ATR, stick pusher and icing
Posted by ClouDAction@reddit | aviation | View on Reddit | 7 comments
Does the stick pusher activate at the same AoA with and without icing? Is it possible that the ATR will stall due to icing without the stick pusher activation?
It has two activation thresholds. Normal and icing aoa. When crew uses anti-icing on aileron horns, that lower icing aoa value is used by the stick shaker. After all the ice has melted away, the crew can revert back to normal aoa values by pushing a button. But of course the ice accumulation can be so bad that the plane stalls even before the icing AOA and stick pusher.
ClouDAction@reddit (OP)
Two activation thresholds, but only for the stick shaker, right? The Stick pusher has no separate activation threshold for icing conditions, right?
Stick pusher activates at 13.4 aoa normally but with icing aoa it activates at 10.6 aoa. At flaps 0 and on ATR72-500
ClouDAction@reddit (OP)
Thank you for your reply. Is this already true for all variants?
I cannot say about 42, I fly only 72-500s
ClouDAction@reddit (OP)
Sure. Thank you again! (:
It also