On management sim games...

Posted by MeasurementNice295@reddit | Libertarian | View on Reddit | 6 comments

Are there any people in this sub who like management sim games? I've never played them but I have a question for those who do, because I've seen some government themed ones, even a soviet themed one, for the matter.

Do you think that these make any sense from a libertarian perspective? If from a libertarianist perspective the best thing a government can do is to not use it's power to coerce people, as the only consequence of any coercion is to destroy wealth, and thus the objective of the game should be to shrink the power of government as much as you can in order to achieve more free trade and by consequence, more prosperity.

I know they're just games, and games can have any rules and internal logic the creator thinks they should have and not necessarily obey the same cause and consequence that the "pesky" real world would necessarily have, but I remember seeing some screenshots of some unsatisfied Steam custumers because the "utopia" they had created didn't quite get the results they intended in their management sim game, so maybe there are some remnants of logic in these games?

(I don't remember the name of the game, just that the screenshots of the Steam reviews got viral in some pages I used to follow.)