ULPT Request: Can I get someone removed from a college by sending the college evidence that they are in possession of marijuana? Or something similar?

Posted by IllliilliiiIiiIIilI@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 99 comments

Title. I am going through a divorce at the moment and my bitch of an ex-wife is attempting to threaten me into paying for our daughter's college tuition. She is 19 and is going to get her associate's degree this semester but my bitch of an ex-wife wants me to pay for her schooling until she gets her bachelor's degree.

My daughter also happens to keep a secret marijuana stash in her bedroom. If I contact her college and inform them about this, would they possibly kick her out of the school? At least temporarily? I cannot let my hard-earned money go towards something like this and I am desperate to avoid letting my ex-wife play me like a fool.

Any help is appreciated.