The X-Files premiered 31 years ago today (Sep 10, 1993). I still want to believe.
Posted by WilliamMcCarty@reddit | GenX | View on Reddit | 49 comments

I don't think I would have the patience to stick with it as I did when I was younger, but I commend those two fine actors. They've also aged wonderfully over the years! (Dare I say, I think she's hotter now than she ever was... but, maybe I'm supposed to see it that way commensurate with my own aging? Very glad if so!)
I am of the odd and unusual opinion that "Scully" the character is hot, but Gillian Anderson the actress is not. There is nothing WRONG with the way she looks, but she is only HOT when playing Scully.
Watch Sex Educationon Netflix and then get back to us about Gillian Anderson. I'd hit that. Fine-looking woman.
Oh you are SO wrong. I saw them both together at ComicCon and the chemistry between the 2 of them is off the charts.
All good! Preferences are what they are... nobody can nor should give you shit for them.
I started watching X-files halfway through season 1. Totally blew me away.
Think about how we felt in 1993! Trail blazer. Firdt few seasons were 🔥
We didn't have internet either so there was no real forum to discuss it. I remember hanging around on FidoNet (which was a very old precursor to what Reddit is now) back in the day and there was an X-files group there.
There was a Usenet newsgroup for the X-Files around the first seaason. Really though, the years the X-Files was on were the years where the internet and celll phones came into public normalcy. The Lone Gunman were referencing the internet a few seasons in.
Oh wow! We are probably the same age but I didn’t get on IRN (probably wrong acronym????) until I was in school. A few years into X files…
We would login in the dorm room using the phone line (lol) and chat with people from other countries presumably in school too!
But my roomate like talking on the phone alot so we didn’t get to logon a lot😂
We probably are similar age. 😁 I only had two posters in my bedroom throughout my teenagehood: X-files and Aliens. I sat with the video and recorded every single episode from TV, just because I didn't want the commercials.
It was my favorite show! There was literally nothing that could get me to go out on a Friday night when a new X-files episode was on - especially since I never did get the hang of programming the VCR so it always seemed to cut off part of the show.
Squeeze was my first episode
I still can’t believe her American accent is fake
I loved that show. Still do.
I watched that show sometimes, but I HATED that it was never the mundane explanation. I thought the show would be much stronger if Scully was right sometimes. Otherwise she just was dumb.
I think it was kind of a bummer that in the end it turned out to be aliens. All of the paranormal stuff, aliens or alien tech from the good aliens used by humans to experiment to find a way to control the evil aliens or to combat their alien black goo. The illuminati and One World Government.... alien conspirators and those against them. Government cover-ups.... because of aliens.
Woulda been cool if some of the weird stuff was weird just because it was weird in and of itself.
One of the many things I loved about the 90s is how stuff like this could just come out of left field and totally blow everybody away. Show starts on minor start up network. No advance hype, no promotion. Slow burn middling ratings then suddenly a cultural phenomenon
It was pretty popular for sure, and I think largely because of Cigarette Smoking Man. Also, the show touched on some of the conspiracy theories back in the day, in particular the Illuminati and One World Government.
And like from the beginning, Scully and Mulder were fleshed out personalities. In the pilot, Mulder is already snacking on sunflower seeds and all. And when you watch season 1, the stories and cinematography were already high quality.
right. Other than the fantastical supernatural alien stuff everything about it seemed real. I felt like I was looking at real people through a window not watching tv.
This and Twin Peaks were my favourite shows of that time
And I’ll add Millennium to that list for me.
I’ve never heard of it.
I worked in the corporate world back then, and Scully was my style icon. I have red hair and I wore it in the same style as her.
Ok then…. 😍ManyLintRollers😍
haha, back in the day a sure way to win me over was to say "You know, you look a lot like Scully!"
My troops when I left one of my units gave me a blow up doll with a red wig and Gillian Anderson’s face on it. I might have a type.
I still can't believe it's 31 years since it's release date and I still haven't seen a single episode.
Notice Gillian standing closer to the camera so it doesn't look weird in the full body shot. There's a 10" height difference
I believe(d)
I want to believe. Still.
I remember watching the premiere. No way that was 31 years ago! Ten at most!
Were they one of the first shows to have a serial plot each year or throughout the whole show? But the show was still ‘monster of the week’ so you didn’t really have to start watching from day one?
Classic. I rewatched the entire series a few years ago.
I do believe
They're so young!
Which makes this trivia point on IMDB even more apt: Being too young for the part, Gillian Anderson lied about her real age when she auditioned for it, saying that she was four years older than she actually was.
I still remember watching the pilot when it premiered!!! I can't believe I witnessed the birth a classic sci-fi show and experienced it in real time!! I remember thinking "who the heck is Gillian Anderson? And how did she get the starring role here because I've literally never seen her before!" (Now she's like a multiple Emmy winner)
Trust No One.....words to live by
I had a cat who loved the theme song. I would whistle along with the TV and he would meow and get all excited.
Crazy. My best friend had just moved away before the series started. We'd call each other every week and watch it together, catch up on life. I can't believe it's been that long.
I loved this show. I think this show paved the way for “Supernatural” (loved that show too).
It still holds up. David and Gillian had the best onscreen chemistry ever.
I wonder what they would think of the new UAP disclosure legislation.
Watch it all, once a year.
Heard a reference to it on a podcast that I listened to last week covering the book Mason and Dixon (1997). It was sort of sad that most of the contributors said the show was before their time. Really made me feel old. Btw, if you like the Mulder/Skully dynamic, the book does evoke a bit of it, although there are no aliens/monsters.