ULPT request: How to keep a convicted pedophile away from my young cousin when all adults know but choose to turn a blind eye

Posted by lifepaws@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 111 comments

A few years ago, my aunt's husband was convicted of a crime because of what he did to me and 5 other victims. Includes very serious stuff like violating physical boundaries and recording me in the shower. He only got probation.

My aunt did not believe us, so she is still with him, and she convinced my grandparents to side with her. Because of him, I lost my entire family who lived a 5 minute walk away. Everyone in my small town knows about everything, I had teachers flippantly asking me about it after class, and I have since moved away out of shame. Meanwhile he and my aunt are living happy picture perfect lives, totally untouched by any social or financial downfalls. It has been a few years so I had done my best to heal from it, though it will probably take a lifetime.

All of my healing has gone down the drain—my young cousin admitted that she doesn't feel comfortable around him, because of the weird way he looks at her. This alone was devastating enough. But recently, in a drunken stupor, he confessed to her teenage boyfriend that he is attracted to my young cousin; I will not quote him directly, but he said many disgusting things and used the word "sexy" many times.

The main issue with this is that she has already told all of this to her mom, my other aunt, who also didn't believe me. I thought maybe, her own daughter being the victim would wake her up from whatever reality she lives in that allows her this level of denial. But nope. So all the adults in her life refuse to protect her. I've already bought her a pepper spray, but logistically I'm not sure how much it will truly help to keep her safe. I don't want her to have to prevent herself from being harmed, I want him to not be given the possibility and the access to her.

What the hell do I do?