Bellmar Apartments off 75
Posted by Unpetits@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 8 comments
Has anyone had an ok experience renting from these apartments? Specifically Waterford and Everton. I know they’re probably not fantastic but as long as they are generally safe I’d love to know. Thanks for any who respond!
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I currently live in one of the Bellmar apartments, and I've never felt unsafe in them. I'm assuming that the other apartments do pest control like mine, which is that it happens on the next Monday related to the request. I unfortunately have a constant, but fairly slight roach problem, I see one every week or two. I think this is more because of the other tenants though as I don't throw away or keep out food scrapes out, and clean often. My apartment is also only like, 200-300ft from our apartment dumpster, which I feel doesn't help.
For maintenance calls I've been surprised by how response they've been. Usually anything from a light bulb replacement to a leaky ceiling takes like 24-72 hours to get a response depending on if it's a Friday or something, fixed at reasonable times.
My biggest complaints is that you can tell this is someone's money maker and at the end of the day, as friendly as the staff you interact with are, they're not decision makers, and the people who are don't give a fuck about you. I've had issues where I want to put up blackout curtains on my patio but can't because it's just not allowed, it's a change, and they don't allow it, because it would different. Stuff like that.
Unpetits@reddit (OP)
Gosh this was one of the issues I keep seeing pop up for these properties and I really don’t desire to have a persistent roach issue. :/ I have heard that sprinkling diatomaceous earth around exits to the place will kill just about any insect.
I do get what you mean about that last part. I’m hesitant to leave my current studio because the management is really really responsive and listens to the community members requests.
They’re fine. Shit energy efficiency, but my rent is dirt cheap.
Unpetits@reddit (OP)
Does the AC at least keep your place cool during the brutal summer? And does maintenance respond decently quick to things like pest control?
Thanks for responding, I need a good deal on rent, just worried about the possible downsides.
The AC was struggling to keep up in the absolute worst part of the summer, but that was just for a few days, and I’m on the top floor in an older building than the ones I think you’re looking at. Maintenance is… fine.
It’s actually not a bad neighborhood. There’s almost a little community vibe to it. You can walk to the store. Train station is a 5 minute bike ride away. Good proximity to Northhaven Trail and a small park. I’ve never felt unsafe walking around here, even at night, but I’m a large man.
Unpetits@reddit (OP)
Gotcha. The AC issue tracks with places I’ve rented before. I actually was drawn to this spot because of North Haven trail & WRC Trail! Love that they finally have the new bridge open.
Yep! And honestly going under 75 via Meadow isn’t bad, either, if you’re biking.