Putin May Amp Up Sabotage In Response to UK Missiles in Russia, Officials Say

Posted by chromazgympartner@reddit | PrepperIntel | View on Reddit | 25 comments

Background Context

Ukraine’s Use of Western-Made Missiles: There has been speculation and discussions among Western allies about providing Ukraine with advanced missiles that could potentially be used to strike targets within Russia. This could significantly escalate the conflict by directly targeting Russian military infrastructure or other critical sites within Russian territory.

Kremlin's Possible Retaliatory Actions

  1. Increased Sabotage and Cyber Attacks:

Hybrid Warfare: The Kremlin may intensify its use of hybrid warfare tactics, which blend traditional military actions with cyber warfare and sabotage. This includes:

Cyber Attacks: Increased frequency and sophistication of cyber operations aimed at disrupting NATO member states’ infrastructure, communication systems, or financial systems.

Sabotage: Targeting critical infrastructure such as energy supplies, transportation networks, and industrial facilities to create economic and logistical disruptions.

  1. Direct and Indirect Attacks on US Troops:

Middle East Operations: One potential avenue of retaliation could involve direct or indirect actions against US military personnel stationed in the Middle East. This might include:

Proxy Attacks: Supporting militant groups or proxy forces in the Middle East to carry out attacks on US forces or interests.

Military Engagement: Increased provocations or confrontations with US military forces in the region.

Strategic Considerations

Escalation Risks: Russia’s response could further escalate tensions, potentially leading to broader military engagements. The use of hybrid tactics aims to avoid direct confrontation while still imposing significant costs and disruptions on NATO countries.

Political and Economic Impact:

Internal Politics: Domestically, increased aggression and hybrid tactics can be used to bolster nationalistic sentiments and distract from internal issues or economic difficulties.

International Relations: Escalation could strain diplomatic relations further and possibly lead to retaliatory measures by NATO countries, exacerbating global tensions.

Military and Diplomatic Responses

NATO and US Measures: In response to potential Russian escalation, NATO and the US might enhance their own defensive measures and increase support for Ukraine. This could include:

Enhanced Security Measures: Strengthening defenses and cyber security in NATO countries and reinforcing military presence in vulnerable areas.

Increased Military Aid: Expanding military aid to Ukraine, including advanced weaponry and intelligence support, to bolster its defensive and offensive capabilities.

Diplomatic Channels: There may be attempts to de-escalate tensions through diplomatic channels, involving negotiations or dialogues to prevent a broader conflict.


The situation underscores the complexity of the geopolitical dynamics between Russia, Ukraine, and NATO countries. The potential for Russia to retaliate through a combination of cyber operations, sabotage, and indirect military actions highlights the risks of further escalation in an already tense conflict. Both Russia and NATO face significant challenges in managing the balance between military engagement and diplomatic resolution, with potential consequences for global stability and security.