ULPT REQUEST: What ways to trash talk without making them want pay back, just throwing them off their game?
Posted by florida_made_lit_jit@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 24 comments
Jose vs Connor
Either say nothing and destroy them....
Or say something with no real plan and be destroyed
florida_made_lit_jit@reddit (OP)
Dude you have no idea how powerful words are… besides literally fighting (which we can see from Jose vs Connor can be manipulated with enough time) words are the most powerful force on fucking earth. If a 6’4 jacked guy came up to you and screamed at you to fucking leave the store you left cuz of words.
On top of that, even if it’s not through voice due to most redditors wanting to be seen as moral and not doing many sports, they are trying to use communication to convince me to not say anything instead of trash talking. Cmon man…
There was a study done that showed men preform worse during competition if it’s implied their hair is thinning or mention their baldness. I remembered it from college because it seemed weird, tried it while bowling, it seems to work
You sound like you shouldn’t trash talk anybody because you are afraid of the response. Just don’t do it.
The best response is no response. If they take a deep dig it you, just let it roll off. Don’t get angry, don’t cry, don’t walk away. Just give them a straight face and say “If that’s all you’ve got, I’m going to continue on with my day thanks.”
florida_made_lit_jit@reddit (OP)
I’m speaking about actual competition trash talk, you can’t really say that in the middle of a game
Why would you get in a competition of something you’ve got no idea how to do?
The fact that you have to ask for advise with this confusing post means you probably will not be able to execute proper manipulation in the first place.
florida_made_lit_jit@reddit (OP)
Not sure if your being ironic saying advise instead of advice, but my texting skills (effort?) on a post have nothing to do with how well I communicate in real life.
You can see it as manipulation but in that case you are simply a manipulator and too dumb to notice it.
If you need it explained to you why, read a book
What book should I read to help me understand your inane ramblings?
You sound like the Sicilian in the Princess Bride.
I fixed it, thanks for the catch!
florida_made_lit_jit@reddit (OP)
No prob
You see, this right here is how to trash talk without making them want to pay back. Make them feel sorry for you and get a little chuckle.
Complain about their bad breath then use exaggerated body language every so often to show the stank is noticeable.
Best trash talk is when you drop facts that are verifiable that or them in a bad light. Where they can't do anything other than go on the defense.
Anything else. And your basically just being an asshole.
Like saying someone is short. We all see that. Calling them morbidly obese. Yeah we have eyes and see that.
Say something factual that they did that others know of they witnessed. They can't deny it.
You're thinking right now examples please.
"Funny coming from you. You got fired from Walmart for jerking off in the bathroom" "Well I've never been fired for having sex with my boss and blackmailing corporate over it". "Didn't you get arrested for stealing at work?".
I could go on and on. Get the picture?
You didn't say anything untrue. Just hurtful.
accuse them of stupid behavior like cheating. I do this often in team based games, I rally teammates to ready the “psychological warfare”. Then we continue with “I think everyone in blue team is teaming and cheating”. copy/paste a few times with a few peers and let the other team focus on their new objectives: defend themselves in chat.
I’ve successfully done it myself, and sometimes with other teammates.
Sometimes you can even go as far as saying “if you’re not teaming then name 7 reasons why I should believe you guys” and the other team will jump at this opportunity of “being heard”
Make gay jokes to them while guarding and up close and personal. Dudes are usually tight about their sexuality and get worked up.
Not sure your situation but when I used to play basketball I would mess with an opposing player by asking how they did a specific thing. Like asking “bro how do you spin the ball so well while shooting?”. This subconsciously makes them overthink about their shooting and makes them miss more.
florida_made_lit_jit@reddit (OP)
Good advice
Tell them they walk funny.
'I've never seen it done that way. Ever. But, anyways...'
Your mom is dating Squeak!