ULPT - if you're thinking about divorce pt 2.5

Posted by MediumFuckinqValue@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 25 comments

I hung out with a fellow divorcee and we talked about about our experiences over drinks. I think more needs to be said about money. This is more of a pro tip for those subject to heavy handed control, where your controlling spouse keeps a close eye on the money.

This person would go grocery shopping and opt for cash back on most transactios. At the beginning she was only getting $60 a month. She feared he would start checking the receipts and busting her. After a couple of months of small gains, she started buying extraneous items that could be returned at the next visit. Her examples included cookware, utensils, tumblers, and at one time a brand name ice chest, later exchanged for the generic brand of the same color. This satisfied a few things: receipts would match the items, there would be no cash back amount line item, and the refund will be in the form of cash if the debit option is used (check with the store). You should also shop at different stores or you could get blacklisted.

Her biggest gains were during Christmas shopping season. After two years, she had collected enough cash to retain an attorney, plus extra to cover living expenses during a brief transition period. This person played chess.

Check with your lawyer for actual legal advice, although that might be difficult if you don't have access money. If you're broke, come back to ULPT.