ULPT Request: Can I legally seize an abandoned vehicle parked in my driveway?

Posted by DifficultEvent2026@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 345 comments

I come home Thursday to find some flagging truck parked in my driveway. After 48hr, yesterday, I call the number on the truck and report it telling them to get it off of my driveway. I even specify I do not want whoever to parked it there to get in trouble, if they had asked I might not have even had a problem with it, I just want it off of my driveway, I do not know who they are or why it's there. It's clearly a private driveway. They apologize and say they'll send someone to remove it. Today it is still there and before I call the police and have it towed I realized hey, I'd appreciate a new truck. Is it possible to seize this vehicle and take ownership?