ULPT Request: advice on stringency of EU vaccination/health cert requirements for dog moving from CA

Posted by pierogzz@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 1 comments

I’m going to lead with I know I have gotten myself into this entirely avoidable conundrum purely due to my procrastinating and over-estimating that things will work out because eh they always do. Big lesson learned to be more proactive.

I’m moving to an EU country form Canada with my dog. The requirements are to get her rabies shot updated and a health certificate, all good. What I didn’t realize was that the health certificate needs to be done 21 days after inoculation.. and I will have a gap of 5 days if I do the certificate 2 days before my flight.

Now I’m wondering about how scrutinous they would be at Pearson Airport or Amsterdam where our layover is. I guess I was lax in not being on top of the requirements because of how easy and seamless her move from Texas was, where we got her. They barely looked at the paperwork (clean bill of health & rabies shot proof too) so I’m wondering if it is similar in the EU? She’s a very healthy dog but there was a gap of a few months from when her last rabies cycle expired.