Why does every Alternative suck so much?

Posted by NuminousDaimon@reddit | RedditAlternatives | View on Reddit | 114 comments

It's so funny too, because every alternative that's listed or posted about has one super glaring and obvious issue that can be fixed but for some (likely ego) reason it wont and never will be, by the owners of that site. Also those sites look like absolute shit too. Don't even work properly on mobile too. (Mobile only makes up 80% of internet traffic, so no need to optimise for phones or release an actual app /s) And then they wonder why they never go anywhere and have to shut down lmao. Needless to mention how shortsighted the owners are everytime.

Is it really that hard to make an decent alternative or are the people that do it just so incompetent? Genuinely wondering. I think it's the latter in 99%. If I had money I would commission my own alternative and it wouldn't suck.

None of this "federated" or whatever this means nerd bullshit. A clearweb URL that is memorable, a corresponding app that isn't a chrome shortcut, an user profile you can make with your google account or mail, UI and UX similar to reddit or Insta (since this is what works apparently, no need to reinvent the wheel like they all try to)

But ego free admins/ mods in charge of channels or communities with strong moderation to protect from scammers, spam and so on. Free of the Kulturkampf, the americanised english web suffers so much from.

Is that so hard? Oh yeah also, a coder shouldn't be in charge of a website. But someone with actual social skills and experience in PR and Marketing. Otherwise you get an Ruqqus 2.0 or Saidit 2.0 So many websites where the coder is the "main guy" and he obviously lacks social skills and takes every suggestion as an attack. Bah. And they never have any vision whatsoever and the site consists of shitting on reddit, normies and everyone else instead of having worthwhile original content. Like how Rumble is really just the socially awkward discount version of YouTube, not an actual alternative.