Trying to access a Windows share from a fresh install of MX Linux immediately proves what is wrong with Linux as a whole.

Posted by Redditburd@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 14 comments

If you google "Connect to a windows share from linux" and you will inundated with people that have found out just like me that it's near impossible to accomplish this task without advanced computer and linux specific skills.

I have been trying to connect to a network share for three hours. I'm not dumb. I have even managed to accomplish this before, but this brings back so many memories of why I do not use Linux. This simply does not work. I don't care if it's a hidden Windows user setting or soemthing like that. I can ping the server I can even get a prompt for a password when I try to access the smb:// direcly from Thunar. There is no logical way forward.

Screw you Linux.