Pc build. part list update
Posted by Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 14 comments
i made a post earlier and i made a bit of an update for my list: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/2yZYpB
is this any good for the price? and yes, im trying to go for mostly white and ill be using it for gaming.
Might want something faster than a 6600 for 1440p.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
would something like this be good? (decided i should get better performance > looks at least for the gpu) https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/product/pD8bt6/msi-geforce-rtx-3060-ventus-2x-12g-geforce-rtx-3060-12gb-12-gb-video-card-rtx3060ventus2x12goc
is it future proof? or should i get something a but more better? (not too pricey would be nice)
not rly. 6700xt at the same price likely better for that resolution.
Gonna be hard to "future-proof" @ 1440p with a card <$500.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
yeah “future proof” definitely wasn’t the right word but i just wanted something that would last for a decent time. anyways thank you for the answer!
np. I knew what you meant, but I wouldn't recommend anything slower than a 6700xt for 1440p and that one came out >3 yrs ago. 6800 is \~3070Ti speed and has 16GB of VRAM.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
sorry about this but last question. where i am, both the 6700xt and the 6800 is sold out on amazon and anywhere else is pricey. should i wait for it to restock or is there no other options? would it be worth the wait? i’m not exactly in a hurry btw
Hmm. The 7700xt is \~6800 speed but has 12GB of VRAM instead of 16. 4060Ti is \~ same speed as a 6700xt but with less VRAM.
7800xt or 4070 could be nice, but idk if they'd work with the budget.
Guess I don't necessarily have a recommendation for <600 CAD but maybe those are your 4 next-best options in that price-range.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
hm alright i’ll think about it. thank you once again
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
got it. thank you
You could definitely save some money on the PSU. You don't need 850 watts for that build.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
should i change it even if i were to upgrade my build in the future?
750 watts will most probably be enough, even if you upgrade.
Gold-Blacksmith-5817@reddit (OP)
alright. thank you so much for the answer!
No problem