ULPT Request: How to handle someone threatening to share intimate pictures of me online?

Posted by throwaway3728284@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 26 comments

He wants to “run me off Twitter” in his own words. He’s just a creep on a power trip, I’ve spoke to him online for years and he’s started doing this to girls recently. I used to be very active on there years ago, now I have a locked down account I also stopped posting on a year ago with a few followers, so my reputation isn’t something I’m particularly bothered about, other than incriminating conversations we’ve had that he could post screenshots of, and the intimate pictures I wish I never sent. I don’t want my kinks getting out there.

He’s done this to multiple other girls, but I’m afraid if I’m too stubborn to delete my account, he’ll up to posting screenshots, which Twitter wouldn’t be quick to act on if that was the case. The only reason I still have that account is to interact with shit I like, the most I do on there is like. I’m afraid to block him etc as that may trigger him. Do I just suck it up, delete the account and make a fresh one he doesn’t know about? I’m selfish about my algorithm being quite tailored to me. He knows too much about me but luckily not my surname, people I know, where I work. Twitter/X is so slow to act.

I know little information about him, I believe he’s changed the phone number he once had. The Snapchat I had for him is gone. Do I just let him win?

So I have reported what he’s done so far to X but he either deletes it or nothing happens.

TIA for advice.