Bag Recommendations?

Posted by Mountain-Status569@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 18 comments

I've started gathering prep supplies and right now they're just... sitting there. The next step is to buy bags, but there are so many options out there!

Do you guys have any favorites that you've used? I'd love to know your trusted bags since online reviews don't have a lot of feedback on long-term use, and the "best of" lists are just advertising bullpoop.

Any recommendations are appreciated, but if you're interested in what I'm specifically hoping to buy:

  1. Small bag for DIY first aid kit

  2. Prefer ones that have multiple sections so I can avoid one big messy pile in the kit

  3. Would be primarily stored in the car so size/shape is just a secondary concern, but would also be interested in a small one for inside a purse

  4. 1-2 night backpack

  5. Comfort and weight is a concern due to spinal issues

  6. Multiple large compartments are ideal since again, I want to avoid my messy bag tendencies

Looking forward to hearing your recs! I'm not prepping a BOB but if you want to drop those I'm sure other newbies may be interested.