Argentina: July to September change in USD prices is insane.

Posted by F_Reddit_Election@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 46 comments

Background: aformer US expat married to an Argentine; we dlive in Argentina 3-6 months out of the year.

The prices of just going out to a restaurant is now very similar to the USA even in what’s considered a “working class town” in greater BA.

Dollar blue is quickly becoming not even a thing anymore. You could get 1500 pesos for a dollar in early July and not it’s closing into the official rate. It’s still better than the official rate at ~1250 but that’s drastically different from when my last child was born when it was a 100%+ difference on dollar blue rate.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE: My in laws USD conversion salary over doubled the past year. They can finally afford to travel to us in the USA.