What causes carbon monoxide in the vehicle?
Posted by EveningGlittering326@reddit | askcarguys | View on Reddit | 17 comments
I’ve notice lately my body has a horrible reaction to being in my vehicle. I’m starting to wonder if there’s carbon monoxide. I want to take it to the dealer to check. But what is it that they could fix?
Exhaust leak. Get a carbon monoxide detector.
EveningGlittering326@reddit (OP)
What kind? And where should I be putting it to detect CO?
Do this immediately. Frankly all cars ought to be carrying them.
Yeah, do this. Don’t mess around with CO. I’d recommend driving with your windows open until you can verify if it is or isn’t.
Exhaust leak would be the cause of CO in the car, but for it to effect you on a short drive you would almost certainly be able to hear a loud noise caused by the leak.
EveningGlittering326@reddit (OP)
What type of noise?
I mean, your car should be significantly louder than any of the vehicles around you, and you may hear a ticking noise when idling.
How old is your car exactly? If it's more than a few years old, or out of warranty, why the hell would you take it to the dealer? Do you actually get all your service done at the dealer rather than a trusted, independent mechanic?
EveningGlittering326@reddit (OP)
Man it’s 2019 lol. I’m asking car guys for a reason man. Sorry I didn’t mean to offend u
What type of not feeling well are you experiencing?
Exhaust leak in the engine bay or directly below the cab area. Stick your hand over the end of the exhaust pipe before the car is hot and listen to see if it gets louder up front somewhere
Dont use the car if you suspect CO is entering the cabin. CO will kill you and you won't even know you're dying.
Yeah, four younger Marines died about a year ago on a road trip when they had an exhaust leak spilling CO into the car.
If it is carbon monoxide and it gets in the car with the windows closed its likely leaking from the manifold or downpipe, making its way up into engine bay then in the cabin via the ventilation system. When there is a leak further down the exhaust it only gets inside the cabin with windows down or trunk open
If this is the case before you get it fixed try not using the blower fan when driving at low speed, keep windows open.
Exhaust leak. Super rare for any car newer than about 1990 to get one that can enter the car, unless it's now louder than hell.
The more likely thing is mold. Cabin air filter and AC condenser should be or inspected. If those are not, time to check floors, carpets, etc, for moisture, and see if there is a door seal leaking and search for mold. There's a absolutely shocking number of cars that get major mold problems.
It could also be a heater core. Do you sometimes get a sickly sweet smell inside the car, when starting it? What about with the heater on in the morning? Will it seem to fog a clear window if you turn the heater on defrost? Is there a white haze in the windows? Leaky heater core can make you sicker than hell, and sometimes be so slight it's not obvious.
Last thing might be weird, but, are you currently in the habit of driving with just one of the windows cracked? Like, do you vape and leave it slightly down? Sometimes, if you have sensitive inner ears, this can cause a pressure differential inside the car, that fucks your inner ear up and can give you vertigo--lots of people can feel this, and notice right away, and some people can't. It's the last thing I got.
Hole in the chassis, plugs or sealer missing. Exhaust leak.
Exhaust leak is about it