Best Chiropractor
Posted by Joseph10d@reddit | Dallas | View on Reddit | 37 comments
Wife has some lower back issues and we’re looking for a good Chiropractor, preferably one that accepts United HC. I see the Joint Chiropractic but idk how I feel about widely advertised companies. Some of them spend all their money in ads and have less than ideal service. Let me know what you guys think! TIA
Damn, what's with all the hate towards chiropractors? Is this a widespread thing?
Western medicine folks are encouraged to attack chiropractors to tank their credibility. I will acknowledge the science behind chiropractic care is questionable, but getting movement in joints that are frozen or have limited mobility is extremely important to maintain mobility and allowing your body to exercise. Chiropractic care and PT are much more important than antibiotics, flu vaccines, or whatever other garbage Western Doctors will bill your insurance thousands of dollars per visit for.
Keep in mind the rise of western medicine correlated with the downfall of our society’s health. Obesity and mental illness are at an all time high, despite having the “most advanced” medicine we’ve ever had.
My wife and I eat whole foods, go outside, exercise, and never go to the doctor. We haven’t been to the doctor or dentist in 5+ years and are the absolute healthiest we’ve ever been. The extent of our medical care has been my wife’s home birth midwife appointments. Our 3 year old daughter has never been the doctor and is abnormally healthy and happy.
My experience is indeed an anecdote. If you’re having a severe issue, don’t hesitate to go to the doctor. But don’t get useless vaccines, don’t take any medicine unless absolutely necessary, eat Whole Foods, get tons of sunlight, go to a chiropractor/PT, stay at a healthy weight and exercise.
It’s especially concerning the amount of obese primary care doctors there are. I refuse to take medical advice from a so-called “doctor” that cannot control themselves from being at risk for the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S.
I went off on a tangent, but always remember Western Medicine’s income stream keeps flowing ONLY if the alternatives seem stupid. So you better believe they will attack anyone that challenges their monopoly on your “health”.
Mostly just on reddit
My wife goes to pretty popular OB based in a local hospital and the doctor had no issues with her going to see a chiropractor.
Chiropractic treatment is a pseudoscience, potentially a dangerous one. Instead of hate, I like to think of the warnings as people looking out for other people.
That's fair. Truthfully, I don't know much about the claims made against it.
The question posed in the post was asking for referrals, though, not the history of the “practice.” While not being helpful with your quest, the downvotes were probably related to your question not being relevant to the post. (And also some justified negativity toward the field of chriopractic, due to knowledge and personal experiences. Not the purpose of downvotes, but I can see why people were inclined to do so.)
It's not claims made against it. It's literal unproven quackery.
It's non scientific and is potentially harmful.
It's akin to wanting to see a witchdoctor.
The extent of my knowledge sums up to "cracking backs."
It’s a Reddit thing for sure.
Definitely not lol
I enjoy much of the holistic wellness, woo methods. But chiropractors have a proven track record of irreversible damage, including strokes. The adjustments might make some patients feel better, but at what risk and for how long?
Oh No Ross And Carrie just did a 3 part chiro series. It was very illuminating. And scary. I’ve been to one before, had several sessions actually, but after listening to that I will never go again. DD Palmer was a quack.
Chiropractors are quacks. They can make a bad situation worse. Please go to a real doctor or physiotherapist.
I am in the middle of my 4 sessions after a friend referred me to Airrosti Richardson. I had an unremarkable x-ray of my SI joint (ordered by my rheumatologist) before i tried Airrosti. The at home exercises align with the strength and flexibility I’m working on with my personal trainer. The manual therapy is rough but I’m feeling relief.
The only positive experience I’ve ever had with a chiropractor was through Airrosti. I’m not even sure if they’re still around.
Dr Tucker is one I know a lot of family and friends see. But make sure that's the correct route.
I recommend Airrosti. It’s working with a chiropractor doctor coupled with physical therapy. It’s dramatically improved my back and their goal is to help you in as few sessions as possible, no long term “see the chiropractor once a week” stuff.
Your wife needs to see an actual doctor, not a chiropractor.
Every chiropractor I’ve met personally is a quack. They sell nutty unproven injections and supplements. And there’s little to no science rigor in the field.
I’d see a doctor and physical therapist.
A doctor told me I needed surgery after a car accident. I saw a chiropractor for a couple of months and have been fine for 20 years since.
Maybe you went to a bad doctor? Always get second or third opinions when someone brings up surgery.
Injured my knee right the pandemic. A youngish Ortho doc was trying to get me to do surgery. It took a while and PT but mostly healed on its own
Dr Michael Johnson in Bedford is amazing.
To be clear, Dr. does not mean MD in this case, he’s a doctor of chiropractor. Just so no one’s confused about his qualifications.
Just like you are a doctor of unsolicited advice.
Go ask one of those guys who hangs out under the bridge at Cottonwood Creek Trail, near Forest Lane Station. It’ll cost way less and do the same amount of good. You can also try praying, which is free and equally effective.
I would recommend going to one that also prescribes PT. Chiropractors can make adjustments but if she doesn’t see a physical therapist as well the adjustments will only last so long. Physical therapist is so important to maintain any results she gets from the chiropractor. And honestly, she could probably see an orthopedic/sports medicine dr and just get a prescription for PT.
If you’re set on chiropractic treatment: Parkland Hospital outpatient clinic just opened a chiropractic office with PT, but I’m sure there are many others out there who pair with a PT.
DTX Sports Medicine
I’ve had good experiences with Inwood Chiropractic.
The airrosti network is great. I would describe it more as a physical therapist. I had debilitating back pain, and with 3 $40 session using my work insurance, they diagnosed the muscle imbalances I had and gave me the proper exercises, and I feel better than ever!! I do them about 5 times a week after I do cardio or before lifting weights.
Airrosti- “fix pain fast- in 3 sessions or less”. Can affirm they are great.
I've got nothing but look for one that does Gonstead chiropractic technique
I've got nothing but look for one that does Gonstead chiropractic technique
Chiropractic was invented by a fellow who saw a ghost in a dream and explained it to him. In chiro "school" they are taught how manipulations can heal almost all diseases. While many modern chiros don't buy into all of it, it's garbage science. Manipulations can help you feel better short term, but not any better than PT, massage, or other muscle and ligament exercises
Graves chiropractic. They are in Frisco
I would never go to a chiropractor. If you are looking for manipulative treatment, then go to a D.O. Either way, why not start with an orthopaedist?
Has she seen a doctor?
None of them. They are liars and charlatans. Please go see a proper doctor.