ULPT Request: Neighbor plays music outside my home office

Posted by PunkRockEtiquettte@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 22 comments

Hey y'all! So as the title says I've got an inconsiderate neighbor who will bring a camp chair (seriously) down the driveway and sit ~20 feet from my bedroom and office window and play music loud enough that I can hear it through my closed, double-paned windows. I have tried multiple times to politely ask her to quiet down, and she will on occasion, but more often than not she ignores me and is right back to the same bullshit a few hours later or at the very most the next day and recently she's taken to not even acknowledging me if I approach, despite the fact I've only ever been polite with a please and thank you. My only relief from this are days the weather is too bad to sit outside. I've considered an inconvenient sprinkler but she has enough space to move just out of its reach and still annoy the fuck out of me (and anyone I'm on a call with).

I don't know where her apartment is, unfortunately, or I'd simply go sit outside her window with an equal amount of noise.

Additional info that might be helpful: she is always screaming about something either at a child she often has with her or down the phone. I can also hear this. She also smokes a lot of weed in her camp chair, next to said child she screams at. I don't mind weed in general, but wondering if I can report her for public use or something just to get her out of my hair. Located in California though so options might be limited.