Ex-FAANG engineers turned Founders- How do I land meetings with VCs?

Posted by Clucker10@reddit | ExperiencedDevs | View on Reddit | 114 comments

I worked at a FAANG for nearly a decade and now I want to launch my own startup. I have an idea for a SaaS business with a clear product, a market with competitors over whom I have a clear efficiency/upside over, and a working, end-to-end MVP that I could sell to a customer today. From the few people that I do know in the startup world, this + my employment history ought to be enough to at the very least get meetings with early stage VC funds.

The problem, or at least one of the problems, I'm facing is that I don't know very many people at all in VC. I don't even know how to setup a meeting with a VC. I've tried cold-emailing and connecting on LinkedIn with partners at VC firms but those attempts have also been met with silence. My professional network is mostly other engineers in Big Tech, who, while willing to help, don't have obvious VC connections either. Friends and family have tried doing outreach on my behalf, but quite frankly, I don't come from a socioeconomic background where folks are in positions to mingle with others that work in VC.

My question to other ex-FAANG members is how should I approach VCs to setup meetings? How do I specifically leverage my technical expertise and experience to get meetings that the average Joe on the street would not be able to book? Outside of YCombinator, I don't know how, or where, I could reach out to a VC to setup a meeting without a prior introduction.

PS- In case someone asks why I would want VC instead of bootstrapping my product, I need help reaching customers moreso than getting funds. Fundraising would help flesh out my Front-End experience for my product, but crucially, it would help the lead generation process, which as you can tell, I'm not great at. I need someone to open doors that I can't on my own.