Questioning my choices in career path

Posted by spiritualasfuck@reddit | marinebiology | View on Reddit | 0 comments

Hey all.

I'm sure many of you are or have been in the same boat. Having just finished a Masters in Marine Science and studied for 7 years in this field, I have to start looking into developing an actual career. The job market is certainly not making me happy, especially considering my preference for the field of marine biology. It is pretty wild to me that after spending so much time in school and in the field during theses and internships, it still seems super difficult to find a path that suits my preferences. It is seriously taking a toll now on my mental wellbeing and I am starting to beat myself up for not pursuing a career that offers more security and opportunities.

As a result I've been looking into traineeships in IT that may get me started on a career, while potentially steering it in a direction that may be helpful in a later career within the original field of marine science.

I would be happy to hear of other dedicated marine biologist careers on the sub, or any people that have made a career switch post-education.