Feeling regret and homesick for studying abroad

Posted by RoyalMagus@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 17 comments

Hi, M(19) here, I moved from the Philippines to Vietnam on August 11 for university studies.

Early 2024, I got an opportunity to study in a Vietnam University (Bach Khoa) where there is an international program which consists of 2 years in Vietnam and 2 years in Australia. I was stoked and excited back then, doing everything I can do make sure I get this opportunity, even rushing my family to send me there as soon as possible. Fast forward a couple of months, here I am more than a month in Vietnam, feeling restless in my own room and crying every day.

The first two weeks in Vietnam I was with my mother and we are staying with my cousin (she has lived and taught here for about 2 years now), we got settled and my mother helped me for the two weeks she was staying here and everything was fine, we were touring and exploring, I was still stoked and excited for university. Until it’s time for her to leave and the next day she was gone, I just bawled my eyes and missed her instantly. I thought I could just tough this out as it may just be homesickness and such, but its been three weeks since, and I’ve been missing more and more stuff, my friends, family, my home, my first uni back home, and the general environment back in the Philippines.

Don’t get me wrong I haven’t experienced any negative things in Vietnam, the University staff has welcomed me nicely and assisted me with the transition. I’ve met a couple of my classmates that I stick with during class. But I cant shake off the feeling of yearning to go back. I realized my life back in my home country was great, my university back then was more lively, I had a lot of friends, I went out a lot, got good grades. Now, here I am always bedridden in my condo when there is no class. I’m struggling with studies as well as listening and understanding lectures. Not to mention FOMO, where there isn’t a Christmas and New Years break here meaning I can’t go home and celebrate those festive times with my family and friends.

I didn’t grasp the life I was trading before coming here, I was blinded by the opportunity looking forward and not worrying about the journey first. Now I fear that if I pull out, I’d be wasting a lot of my parents money, as well as my time where I should be a sophomore already but I went back to being a freshmen here and if I stop again, I should already be a junior but I will be back to being a freshmen for the third time. I do not know what to do.