Confused on how to use Linux with multiple drives
Posted by r_WOB5@reddit | linux | View on Reddit | 9 comments
I'm new to Linux, and have been trying out Linux Mint as a starter before I decide whether to switch or not.
But, something I'm missing from Windows, is having the ability to install software or download and use files from a second drive, while not having to ever touch the drive with OS.
Is there a way of having any separation of distro and files/software?
Not sure what exactly you want to do.
If your goal is to have a separate partition where you can dump some software that should launch on any distro, the there's AppImage package format. Some software is also provided as an archive that you can exctract and it should work in most distros (firefox, thunderbird for example).
You can also just move your home directory to a separate partition, and your settings will be preserved over most distros, as most of the apps are the same.
r_WOB5@reddit (OP)
Well, I hope it is really easy to move /home to a different partition, it's just not something I have wrapped my head around with a new OS or any kind of programming.
Yeah it's "weirder" on Linux when you are used to Windows. I actually just have one disk because of it, but I think if you use symlinks or just put the home drive on a separate disk, it's easier. LVM also exists but I haven't checked what it can do.
r_WOB5@reddit (OP)
I guess I should have looked for a setting for /home partition location during the installation. I think it's going to be a lot easier to reinstall for now, and just track steps for future use. I also have no idea what LVM capabilities are, even the wikipedia page is not quite clear on non-server uses for it sadly.
It is unclear what you mean and seek to do. In Linux, drives are not used in the way Windows does with C:, D:, etc. The partitions on the drives are connected (mounted) in a single file tree structure, beginning at the root (/). Even when you use temporary devices such as flash drives, it is mounted to a directory to make it usable. Block devices like drives are in the background. Any files in mounted partitions (drives) can copy and write files. What you do with those files is your choice.
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The answer is, "it's different." Most of the time software is installed through the OS's package manager, as that's usually the easiest way. That usually means putting files in various places in /usr, like /usr/bin, /usr/lib, etc. But the exact location depends on the distribution.
You can use separate partitions for things like /usr just fine, or any other directory. But the integration between packages and the OS means that, by default, packages aren't just a simple .exe or .zip you can extract and run.
As mentioned, there are alternatives to the OS package manger, like AppImages and downloading fro source. The advantage of these is that they tend to provide newer versions of software.
Have you actually checked to see if you are low on space on / ? It might make more sense to use the 2nd drive as /home, or to just symlink the 2nd partition's mount location to an easy access spot in your home directory, for dumping files to.
Most file manager offer, some easy way to do this like nautilus for exemple, you plug the drive and within nautilus a bouton to "mount" the disc will apear but in order to make it persistant you will have to lookout for fstab,, the arch wiki is a great source of information even if you are running linux mint, good luck.
Like installing your home and root partitions on separate drives? Yes, that would work in a similar way, though it's not as easy as on windows once you have the OS installed.
Also there's a variety of different packaging format for software, so the answer to how to install apps on a different drive depends on the packaging format and your distro. Although there are certain standards for commonly used directories, a lot of apps can technically decide to leave their binaries and config files anywhere on your home directory, so that makes tracking them not entirely straightforward