Path to becoming an English Teacher in Vietnam or Thailand?

Posted by johndoe2495@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 5 comments

Hi Everyone,

I currently reside in the USA. I hope this isn't too vague of a question. I've never traveled before but for a lot of reasons over the past 18 months I've fallen in love with different Asian cultures. Also, I grew up and live in New England and never got used to the cold - I hate it. I want to live in a warmer climate despite how crazy Monsoon season can be. Currently I have no degree or TEFL (which I know I will have to obtain). I know that this will be a long road but I'm dead set on leaving America for something better. I click better with foreigners.

Has anyone here ever done this? Is it more of a 'who you know' kind of a thing or did you just apply when the time was right and it worked out? Also, what are some of the difficulties you could expect to prepare for? And is teaching English sustainable in places like Hanoi or Ho Chi Min City?