Collapse Preparedness vs prepping

Posted by katoscript@reddit | collapse | View on Reddit | 52 comments

Our community here at r/collapse seems increasingly aware of an imminent societal collapse and is more open to the idea that it could happen sooner rather than later. Many here are taking tangible steps to prepare, such as stockpiling food, securing resources, and maintaining alternative communication methods like amateur radio. This mindset is largely driven by a recognition of systemic risks like climate change, economic instability, and resource depletion, all of which have been highlighted by recent global events.

Meanwhile, r/preppers also focus on preparation, but their approach often comes with a different philosophy. Many in this community tend to concentrate on short-term disruptions rather than the broader, systemic collapse scenarios. Their preparedness can sometimes lean towards prioritizing comfort items (e.g., a bidet) rather than focusing on essentials like water and heat—despite evidence from events like the 2021 Texas freeze, Hurricane Katrina, or the COVID-19 pandemic, which demonstrated how quickly access to basics like power, water, and food can be disrupted.

Despite these differing perspectives, there is a significant overlap between the two communities. Both recognize the potential for sudden disruptions to our daily lives and emphasize the importance of self-sufficiency. The shared value placed on skills like gardening, food preservation, and amateur radio shows that, ultimately, both groups are working towards resilience, whether they expect a temporary disruption or a long-term systemic failure.

Recent years have seen a number of wake-up calls that have blurred the lines between these perspectives. From widespread supply chain breakdowns and increasing frequency of extreme weather events to global economic shocks and energy crises, many of us have had to face the reality that our systems may not be as stable as we once believed. Even those who once doubted the likelihood of a broader societal collapse are finding themselves making changes, whether it's stocking up on essentials or learning new skills.

So, in the wake of everything that is happening, how are you coping, preparing, and adjusting to the potential of a collapse?