ULPT Request - Get my neighbor's dog to stop barking

Posted by westmeadow88@reddit | UnethicalLifeProTips | View on Reddit | 29 comments

I live in a townhouse, and my neighbor's rottweiler is making my life a living hell. The dog barks at all hours of the day, with or without provocation.

I left a note on their door when it first started happening, and have since gone over and politely told them to please keep their dog from barking during quiet hours. She was apologetic but basically said it was "her husband's dog" and "doesn't do what she says". They've thankfully moved it indoors at night which has reduced the nighttime barking, but it still occasionally bark at random hours which invariably wakes me up.

The neighbors are horrible dog owners - I've never once seen them take the dog for a walk, so it's confined 24/7 in the townhouse. They also do not clean up after the dog. Their backyard is covered in shit and smells awful. It seems to bark less when the husband is home, but it seems that he works early and once he's out the house (around 5-6am) all bets are off with the dog.

I bought an ultrasonic dog bark deterrent but it doesn't seem to do much. I've thought about filing a noise complaint with animal control, or the police. However, I feel that it will be obvious that I made the complaint and I'm concerned that they'll retaliate somehow. I want to keep things civil between us, but I'm not against some unethical solutions to solve this problem.