from what it once was.
I agree with you, I feel like the economic extremes in our country have progressively gotten to the point where as working and lower class we have ended up in a hole so deep that no politician offers a clear way out. I understand that Kamala Harris claims to stand for economic justice, healthcare access, civil rights, and criminal justice reform, but I don’t see how she’ll actually achieve any of it. Politicians often face constraints like a divided Congress, vague policy details, and pressure from powerful interest groups. Harris’s past as a prosecutor doesn’t always align with her current rhetoric, making it hard to trust that real change will happen. Even if she has good intentions, systemic barriers and the need for compromise could prevent her from delivering on these promises. And to me that makes it very difficult for me to trust her with my vote
It’s not about her achieving it, necessarily. It’s about her standing up for it & and advocating for it. Maybe things don’t change- progress forwards is slow.
But progress backwards is quick, and Trump will push backwards. Heck, it will take longer than 4 years to undo the harm he causes simply with his rhetoric. People think it’s okay to be rascist now. How on earth will racist policies ever change if we put rascists in office?
I'm not reading all that and I can tell from The replies that that's a good decision.
"Good businessman." For fucks sake.
No worries, I understand, I’m honestly just trying to have an open conversation in a world where that seems increasingly difficult. I do agree that the word “good”was probably not the right choice what I really should’ve said was “successful.”
“He’s a good businessman”…he was given an empire and had filed bankruptcy 6 times. Makes no sense.
When you understand filing bankruptcy for personal financial gain it makes a lot more sense. Ethically wrong in my opinion but another back door billionaires use to protect their wealth.
I do understand filing bankruptcy for personal reasons and think it’s a shitty thing to do. It in no way, shape, or form equals “a good businesses man”. People get screwed when others file bankruptcy. I hope I never do business with you.
No you're not.
It really doesn't. There is no easy answer in politics. Trying to make things easy by basing policy decisions on how the decision makers make us feel is how we got into this mess.
I didn’t base my decision on feelings at all.
I highly doubt that.
I mean yes technically everyone involves emotions when making decisions, but my overall decision is made by logical reasoning rather than emotions
Trump is the logical choice, not Kackles. How much do you even know about the good he did during his term?
It tells me abortion is an important issue with you.
What else?
same my friend!! Catholics for Harris!!
What Catholic values does she embody?
service, family, compassion, love, justice.
did you look up antonyms for deplorable asshole?
Thats Kamala, definitely not Trump lol. You really need to stop watching Faux News cause its the prime source of misinformation
What Catholic values does Trump embody? Gluttony? Lies? Lust? Wroth? Arrogance?
It doesn’t say anything about Trump at all.
Or about you
No, just tells me everything I need to know about you.
Yep. Country and democracy over party.
So you voted to murder children?
Damn bro did they really let us do that and I missed it?
I’m more concerned about preserving democracy, rather than giving authoritative power to a man who denied the results of the last election and sent a mob to the capital in his name.
I’m pro life. Abortion should be legal in rare circumstance, and we’ve seen that when conservatives implement these laws in southern states, they result in innocent women dying from a result of their regulations.
I’d rather live in a nation with a mid to late term abortion ban, than a nation where we don’t have free and fair elections.
So you voted for killing unborn? See how that logic works?
And you’re voting for martyring women including minors.
That's a curious assumption; I didn't say for whom I was going to vote.
You’re comment about “voting for murdering babies” tell me all I need to know. But nice try.
My refrain for the last several years is simple: set aside your feelings about any normal political issue. The one thing we should all agree on is preserving democracy. Trump is a threat to democracy.
People like you, who I'd imagine are breaking with their normal voting pattern because of Trump, are why I think Trump is toast. I really think, or maybe I just want to believe, that there are millions who are doing what you're doing.
So you voted to martyr women? Including minors? Did you make that decision for them?
Are you sitting down? “Children” still die when abortion is illegal. You just don’t see the coat hanger.
No one is murdering children. You can be pro life without choosing for other people.
Thanks, main character.
Says a lot about you as well.
No Democrat training, no Soros check for protesting!
I'm getting jipped, I tell ya!
Yes I did receive aggressive training! My Democrat mom was adamant my whole life about voting a straight Democrat ticket. She told everyone she knew (which was a lot of people), made sure her girls understood! Well I am now a proud Black Conservative and I endorse Donald J Trump and Mr Vance for the win! For that matter my Democrat friends train their relatives and children to vote a straight Democrat ticket. Republicans just say if you’re using common sense then you won’t be voting Democrat. No need to instill fear into anyone, that’s for y’all Democrats!
Who is they?
What happened to life, liberty, and each inidivdual's pursuit for happiness. Now its agree with me or you are not a real person with legitimate thoughts.
That's the 1st amendment in action! Anyone can say anything no matter how slanderous or outlandish it actually is, and people can also call them out on their cockamamie if their want arises, no matter how slanderous or outlandish the stance! First, we took serious matters into politics, because back then, it was us and the ever expanding world. We couldn't help staying neutral in conflict, and had many parties, not just the two. Then in the turn of the 19th century, it was changed into a two party system. You wouldn't think this would be a problem, after all, there were less choices to be had, but that soon divided us around the age of the internet. Kids were putting their hat in the political rings, elderly post about how everything was 10 cents in the 1940s, and before you knew it, everything became political. Scandals coming out of the woodwork, things that weren't problems starting to become problematic, because hip-hop and rock was the devil's music, and you were a racist if you enjoyed country music. All of this back and forth for the past 30 years would be enough to reduce anyone's brains into atonal mush, and don't get me started on the corporate run bots that sell people lies like snake oilers. To make an actual point instead of rambling here: this whole 2 party system thing isn't that great, and has put neighbor against neighbor for far too long, and corporate greed has funded this cycle of torment. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is still there, you just have to actively avoid the things trying to take it from you.
The new Civil War?
These people never actually believed in that, they just paid lip service to it.
Same with religious freedom. The moment a Hindu statue of one of their gods is built using money raised by their temple and in the land said temple is on all of a sudden "religious freedom bad".
I always get that from the left tbh
Every day.
Self righteous nature is apolitical.
Idk why they are sending this out, Dallas always goes blue and the state goes red. RIP Harris
Ah yes, I remember when I was in grade school, being shuffled into the “democrats”’class and being taught to vote straight ticket.
Seriously who buys this stuff?
Texas is very much "vote straight ticket or don't vote for that position". Hence why they ask which ballot you want when you vote. I'm not sure which party caused that to happen (or if it was bipartisan), but very occasionally I might want to go to the dark side for a particular office. No, I'm not saying what the dark side is for me (that's between me and the ballot box, the only person I discuss politics with is my SO and a former professor I had at Richland that I still stay in touch with), I'll just say you need to get out there and make sure to vote, encourage everyone you know to vote, regardless of party affiliation.
I will say I'm getting sick of each party leaving stuff on my door every other day. My mind was made up a long time ago. There's a no flyers sign on my door along with no soliciting. I'm in a weird apartment that has its own set of outside stairs, and stuff often blows off of my door.
I literally had “neighbors” knock on my door with conservative promotional material and say verbatim “don’t forget to vote all the way down the ticket” with a list of all the conservative candidates.
I smell a left L and then the will be violent.
It’s so funny how much of a liberal echo chamber Reddit is
Yep. There is only small pockets of sanity.. where there is no political talk.
Thanks for the phone number. Jane's getting some raunchy calls this week.
Way to announce your illegal behavior. Good luck with that.
Red wave! Done with the bullshit prices and my tax money going to humans that are not even damn Americans! If you have not realized what the definition for slave is look it up, we have been slaves since birth!
Yes let’s California Texas 🤪
Thanks for the pic. Was wondering where I could get a Trump yard sign. Mine keeps getting stolen..
Probably because you live in a rough neighborhood.
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
I love the houses in my neighborhood that still have trump signs in the front, lets me know who to avoid. I should send them a thank you.
Spoken like a truly tolerant and inclusive person.
You literally just said “demoncrats” are the spawn of the devil in another post lol.
We’re all Americans; certainly we could find some common ground if we tried. It’s a shame.
I get what you’re saying but the person I was replying to got his post removed for saying he proudly hates liberals, and prays for civil war to break out so all liberals can be annihilated. I have no common ground with someone who has that kind of murderous rage and hate in their heart. Perhaps affordable access to therapy and quality mental healthcare in this country would allow a lot of Americans to work out their deep-seated hatred for their fellow humans.
Republicans find Democrats repulsive and literally evil. Democrats try to sell the false image of being tolerant and inclusive. I’ve never tried to hide my seething hatred for the left. In fact, when I say my prayers at night I pray HARD for a civil war so we can finally rid this wonderful nation of the scourge that is the liberal.
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Wow bud you are badass
Legacy media and all the famous people supporting kamala are afraid of the epstein logs that trump will make public. I voted for biden while believing trump was a bad president. Then I got to see what an actual bad administration can do to our country. Not liking trumps personality 4 years ago is not a good excuse for having to vote for kamala. Why should we pay for immigrants sex changes? Why doesn't someone ask kamala why they don't make epsteins list public?
Desperation because they about to lose.
I am blue no matter who because of stuff like this specifically lol. Maybe if they were remotely sane I'd give them a thought but I prefer not voting for batshit crazy.
Ah yes, the ad hominem fallacy. The staple of liberal “critical thinker”
Ad hominem is when I attack a person instead of their argument. I attacked this rhetoric for being batshit crazy, which it is. You'd know that if you were a critical thinker.
We did receive guidance on some key issues, it’s not across the board but they do have it available and highly urge for you attend if you’re voting for the first time. No matter what side of politics no one should be influencing anyone on who or what to vote for. Especially offering them MONEY$ which is a pretty messed up way to manipulate elections!! Bribing, Ballot Harvesting, Voter Fraud in any way is not our way of DEMOCRACY. This CRAP IS DESTROYING TRUST IN OUR ELECTIONS.
How the hell is that legal?
Are you kidding? I’ve read Union mailers that said exactly this, vote straight ticket democrat. The problem in this country is criminals run it, from both parties. They both suppress alternate parties that actually have our best interests in mind.
Can you articulate what you think should be illegal about this?
It’s somewhat deceptive and gives a vibe of being official, given that there are what appear to be govt docs attached. No disclaimer of any sort that it’s campaign material.
bias/pressure coming straight from the precinct chair is definitely unethical and plausibly illegal if laws dictate public servants should be politically neutral (as I’d hope)
not politically neutral at all, she's a republican precinct chair ... it's her job to push republican candidates at the hyper-local level
ok yeah I just read up about the position, I see it is political so this checks out. didn’t know why I thought it was a neural thing. I appreciate it!
yeah of course, I don't think many people even know that precinct chairs even exist, much less what they do. But it can be a very useful role! She should really identify herself as the "Republican Precinct Chair" for 2301 though.
She's a party chair.
Wasn’t Paxton raiding LULAC offices looking for the same thing?
Are you asking me to look it up and get back to you?
Nah, more of a rhetorical question
Ikr? I sent her a text asking about the next democrat training session. Waiting to hear back ...
How is campaigning legal?
Think you meant “illegal”.
No, they clearly didn’t.
No I didn't. That flyer is a form of campaigning. You asked how that flyer is legal. So I was clarifying that you meant to ask how campaigning is legal.
Why would giving polling location info and encouraging voting one way away from polling locations be illegal?
Dunno. Ask the AG the same question. He raids people’s homes for the same.
Do you have a link to an example of that happening?
And if you'll give us all of your worldly possessions and pledge your allegiance for life, your Trump sign will be free!
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I don’t remember any for democrats but did hear about republicans more . Didn’t vote either back then and when I did vote for the first time I I voted republican one soon as I found out that Trump was running I have voted democrat ever since.
Compare and contrast to Harris claims that Trump will end democracy and round up those who oppose him. Weird, I don't remember him making any such efforts when he was in office. Most of the lies were fabricated from the left in an attempt to impeach him.
That's rich coming from the fear mongering left 🤣
Trump 2024! No Marxism. No communism.
Trump is the one who signed the bill allowing for socialist handouts during covid. He is the Marxist choice on the ballot.
Democrats do this too….
Have you seen the Democratic ads or heard their talking points? They can’t rely on accomplishments because the last 4 years have been absolutely horrible for the American people.
LOL of course there's a fee for trump signs only.
Because everyone's probably ordering them so he probably has plenty of the other ones but running short on Trump signs. Supply and demand...
I smell another grift.
The Trump signs were made in China - as his bibles are.
Trump could have specified that his products be made in the US. Instead, he took the greedy way out .....
Good thing you don't own any Chinese products
Trickle down grifting.
I think in his case its Tinkle down.
But, but, he loves of us. Why would he charge money for us to endorse him?
Oh you don’t like that republicans are playing by the Democrat rules?
Interesting. This comment section is full of people praising the idea of Texas becoming a communist state, sub is absolutely hijacked.
Reddit's hijacked
Don’t forget, Trump sent Putin a COVID test.
Yes in exchange for respirators to keep Americans alive. Let me guess, you hate that?
“We sent a batch of artificial respiration devices, and several test devices came from America,” Mr Peskov said.”
“We sent [artificial lung ventilators] to the States,” he said, adding that “the Americans sent us several samples of those testing systems as at that time there were very few of them. Many countries did this.”
Did we need them at that time?
Did he use them correctly?
He sent these testing devices as a favor. IF Russia truly sent us ventilators it was to cover donald’s ass. Just like Putin said. Don’t tell anyone.
Yes we did. Your article is from 3 months after the fact, once we he a plethora of ventilators. When COVID first hit we did not.
This article is proving the need for the ventilators we received from Russia.
The exact same source that says Trump provided the Covid tests also says Russia provided ventilators.
Doesn't really tell us how many were sent from RU side.
Doesn’t tell us how many was sent from the US either.
A Covid testing machine, not just some individual test s.
A whole personal shipment of COVID tests
We better get Jack Smith involved!
Yes because we should be picking our votes on who can piss on the other candidate better. Nothing like choosing votes on which party you can grate the most votes for. The system is broken and until we realize as a nation that the beauty contest method no longer works, the United States will continue to fall into poverty and civil turmoil.
Brb giving Jan a phone call
Maybe everyone should tear this phone number up with Vote Harris phone calls. Hahaha
Who's "they"? Every politician lies and fearmongers.
It's all they ever had
Fear mongering is unfortunately the only thing I see from my party (republican), but I have yet to see a plan of any kind. They forced my hand to vote for the Democrats, I can’t support a party that only attacks the sexual identity and immigration status of people, with 0 fact checking on what they say. Hopefully next election I can vote red but not this time.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of your choices. 👍 We need more people who are willing to choose Country over Party. I’m a Democrat, but I’m not a huge fan of Kamala and her economic policies. But she is getting my vote because she’s our only chance of being able to get back to politically civil disagreements over policy minutiae between members of democratic (little d) parties like the GOP and the Democrats.
Lmao! Who do you think created this division in the first place?! Who said to get in their face and make them feel uncomfortable?
I am not voting for Trump but there is no way I’m going to vote for a mental midget who believes that taxing unrealized gains and the top 1% “needs to pay their fair share” (they pay 45% of ALL taxes) are viable economic policies. Not even an overly protective media can cover up how ignorant she is. Do you think that a 3% increase in the population helped or hurt the price of housing in this country?
Both sides are fear mongering, as usual. Both sides have positive and negatives, as usual.
MAGA response
I suspect more people than just MAGA live in reality.
Valid response and it’s true they both are
Thanks for exhibiting common sense.
Can Javier Milei run? I know I know hes not American. Just don't like my choices.
Literally where is the fear mongering? It’s literally just saying what a Republican should do if they want their party to win.
Zero fear mongering present.
Is that a rubber band? Im not using that lol
Nah cause lies and fear mongering is all democrats do 😭😭 People are so fucking blind it’s sad. LEAVE TEXAS.
Based on all the liberal activity I’ve seen, it’s within reason to assume this was done by a liberal to influence people’s votes. If it’s not? Oh well. There’s crazy people everywhere. Voting for Trump because American will NOT be Venezuela 2.0. The middle class must survive. Our tax dollars belong to Americans and Americans only. Not illegals or other countries’ wars. All people have against trump are ad hominem fallacies. People who fall for Harris’ facade and forget she’s a prosecutor whose job it is to deceive and stretch the truth.
I trained my daughter to be thoughtful and compassionate and she votes for the same, so she votes blue.
Blue and compassion don’t go together lmfao
My grandpa was a big labor man so he taught me to vote Democrat. He so taught me to vote my conscience though. He said to me when I first started voting that he doesn't care if I vote like him as long as I voted what I felt was right. I vote Democrat still.
This man would be 98 right now if still alive. He was literally the only white man in our neighborhood with Bill Clinton signs and Gore signs.
He watched Obama at the DNC in 2004 and said "you're looking at the first black president.". He died in 2007 so he never saw that play out but he called it.
My dad was a labor man too. Was also a proud old white man who got to vote for Obama, but sadly didn't live to see his presidency. He was buried the day Obama was inaugurated.
Why are you getting downvoted??
Well let’s get in touch, shall we? I don’t want yard signs but I’m HAPPY to waste her time!
Lies and fear mongering is all the government and news media has, because they know the (m)asses will eat it up.
Wysocki is unfit to be a judge. She is awful. Awful.
Republicans trained us to do this. I haven’t supported blue no matter who until this election.
Training my kids to think critically, always vote, and never trust a politician.
But right now the GOP is a dumpster fire. 🔥 Ethics matter. Vote Blue in 2024!
Funny I don’t see any kids wearing democrat garb. I do see shit tons of people bedazzling their kids in MAGA gear.
Ok, so what is the messages here? What in the letter is "misinformation"? I mean it is pretty common knowledge that voters in both parties vote straight tickets.
I don't need a yard sign either, I can vote for Trump all on my own.
I'm from a different state but I remember the Iowa GOP registering an absentee ballot for me, filling it out and sending it to me in a different state where I have been a registered voter for years with a similiar message for the 2020 election.
Wow, that’s really strange. This is what’s wrong with our political system, too much partisanship and not enough critical thinking. Pick the best option, not the person who is aligned with a party. Mitt Romney and Trump are Republicans but very different people and policies. Amy Klobuchar and Elizabeth Warren, both Democrats but different people with different policies. You can’t just vote by party.
I consider myself a liberal independent. I refuse to vote based on party alone.
Same, I vote by candidate. Often most are Green or Libertarian. Hard to find a centrist that supports strong immigration, a responsible budget based on current tax revenue, and a strong military.
Idk, just wish US had stronger third party options. Really sucks when I visit with my Mum to Australia. 5-6 main political parties, have to form a coalition for Prime Minister. Along with mandatory voting, in person dominates 97% of voting, multiple parties, very little campaign contributions, and lots of debates from local council to state/federal candidates.
But they also do complain about high taxes and even more unaffordability of housing and high COL in cities. Along with Australian inflation/consumer index sticking around 3.8%-4% for almost all of 2024.
Lol I got down voted for saying that
Yeah voting centrist doesn’t help anyone. Unfortunately we have a two party system so essentially unless that candidate has taken a side then it is a pointless vote that can be used elsewhere. Not dogging on your choices just speaking on the downvote.
I'm not a centrist. I'm just not loyal to a party just because.
No you’re just the useful idiot who throws away their vote for virtue signaling. It only helps evil people gain power, ur I bet you feel so good about yourself. 😂🤣😂
Throwing away my vote? Who am I voting for, or not?
Republicans have conveniently gathered all the worst people into into party, though.
I’m neither liberal or conservative. Liked Mitt Romney a lot and his policies
Democrats do the same thing but since you probably vote that way you don’t notice it
Can we report Jan Burke?
For what
Is that a serious question?
A precinct Chair telling people how to vote is ok?
How is it not ok?
How is it ok?
Actual answer: Look up the position. Here's Denton's site and Lubbock's document, one Democrat and one Republican, got that after a quick google of the position.
Feel free to do some more googling, but rest assured it's legal. It's literally campaigning. It's no different than getting flyers in the mail with a political candidate on it, highlighting what they do and what they hate about the other guy/other party.
Thanks for this. Always good to learn something new.
No problem! I'm sick of the discourse tbh, just wish we could all just talk stuff through instead of putting labels on everyone based off assumptions.
Hope you have a pleasant day.
You aren’t the brightest eh?
And you are, eh?
Clearly. I didn’t make a claim and then act like a moron when asked to prove it.
Yea, you’re an idiot. Clearly!!
I see why the orange man panders to the idiots 😆 😂
Do you blame being poor for your low intelligence or do you think it was genetic?
unlike you, my parents aren’t siblings. I bet it hurts when you try using your brain. 😔
Does creating a fantasy world like that help you feel smart?
Did this post hurt your feelings?
Do you need a safe space?
Where does it hurt?
In your brain.
How bad does it hurt?
From what I can tell it seems to have hurt you pretty badly.
How can you tell? Was it all the replies to diff comments???
Wait… that was you 😆 🤡
No it was your reliance on emojis, exaggerated statements and inability to grasp that people reply to comments on Reddit.
Do people reply to different comments on one post because the post hurt their feelings? Sad 😭
Not that I’m aware of but I have to assume you’re talking from experience.
Not personal experience. But I have dealt with one idiot who’s very hurt apparently.
I’m not surprised to hear your family members are also like you.
Almost how the left uses fear mongering with project 2025. Both sides are fucking stupid and don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves
You all need to get off Reddit, get a job, and talk to some real people.
That's all they have besides a lead in the polls.
Not fear mongering. This is true to a degree. I know democrats (family and friends) that actually do that because they truly hate republicans for some reason. I’ve voted on both sides because I take into consideration who is best to get the job done.
It's funny, because you can't vote straight party in Texas anymore - you used to be able to do that with one click, but Republicans changed that in 2018 or so when they started running really unpopular candidates at the top of the ticket.
Now they are mad at that I guess?
Wait, what? How is that even legal?
I mean, you can go down the line and vote for every Democrat there... you just can't click one button and be done.
I personally want to see ranked choice voting, so I guess I'm not able to summon up any real outrage at this one weird trick.
In general I agree people should choose each candidate not just a party. However removing straight ticket voting has a side effect of making voting lines longer because you have to go through every race individually
Ranked Choice would make them longer. But if you're voting on the actual election day in an area that has early voting, it's kind of on you anyway.
Which would be a small price to pay to be able to get actual good candidates in office.
Texas now has some of the strictest voting laws in the country that have been taken to all kinds of courts and been allowed to stay. This is one of them. I started voting in 2008. 2018 was the last year we could vote straight ticket. It was getting too easy for people to vote in the more densely populated democratic areas. The republican majority was shrinking
So instead of party reform and listening to their constituents, they decided to just make it harder to vote however they could while spreading lies about widespread voter fraud they've still yet to prove. It didn't really work, the republican majority has still been pretty steadily shrinking, it's just harder for more people to vote now. The republicans really need to go sit in time out for a little while
Can you still vote all one party or will it make it invalid? Because now I'm worried about my ballot last election.
Yes you can still vote all one party, you just have to go through and manually select the candidates instead of being able to fill out the whole ballot with one click. This is where it gets really shitty. A lot of government positions that are actually really important but don't get much press coverage, particularly positions that are state and local government, are towards the bottom of the ballot and get less votes because each candidate up for election has to be selected. So please make sure you go through the entire ballot top to bottom
You can put in your address here and find a sample ballot specific to your location so you aren't shocked by how long it takes to get through it when you go to vote. It can get tedious but that's how our republican overlords want it. That sample ballot is also good for doing research on policy that's up for election so you aren't blindsided with that since you very likely won't hear about it before you go to vote for it and it'll be confusingly worded on the ballot on purpose
It also has the intended effect of making voting lines longer. Before, you could one click and be out. Now, you have to pour through pages of candidates and amendments making your time in the booth longer, thus making wait times longer.
Is this legit? Is this person really part of the election process? T would seem they would need to be more informational and not trying to sway to one political party
Area code’s not even from DFW are…. Wtf
Isn't this evidence that could be turned into the IRS to revoke their tax exempt status?
Fuck you Jan Burke.
We should ask for all their yard signs and even buy out his trump signs and just toss them afterwards.
What is he lying about?
Where Kamala lost me is a ban on price gouging, this tactic was tried in the past and the farmers just stopped selling. I would rather pay the going rate than have to see that happen again.
Tbf I have a flyer from people walking door to door that tells you to vote all democrats up and down the ballot. I can send a picture if I can find it 😆
This is crazy talk.
Kamala Harris is the opposite of good for this country. Her promises are all lies to steal votes. More than half of her promises won't happen when she's elected. And more than half of the crazy awful ideas she's not telling people will be made reality, and the country will suffer.
Don't vote, Kamala, for any reason. Quite a bit of the shit she's talking about could already be done, considering her current position is literally second to the one she's shooting for.
She's a lying slut that sucked her way to the top, and women wanna call her their president? Great example for the kids. "Don't forget to suck plenty of dick, little Suzy, if you wanna get ahead in life!"
No can do, only one party has trampled my 2A rights and it wasn't the democrats.
For all the democrats talk, they have not instituted any form of federal gun control or restriction in the last 24 years.
Trump not only went after a right that shall not be infringed, but he did by executive order - circumventing congress.
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
~~Kamala Harris~~ Trump is the opposite of good for this country. ~~Her~~ His promises are all lies to steal votes. More than half of ~~her~~ his promises won't happen when ~~she's~~ he's elected. And more than half of the crazy awful ideas ~~she's~~ he's not telling people will be made reality, and the country will suffer. Don't vote, ~~Kamala~~ Trump, for any reason. Quite a bit of the shit ~~she's~~he's talking about could already be done, considering ~~her current position is literally second to the one she's shooting for~~ he's already had the position.. ~~She's~~ He's a lying ~~slut~~ dick that ~~sucked her~~ scammed his way to the top, and ~~women~~ wanna call her their president? Great example for the kids. "Don't forget to ~~suck plenty of dick~~ lie every chance you get, little Suzy, if you wanna get ahead in life!"
Wow, it's almost like you people are genuinely stupid. Where did I mention Trump? Please enlighten me where I showed Trump support?
Sorry, kid, but real men are voting for Kamala Harris this year. [shrug]. Get over it.
"Real" men can vote for whoever they want, I'm just saying you're voting for a lying conniving slut. Get over it.
That. Poor. Phone. Number. 😂
As someone raised with Christian conservative parents, as a child I was taught that if I loved Jesus and my country, I’d only vote Republican. Otherwise I was siding with the devil, baby murders, unrepentant sinners and the downfall of America, the best Christian nation on earth. What a load of BULLSHIT
Christian values are not bullshit. Either you believe or don't.
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
A whole lot of conservative “Christian values” don’t follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.
You can leave it with “a whole lot of Christians don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ”. Regardless of political faction, ALL fall short of the glory of God.
Which god?
In context of the a Christian God: I was quoting Romans 3:23, but I don’t think many people read the Bible or anything religious nowadays.
I'm an atheist, I don't believe in any gods
Fair enough. We have many different religious texts in our house, I think they’re all fascinating
bOtH sIDeS
Ever since Christianity became a state religion in Rome, the actual teachings of Christ have usually come second to the pursuit of power
That's not what he said. Republicans, with their fear, hate, and lies, may be channeling a Biblical figure but it sure aint Jesus.
“Christian’s” are a bunch of fucking hypocrites and they know it
I don’t believe in threatening children with eternal punishment if they don’t believe in god or telling them that if they support a certain political party they are agreeing with the devil and are subject to demonic powers.
Yes, I grew up inner cities, in school they trained us to vote Democrat. I grew up, saw how the world actually worked, opened my eyes and I've been a Republican ever sense. The democratic ideas sound good on paper, but in reality they fail miserably. If Harris gets elected I wouldn't be surprised if 30% of Americans illegally jump the border into Mexico. That's the only good thing about an open border policy.
I like how she fails to specify she's the Precinct 2301 REPUBLICAN Chair.
There is a Democratic Chair, who I highly doubt is out doing bullshit like this.
Also, Jan, see you soon as the Alfred Loos Field House is where I vote as I'm in Precinct 2301. I'll be there voting for everyone you hate.
That’s because Democrats just steal the elections. There’s no need to do this.
Every accusation from your side is projection. You'd be okay to steal elections if your party won huh?
Sure thing. It's Democrats trying to steal elections.
So do you have any evidence you could provide us with that really did it for you?? Like what was the solid proof that made you be like "wow democrats are rigging elections" please provide us with that so maybe we'll change our minds and agree
lol god I wish
hells yeah
Lol some of the democratic chairs do it too 🤷♀️
Literally not a single soul changed their opinion on which scoundrel they're voting for because some random person had a sign outside of their residence.
"We hate them and they're (not) indoctrinating their young and so we should indoctrinate you to indoctrinate your own children" is what this basically says
“Democrats train their young”
Don’t act like Republicans don’t so the same thing. Source: my dad is John Bircher. I rebelled early.
At this point, the Republican Party is so removed from anything I value, the democrats could run a lump of coal, and I’d vote for it.
How long have you been away from California?
Yikes for her.
It’s amazing yall can post this 🐂💩 but if I post something right wing I get blocked…yall ain’t right in the head…
This is right wing, tho
I mean, yeah
Obviously, no. You’re being intentionally obtuse for some reason. You know that though.
I’m not. The comment I responded to was a right wing comment. I’m not sure why you’re insulting me or why you even felt the need to respond.
They said post, referring to the post. You know that though.
Correct, and I was referring to his post. Now can you drop it?
He didn’t make this post.
Holy shit. Let it go, dude.
It’s ok to be wrong, no reason to cry about it.
I’m not, you’re just nosy. I’d say borderline troll, but definitely with a reading comprehension issue.
The person who doesn’t know the difference between a post and a comment thinks I have a reading comprehension issue lol
Let it go kid, it’s ok to be wrong.
Again, if you lack the comprehension to contextually understand what I was saying, that’s on you.
I know literacy is a real bitch for republicans.
Yes you were saying you didn’t understand the difference between a post and a comment. I didn’t realize you were republican, thanks for clarifying I guess.
Ooof, did that sound clever in your head?
Not as good as “ooof” sounded in yours I hope
You’re running on fumes now, kiddo.
I love how triggered you are by this. It’s crazy how a simple mistake can make you rage this hard.
Oh totally! That’s why you have to make up fantasies about me to validate your views.
Oh that’s why you called me kiddo? Did it help validate your views?
Uh-oh, calm down buddy. We’re just commenting on Reddit here.
Yes now keep repeating that and you might actually calm down before you burst a blood vessel.
Relax, partner, I’m sure you have a lot to live for!
Oh neat you have a bunch of self affirmations. Do they help at all?
I usually just deliver them to people online who think they’re clever, are they getting through to ya?
Yea it helped me understand how desperate you are. I appreciate the clarity.
Uh-oh, here you go making up fantasies again, kiddo. Careful, your insecurities are coming out again. Take a deep breath.
Oh hey another self affirmation. You know you’re supposed to just say them to yourself right? You don’t have to actually type it out.
Oh hey, another half ass attempt at wit. What’s the tactic here? Just trying to be the turd that won’t flush?
Just enjoying your meltdown. It’s fun to watch!
And I’m enjoying your little fantasy land you’ve made here. Do you always fantasize about other people online?
You enjoy the fantasy land where you fantasize about other people fantasizing? Do you always fantasize about other people online?
Oof, see how that works? You’re insecure because what I said was more interesting so you took it for yourself.
You know what? You go ahead and take that for yourself, sport. You need that pick me up.
Oh interesting, so when you repeated my words it’s because you’re insecure? I appreciate you admitting that. What makes you so insecure?
Awww…look at that, you’ve regressed to your younger self! I hope you’re getting everything you need from this interaction, buddy! You’ve shown your insecurity, made up fantasies and managed to prove that the education system still has a long way to go! Anyway, take the last word, sport, something tells me you need it.
Oh another self affirmation! I appreciate you sharing it with me. Do they ever help you?
Yes you were saying you didn’t understand the difference between a post and a comment. I didn’t realize you were republican, thanks for clarifying I guess.
Honestly the way I see it now is we’ve ALL been lied to so much by the MSM that who the hell knows what’s really going on with the right or the left side..
Trump 2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Whoever typed that definitely has smol pp or large meat curtain energy
I like meat curtains!!! And.....I have meat curtains.
Too bad she doesn’t know it’s actually Ashley Wysocki.
Ummmm are precint chairs allowed to do that?
A “Fee” for Trump signs? Talk about a GRIFTER . . .
Oooh a phone number, what a shame it would be if people started blowing up their line...
I get lies and fear mongering texts from the left too. It’s goes both ways and it sucks.
Where are the lies? Looks like voting information with one line of Jan's opinion.
And to think it’s Republicans who took straight party voting off the ballot.
Let’s all call Jan and ask for signs
i saw some bs trump commercial the other day that said harris is giving all the immigrants sex-change surgeries, and i almost laughed at loud.. until i realized these idiots are actually gonna believe it.
I think those idiots believe it because they watched her say it.
Now, now, we can’t be quoting facts now. Next comment will be some Democrat claiming CNN is right wing propaganda.
They're beyond parody.
As a nonbinary person, "Kamala Harris is for they/them" was the funniest thing I'd seen in ages.
Party official tells you to vote a straight party ticket. Shocking and evil stuff that.
Trump will win Texas by 7 points
This shit happens on both sides.
This seems illegal.
Imagine thinking the democrats don't do the exact same thing
how the fuck do these elections come down to two clowns and having to choose whichever you dislike less
Jan Burke out here slinging Trump merch cause she know she won't get another chance later.
Honestly, both the democratic and republican parties both do this. I was a (democratic) precinct chair not far from her, but would always encourage people to treat each race independently. Fuck this straight ticket voting bullshit.
It’s interesting how if republicans did this they would get years in a federal prison
Trump 2024. Get ready libtards
Fucking despise a democrat.
I'm a Democrat. Why do you despise me? Please explain it to me. I'm listening. No sarcasm here, no animosity here, no judgement here, no repercussions here, and not trying to be aggressive or passive aggressive. I just want to know why you fucking despise me (your words) because of the party I'm supporting this election. This is your chance. I'm right here listening. Why do you despise me for being a democrat?
You know, I wondered why people are still voting blue after the last four years. Hell, even the last 4 weeks of this administration… It’s not about Voting blue no matter who or orange man bad… it’s a vote between a peaceful civilization or more wars, more inflation, more crimes, less money for Americans, FEMA, open boarders… If I thought Kamala would do the better job, I’d vote for her as a conservative… but she isn’t the candidate.
Aww, bless your heart.
So… only democrats blindly vote straight party tickets? I’m pretty sure everyone with absolutely no critical thinking skills does that, regardless of the party.
If you want change, stop voting for the same people.
I've heard "Vote straight ticket republican" since the 80's. I was about 8 the first time I heard it and it is was dumb to me then and is dumber to me now.
When I was young, I hated the phrase "blue no matter who". Now, it's definitely blue no matter what. And definitely, don't let perfection be the enemy of progress.
I find it interesting how many people here truly want a one party state like China has.
"Vote Blue no matter who" implies a desire for the CCP or Putin, which is sad.
I don't want the GOP to win every seat any more than I want the Dems to win every seat. If you don't take into account multiple viewpoints, you end up with a dictatorship.
I'm going to assume you're a bot, or Russian plant. That's nicer than assuming you're just an idiot.
I don't want a one-party State. But we have a two-party system, and one of those parties wants to actively take away most of our rights.
I would love more of a parliamentary system, or ranked choice voting. But until we can implement that, fat chance, I'll wait for the party that represents my interests the most and that happens to be the Democratic party.
What makes them a bot or Russian plant?
They hold a viewpoint that they disagree with lol
Would love to see this energy you have against one party politics directed at Ken Paxton
When I was young, we were "yellow dog Democrats" meaning we'd vote for a yellow dog before voting Republican. Been one of those a few decades, but feel it now more than ever.
So glad to see this. I mentioned being taught the term "yellow dog Republican" in school to a few coworkers the other day and was given a look of sheer confusion as to what that meant.
One of them going so far as to say "Well, that would just be stupid to vote for a dog"
This is the type of comment I was expecting...a few oldsters (or even a youngster) reminiscing about the term.
Not the now deleted comment comparing straight ticket voting to wanting "a one party state like China has". Or being in favor of ruling parties like the CCP and Putin.
I find it interesting how many people here truly want a one party state like China has.
"Vote Blue no matter who" implies a desire for the CCP or Putin, which is sad.
I don't want the GOP to win every seat any more than I want the Dems to win every seat. If you don't take into account multiple viewpoints, you end up with a dictatorship.
A one-party state like China? Tell me you haven't lived in Texas for 30 years. That's how long EVERY SINGLE statewide office in Texas has been held by a single party, my sweet summer child. That has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether or not people choose to vote a straight ticket.
I'd love for there to be 5 or 6 parties and ranked choice voting, but we don't have that (and won't get it as long as a certain party in Texas continues their gamesmanship. And in case you're not aware, the gerrymandering, voter suppression and other games did not arise from the party that has 60+ year-old yellow dog fans.)
You might need to educate yourself on what political parties in the US do. How platforms are put together and how they work. If you haven't been a delegate to a political party convention, you might need to learn what that's about. It works a whole lot like something called the Constitutional Convention, which used the same process and formed the basis of our fledgling government.
You could do a lot more good by starting a new poliltical party, or advocating for changes in our two-party system than you will comparing party loyalists to Putin. You gotta work within the system to change the system. And you can't do that if you don't have a clue how it works.
I find it deeply ironic how much you assume about me and how much you assume you know.
You're wrong on both counts.
You are correct about problems in Texas being too heavily GOP, a single party is bad in both directions. The GOP has been in charge too long in Texas for sure. Ideally you'd have a GOP house and a Dem Gov, or vice versa, and they would have to work together.
You were wrong about me first and in a most intentionally offensive way. If you know what you're talking about you don't need to throw out Putin to insult people. Grow the F up.
Hey, just like the Republicans do!
i do admire the level of organization and outreach; socialists take note
I mean most families do essentially indoctrinate their kids by default. It’s kind of part of raising them.
I don’t see anything objectively false here, but the tone is a little alarmist. Frankly that’s an issue on both sides of this circus, though.
I was trained by my extreme maga parents to vote republican all the way down the ballot.
Projection at its finest.
Oh wow this person is your parent?
Yes sadly. Im voting harris, fuck what anyone else says.
These post always crack me up as if the other side isn’t doing the same. Why are you voting for X, “because we hate them”. lol great voting logic, it’s who we need at the polls…. Reddit is clearly one sided.
So.... who's gonna spam the hell out of that number? 🤣
Oh, Jan…
Lol Guys on the right want to make an r/DallasR
These NPC's are annoying
Thanks for the phone number - I got questions!!
Came here for the nice try Jan gif.
No training. I’m free to choose either candidate. What I was taught though was not to trust liars and con-men/grifters. Is that what they mean by “training”?
Is it really illegal to use your phone at voting sites? I keep my voting notes in there
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
What’s allowed at the polling place?
Cell Phones and Other Devices
Under Texas law, persons are not allowed to use wireless communications devices within 100 feet of voting stations. Additionally, persons are not allowed to use mechanical or electronic devices to record sound or images within 100 feet of the voting stations.
Devices that should not be used in the polling place include:
Cell phones Cameras Tablet computers Laptop computers Sound recorders Any other device that may communicate wirelessly, or be used to record sound or images.
i actually didn’t know this, for some of the local elections i have admittedly had to look up who the people were and read about their policies while voting. will not do that this time though!
Look up your ballot and research ahead of time.
Yes. Print it out or write it down. Paper only.
I have voted many times with a piece of paper in my hand of who I want to vote for. That is legal
I usually only do that at primaries when everyone is a Democrat.
The concern, I think, is that you could text proof to someone about how you voted, and get paid for that.
Lies and fear mongering is all they’ve had for YEARS, long before the Orange Idiot.
Please do some research so you understand what the Democrats are going to bring to this country. Under communism no one will be safe. We will all suffer, especially those of us in protected groups. Please research legitimate sources and not the mainstream media. We cannot afford another four years of this type of administration. We need to look out for each other and not for an individual candidate.
Vote for Harris or prepare for constant chaos and disregard for the truth.
I love that in the post complaining about fear mongering you are fear mongering.
I love how triggered you are by this post. Replying to everything 😆 snowflake
It’s a troll account they all do this
Welcome to Reddit, where people communicate with each other! 🤡
Normal People communicate.
Idiots like you just spew nonsense 😆
LOL. I feel like you’re a plant trying to make democrats look bad.
Trained? No. I grew up in a big northeast city. Prior to local elections, I was frequently reminded to vote the party ticket for the good of the city and county. So it wasn't training, but it still affected my thinking.
And Cruz is still going to win and all you liberals will continue to lose your minds. It’s a hilarious how you talk about no lies and vote for Harris/Walz.
How is this legal?
How is it illegal?
Idk that's what I'm asking. Is it?
Why wouldn’t it be?
Lies and fear is all any politician has left. Both sides are losers.
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
BoTh SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE.
Quite true.
sort of unrelated but I see his name on there, let it be known that Tan Parker is a terrible tipper and clearly doesn’t appreciate service workers.
Good, tipping is horrible.
The funny thing is, I know people who admit they vote straight R tickets without even considering candidates. And I know plenty of people who identify as democrats, and still vote for republicans in some cases.
That’s funny because I know people who admit they vote straight D tickets without even considering candidates. And I know plenty of people who identify as republicans, and still vote for democrats in some cases.
As if Republicans have never voted straight ticket😂
Rising inflation, unsecured borders, Americans getting no help from their own government…… these are all things that Biden and Harris are responsible for and yet you want to continue this idiocracy? #liberalismisamentaldisorder #Trump 2024
Geesh. They are hard up for an ignorant dictator
Literally everyone I know is all for Trump. The economy will go to shit under Harris, plenty more illegals destroying economies, houses will continue to be unaffordable. College kids now are the first generation that are completely worse off than the previous one. The clowns in the office currently need to go.
Lies and fear mongering? Where lol. Looks like an instructional sheet 🤔
No one trains anyone. It's funny how the fear democrats and make crap up about them. People aren't that organized and have better things to do than brainwash their children.
The best thing to do is vote for actions at the local government level. None of this shit matters.
Lies and fear - mongering are all we do anymore.
Lies and fear mongering is all they had to begin with
Trump is crushing in Texas!! You libs are clueless
Let’s everyone ask for her free signs then hold a big bonfire party using the signs as kindling to raise money for Kamala and Colin!
If y'all are interested in a safe Discord server to discuss and organize around this kind of thing:
I'm _ I'm voting _
Which part mongers fear?
I don’t vote straight Republican Ticket unless The NRA tells me to
Jan makes me glad I left DFW.
When you guys say you're a Republican, what do you mean?
This breaks some kind of law somewhere if you’re politicking within xxx amount of feet from a polling location, most definitely in it
1% of Americans watch Fox News in prime time. .05% of Americans watch MSNBC in prime time. 70% of Americans have never posted on Twitter.
Most everyone in this country is just trying to get through their work week and hopefully pay the mortgage. Politicians don’t help put food on anyones table. No one really cares about this shit and the ones who do can’t be persuaded otherwise.
Ironically I WAS trained to do just that! But for Republicans. Always the case of its ok for me to do but not you with these conservative nutcases.
IMO... I think we should never see the candidates or know the party they align with. We should just see #1,#2 #3...ect. And their policies they support, their agendas and vision for the 4 years in office. Then we vote for the best representation that aligns with our America. Not gender, race or party.
I'm voting Trump. It's policies, not the person
Fuck this guy.
Let’s all call, Jan
I find it interesting how many people here truly want a one party state like China has.
"Vote Blue no matter who" implies a desire for the CCP or Putin, which is sad.
I don't want the GOP to win every seat any more than I want the Dems to win every seat. If you don't take into account multiple viewpoints, you end up with a dictatorship.
So how many ppl have called her yet?
lol your trained everyday you watch, CNN, The View, MSNBC, the three letter alphabet media companies, former twitter, Facebook, and probably 2 3/4’s of the Fox affiliates… and you didn’t even know it….
Daaang! Even X (former Twitter), and the Fox affiliiates? So just who do you trust for information that you think isn't washing your brain?
If I have to tell you then your not actually interested and probably just looking for an argument. It information is out there and available. However, Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, and even Bill Maher to start.
Actually I am (or was) seriously interested. But now that I know you favor comedians, actors and entertainers for your "news" I would be looking for an argument if I had the time for it.
Username checks out
I got that training at the same conference where they taught how to control the weather. OP must've missed it.
You didn't go to Democritler Youth camp?? Man you missed all the fun stuff like skits, smores, voting a straight ballot...
Get some of those free signs and build a fire. Then take pics.
lol r/texas is basically a mini DNC at this point. All these ‘talking point’ comments… who do you think you’re fooling? We see the absolute contrasting reality outside Reddit… but yes, please tell us how everything has been so perfect these past 4 horrific years.
Only maybe 10 people upvote everything on these subs. They have 15 or more accounts each. They’re also the ones who moderate the page. R/Garbage_Californians
Trump 2024 🇺🇸 You Demoncrats are the spawn of the devil.
Your comment has been removed because it is a violation of Rule #3: Uncivil Behavior
Violations of this rule may result in a ban. Please review the r/Dallas rules on the sidebar before commenting or posting.
Send a message the moderators if you have any questions. Thanks!
This has nothing to do with Dallas
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
My home address would disagree.
You have a 17k incel rating on Reddit… you definitely just fabricated it knowing the api users would upvote it.
Your comment has been removed because it is a violation of Rule #3: Uncivil Behavior
Violations of this rule may result in a ban. Please review the r/Dallas rules on the sidebar before commenting or posting.
Send a message the moderators if you have any questions. Thanks!
strangecargo@reddit (OP)
Stay crazy, friend. Don’t let reality take that from you.
right call them crazy that’ll work lol
Surely there’s more than just one? Prove you didn’t just print this off.
I believe Trump is going to win. The majority of the country supports him over Kamala who is highly unqualified and has no real plan to change what she’s been doing the past 3.5 years. Save my comment and reply back after November 5th and I’ll own my mistake if I’m wrong, but just what I’m predicting.
He will win, probably by a landslide.
It’s Hillary V Trump all over again and Harris has lower odds than Hillary did
Tan Parker can get fucked.
I take it you’re not a fan.
What the fuck, dude
They make it sound like people forgot all about January 6th. I'm all for getting the community to vote, but at least try and let people decide for themselves. That's the whole purpose of voting.
Fill out the sample all Blue and send it back. 😂
You fools, your header to socialism then communism not democracy
FFS...every other post on this sub is Trump this, republican that...
Is there anything else in this city to talk about?
Ummmm...what are the lies and fear mongering? All they are doing is pressing people to get out and vote, and vote for their party. I certainly hope our side is doing the same thing. Aside - count on the Trump campaign to 'sell' their signs - that is so "on brand".
What if we took all the people who are self proclaimed right or left wing voters, the ones who make it an identity, and make a hyper brutalized version of the hunger games. The winning team gets to talk about how political they are at any time and the public has to applaud.
Not enough? Well you’re gonna like this.
The winners also get a neat little hat to wear around.
Told ya.
I’ve only seen one of the “wings” plastered in shirts, stickers, hats and flying flags about it.
Isn’t about collective “identity” for a lot of people. It’s about coming together in mass to ensure we don’t have a hateful, violent, incoherent person “leading” our country again. To put it nicely.
Vote Save America’s build your ballot own ballot tool; this helps you prepare and understand about the candidates/measures you’ll be presented with. Based on your address, so you will have all local and relevant info. Use this tool!
The greatest crime here is punctuation. Why do you need !!! after a period?
Please don't vote for Wysocki
Just called Jan to annoy her. Funniest reaction ever. You guys should do the same
You don't need any training, when VOTING FOR HYPNOTOAD!
Tan Parker is such a square. I know him personally. His tiny little meth-mouth is SO unsettling.
The comments about Dems and offering Republican yard signs is inappropriate, but this really isn't that out of pocket.
My dad did, in fact, train me to always vote one side no matter what. It just wasn't Dem. Every single accusation is a confession.