Advice for a US citizen considering leaving

Posted by linetracer98@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 21 comments

Hello, I've been entertaining the idea of leaving the US for some time. I've been living in Houston, TX for a little over a decade and have been debating a change of pace via moving altogether. I'm finding myself very withdrawn from a lot of the social scenes, the car dependent infrastructure of the city makes me feel pretty isolated, and the annoying navigation through the US healthcare system with some of recent ailments I've accrued this year have worried me, stressed me. My only previous experience of living abroad was in a southeast Asian country for a couple years, as a young international student with family in the oil field. I've been looking to a couple of different places, namely the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and Spain.

To know more about me without disclosing my information, I'm a mid-20s male, been working full-time as an administrative assistant, front desk person for an IT firm for nearly four years. Graduated college with a Bachelor of Science in a College of Technology. Job-wise, I'm kind of a minimalist in expectations in that I want is something that could pay the bills and to be able to detach from work the moment I'm off the clock. Rent in my current home is about 975USD/mo, not including utilities, wifi, etc.

Personally, I'm a massive lover of music (mostly rock, but love many genres, experimenting), play in a couple of bands, write, produce my own music, as well as an enjoyer of media such as TV, movies. Sober, but I love going out to dance, socialize, also part of the LGTBQ+ community. Sometimes like chess, reading. Not very sporty, but want to get more into the outdoors, parks with groups, friends. I'm aware these are vague characteristics, but not ready to disclose myself.

I've thought of moving as early as 2027, gives me enough time to figure out if I really do decide to follow through with this, and because I'm not fully aware of the citizenship, visa processes for the countries I've listed, though I'm sure they'd take a while. If you've lived or are living in any of the countries I've listed, do you have any pros, cons, tidbits of advice, words of encouragement, even discouragement, steps in one direction or another? Is there anything that I should take into account doing in the States that might benefit my transition into any of the countries listed, such as doing a graduate program since I already did college in the states, or maybe working in a more particular field, career to increase my chances with more opportunities in the job market?

Anything would be of massive help, thanks!