what does it mean to major in marine biology

Posted by thecatsfighting@reddit | marinebiology | View on Reddit | 0 comments

hi all, im not sure if this is the place to ask, but i was wondering what majoring in marine biology would be like. im still struggling to pick which major i would like. I know i could google these, and i have, its just that i'd really like to hear real life experiences because every time i google these it seems like people give a very positive perspective. so if anyone could answer my questions, i would really appreciate it.

  1. why did you major in marine biology?
  2. what did you learn in university? (what subjects, like biology, chemistry, math, etc.)
  3. is there anything you had to learn that you didnt expect or isnt directly related to marine biology? (like i heard you had to learn computer sciene and data science for analytics?)
  4. what kind of jobs/career could you pursue with this degre/what are you currently working as

thank you in advance everyone, if anyone has any additional advice that would be great too