Has anyone seen my Grandmas lost dog? (IRVING)

Posted by TheAquaDuck1@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 40 comments

Has anyone seen my Grandmas lost dog? (IRVING)

Hello everyone, first time posting in the DFW Subreddit. My family has been on a wild hunt for my grandmothers lost purebred poodle and is offering a cash reward to anyone who can find her.

Shes older, my grandmother rescued her from a breeder that was going out of business (she was a breeding dog previously). Not tagged and no collar unfortunately… Pics below. Please message me if you have any insights or have seen her.

My mom has posted all over everywhere and we’ve been checking shelters and searching almost 24/7. Last sighting was near the highway off of Cheyanne and Rainer Street in Irving, TX.

Thanks for reading.