Debunking the Eurocentric Travel Bias: Why Moving to Australia Doesn't Mean Sacrificing Cultural Exploration

Posted by Confusedmind75@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 30 comments

Recently, I’ve been watching more videos and reading blogs and threads about moving to Australia, and I understand the pros and cons, but what I feel is ridiculous is the fact that most people talk about how difficult it is travelling. By that, they only mean Europe, because according to them Europe is the epitome of culture. (WTF!). I have read such post on this sub itself.

I agree Travelling is time consuming, but expecting all that there is to travelling is Europe is such bias. Plus I was looking through more places in the world, I would like to travel and there were multiple options from Australia to Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand and even USA. i understand they are long flights but so cheap. But if you consider them from Europe, it’s extremely expensive. I also know these places have extremely diverse culture that anybody can enjoy. So, me who is living in Europe( not an European) when reading these posts and comments makes me feel that it’s stupid.