Zimbabwe orders cull of 200 elephants amid food shortages from drought

Posted by chromazgympartner@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 43 comments

Reason for Cull:

Severe drought has led to food shortages.

Overpopulation of elephants in certain areas, particularly Hwange National Park.

Details of the Cull:

Zimbabwe plans to cull 200 elephants.

The culling will occur in areas where elephants have clashed with humans.

Current Elephant Population:

Zimbabwe has an estimated 100,000 elephants.

Hwange National Park, which is designed to support fewer elephants, currently has about 65,000 elephants—more than four times its capacity.

Historical Context:

The last elephant culling in Zimbabwe occurred in 1988.

Comparison with Neighboring Countries:

Namibia is also conducting a cull due to drought, having already culled 160 animals, including 83 elephants.


Concerns that the culling could negatively impact tourism.

Ethical objections regarding the killing of elephants, who are major tourist attractions.

Critics argue that more sustainable and eco-friendly methods should be employed.

Support for Cull:

Some conservationists argue that managing elephant populations is necessary to prevent habitat damage and maintain ecosystem balance.

Supporters claim that uncontrolled elephant populations can lead to significant environmental harm.

Broader Context:

Southern Africa, including Zimbabwe and Namibia, is experiencing widespread drought.

About 42% of Zimbabweans live in poverty, with around 6 million people expected to need food assistance during the lean season.