Traveling with dog to EU from USA

Posted by Reasonable-Aerie4266@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 6 comments

So, kinda complicated. I adopted my dog (female chihuahua) from my mother a few years ago in the Americas, my mother used to live in Malta with the dog and she (the dog) technically has an EU passport, but I have not kept up with it (the passport), and my name is not on the passport. I am not sure if this would still be valid, or if I need to apply for a new passport for her with my registered information. I currently live in USA, but am planning to take an extended trip to stay with lifelong friends in Malta for a bit of a sabbatical, and I wanted to bring my dog with me. Fortunately, I have a lot of time as this will likely be towards the middle of next year, but I would like to get all my ducks in a row and start any process that may require many months.

If I have to get her a new passport, it seems I cannot get that done in USA and have to do it in EU, but not Malta. Does this mean I would have to perhaps spend some time getting her passport on a more "mainland" area within the EU? (Spain, Germany, Sweden, etc.) If that is something I have to do, that's very doable as I have friends to stay with there too.

I do have an old document from a phycologist stating she is an emotional support animal, but I have had no need to finalize anything anything officially as far as licenses or whatever, so I am unsure if it will help as is or if it's something I should look into as well.

I welcome any and all opinions and resources.