Did your chronic health conditions change while living abroad?

Posted by reverse-13@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 24 comments

Hello All,

I wanted to ask if anyone had similar experiences to me. I was living in Japan for a year and a half and am originally from Canada. It was my first time living abroad, and the climate is extremely different. I noticed a lot of my health issues improved while I was living there, but after returning to Canada, I quickly became ill again. I have an extensive health history of mystery illnesses that no one can figure out, but so much of it went away while I was living there. Has anyone else experienced this?

I know stress and diet can be big factors, and I had different stresses, but also, in Japan, healthcare is extremely accessible, whereas in Canada, it isn't. I had to come back to take care of my older pets that could not travel with me, so I'm not able to move full-time to Japan, even though I would move back again in a heartbeat.

Some examples:

In general, there were trade-offs, but I just felt way less pain for the first time in decades. Which honestly i had given up on finding answers for. Trying to figure out a long term solution, but man was I surprised.