Husband follows female dispatcher on social media. Is this normal?
Posted by Impressive_Ruin3176@reddit | Truckers | View on Reddit | 16 comments
Hey everyone, I have a quick question. I was on Instagram and noticed a female viewed my profile. I did not recognize this woman so I clicked on her profile to see who she was. That’s when I noticed my husband also followed her. So I asked him who she was and he replied “it’s my dispatcher”. He has a new dispatcher now and for the most part he’s always told me he only communicates with them through his iPad. So now I’m looking at the situation differently. Do you guys normally follow your dispatcher on social media?
I follow my dispatcher, and she follows me. She's a cosplay fan and I'm a cosplay wedding officiant as my hobby. My wife understands that jealousy is something I will not tolerate, nor would I expect her to tolerate it from me. Jealousy is a red flag, a warning that your relationship is not healthy.
Impressive_Ruin3176@reddit (OP)
I see your point. I feel like you communicate with your spouse too. I don’t have that luxury lol he became defensive when I asked about it at first.
We talk, since I'm an OTR driver I'm usually only home when we have things to do together or I have a wedding booked, almost every day. It's kinda crucial to do so. If you have issues communicating, some things can help. A shared calendar can help with communicating dated obligations. Picture conversations, where you just send pictures or memes, can open up verbal conversation opportunities. These aren't curealls, and may not even work, but tryin is better than dyin.
Tbh sounds like this is being overblown. Dispatch and drivers rarely communicate and typically hate each other.
This sounds like nothing more than a driver trying his best to not be shit on with bad loads by being nice/friendly to people that “normally” shit on us. Adding on SM would be a way to alleviate that so he gets better work and nothing more. Her checking yours is a little weird.
Maybe “she” took it the wrong way. If it was me thats all it would be, would be me not trying to get bad loads and thats it. Period. Id hold your tongue at getting mad at him about it and think first. If he un follows her now, he may as well quit his job.
Facebook suggests people who are on your phone’s contact list (if you allow it access), so it’s pretty likely her name just popped up and he followed. Not much to it.
Wanting to interact with your dispatcher more is weird. When I behind the wheel it was a good day if I went without speaking to dispatch directly for an entire day. Now that I'm the dispatch, I tell my drivers that it's a great day if I only have to talk to them once.
This is the answer.
Easy solution, just look at how many other people from company she’s following.
Yall sound so happy together
If you feel something is fishy, then probably something stinks
Sure, why not if they are friendly. Its someone that you need to speak everyday. I follow many friendly brokers also, and that affects my wallet in positive way...
Uh oh! Instagram tells you when someone views your profile? Yes it's wierd. If it were harmless she wouldnt be looking you up. Sounds like she wants a look at her competition
I don’t like talking to my dispatchers while I am on the job. I damn sure not gonna add them to FB.
I follow no one at work, that’s just asking for trouble
Impressive_Ruin3176@reddit (OP)
Thanks for the reply. It’s just suspicious considering he doesn’t normally talk about his dispatchers if at all to me. Are drivers and dispatchers normally close like that?
I’m married with a jealous and possessive wife I wouldn’t be caught dead adding new females to any of my accounts