The question “is it worth it”
Posted by Marsh68389@reddit | projectcar | View on Reddit | 18 comments

I see a lot of posts about project and people asking if it’s worth it. Not just cars but every project
The attached picture is the structural rust I found cutting into my 1989 xf falcon Ute. When I cut it away I went through the, wtf am I doing. But then I laughed and told the thing “ on no you don’t, no dying today”. It’s not worth it to some but it’s worth it to me. Just depends how much your willing to do
Still cheaper than therapy.
This is blowing my mind. I am using this statement in response to everything I spend money on going forward…
Glad to help! It really is true though.
Can you find a donor XF or are there prefab panels from Rare Spares you can use? Forming the new sheet metal yourself is obviously going to be a pain.
Marsh68389@reddit (OP)
It’s just going to be pain. The windows behind the door rusted through and it all fell down
We do it because we will not be defeated. "Worth it" is irrelevant.
Always a personal decision
Marsh68389@reddit (OP)
Is it monetarily viable. Fuck no. Do I enjoy the wrenching yeah. Money doesn’t last forever and how you spend your time is your chiice
If it’s you’re first car go for it ig but it is NEVER worth it trust me
I like to think everything can be fixed in one way or another, as long as you have either motivation or money.
Would you have continued on if it were a body on frame vehicle and the frame looks like that?
That's where I'm at and I don't think it's safe to just repair the body and move on with life on a rusted out A-body frame, but a few second opinions would be nice lol... Maybe I'm just giving to too easily.
I obviously haven’t seen the rust but if the frame is truly rusted out then I agree with you. The only reason I bought my rust bucket is because the structural stuff was solid. I am also assuming this isn’t something like a GTO.
Skipping the standard level setting because u/kcgreaser already addressed it.
Are the black splotches holes? It looks like paint and not rust holes. Because of that, I'd say thish looks like surface rust and I wouldn't stress too much. Nothing looks eaten through so really just up to you on if you're okay with leaving it like this and covering or trying to remediate what will likely stay that way for another decade.
You could clean it all up and do a por15 type treatment but just want to stress this all looks pretty normal/managable without doing anything.
If I am wrong and those are rust holes, how good are you at fab work? And how much time do you want to spend?
This. I got stupid over a 55 ford. Traded a rust free 65 fairlane with a car with just a few pinholes on the rockers and inside. 2 years, and 14 floor braces later ++ new floor pans. If I could go back in time I'd head straight to bitch slap the taste out of my dumb mouth. And I worked in a HIGH end restoration shop at the time.
Are you trying to make money on this? Then, the answer is always no. If this is your dream car, proceed accordingly.
While you are repairing rust it is like rolling uphill naked with the ground covered in glass shards. After you are done and someone compliments your work it makes it all worth it.