ULPT Request: Messing with frat guys

Posted by TheKaranoVorus5@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 111 comments

There’s a frat at my school that’s notorious for spiking drinks and they just recently drugged two girls to the point of requiring resuscitation. They’re already suspended by the school but no action is being taken against its members, so I decided I want to mess with them a bit. I already ordered chipdrop to their house and signed some (gonna do more later) of them for scientology + jehovah’s witnesses. I can’t get in their house, and it’s reasonable to assume that I could not easily do anything to the outside of their house. I’m thinking about sending them glitter bombs but that’s very tame in my opinion. Anyone have any advice for how to mess with a bunch of drink-spiking frat guys?