Is it bad to have my PC near a window ?
Posted by sixis22@reddit | buildapc | View on Reddit | 35 comments
I've got my PC set up near a window, and today I had the window open all day (EU-style top opening). It was raining outside, but no rain got in. However, I noticed the metal on my PC case seemed a bit moist. Room temp stays around 20–25°C year-round. Am I just freaking out, or should I be worried about humidity or other issues with having my PC close to a window?
I LIVE IN NYC AND I WANT TO TAKE A PICTURE OF WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PC. I LEFT IT BY OPEN WINDOWS SINCE IT WAS OVERHEATING AND I CANT EVEN DESCRIBE THE WEIRD DIRT MOLD SHIT ON IT AND SADLY MY GPU IS COMPLETELY DYING NOW - JUST GOT A NEW MOBO CPU. like some nights i would come home for work and it wouldnt turn on it was like the computer was Sweating with this weird sticky liquid. anyway im sure people wont believe me but whatever maybe it woint happen to you but it could will show pic
sixis22@reddit (OP)
60% humidity atm
ITT: americans who don't understand what window OP has. Here is a picture for you guys:
The window is in the second configuration (opened at the top). Rain is not coming in unless it's a fucking typhoon and nobody is getting in through that window.
OP: don't worry about humidity. If the humidity outside is so great that your computer is corroded, then closing the window is not going to do jack shit. Also I assume you are in continental Europe, not in honolulu. It's fine.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Yes , i have ac in summer so even that humidity shouldnt be a problem
It's bad to have anything in direct contact with sunlight all the time (carpets, furniture, clothes, your skin). Your PC is probably made of metal and should be fine though, although if it's raining it should probably stay away from the window.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Sunlight never comes in, rain with wind but in that case i would close window anyway
Do you have a curtain or does your window turn off during the day?
he unplugs the window so no one can flip the switch and open it accidentally 😂
Yeah have you seen how dusty and the amount of particles there are in the air. Ever since I started shutting all my windows got an air purifier and blasting the AC next to my computers intake fans I've never looked back. My PC is happy. Cooler and less dusty too.
Water + electricity = bad. Ten-year-olds knows this. How do you not even know this?
It's fine, I live in a humid climate and my PCs always were near windows (as in 0.5 meters, give or take) and none have died from corrosion or even have the slightest signs of it. Never seen a rusty screw in any pc I own. Just don't get then wet from rain.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Which continent, if so winter as well ?
Europe, the side of the house storms hit most often and I'm not moving my PC in winter either, the only reason it gets moved is to clean it and and it goes back where it belongs
Being near moisture isn't good but I wouldn't be concerned unless you are near salt water than the salt will cause issues over time.
you should be ok but i wouldn't keep it there ,... that said my last rig i had in an overly humid room ( the walls sweat) thanks to a humidifyer when i was laid up with covid a few yrs ago and that pc runs perfectly fine still i wouldn't recommend doing that if you can avoid it tho
I mean I wouldn’t want humidity near my computer for various reasons that are not good. Higher chance of corrosion, shorting something out, etc.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Exactly my thoughts, ivhave 2 options close the window when raining and move the case at side of the table app 1 meter from window corner pic
If you're worried that rain might get in through the window, the monitor would also get damaged. As would the desk, probably. So the obvious things to do here is:
It's one of those European style windows where the rain doesn't come in when the window is opened a certain way.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
We are talking about moisture and humidity, rain is never getting in 🙂 man
Is it just your computer that's moist, or is it also your desk and other things near the windows?
Condensation is going to form on the coldest things first. It's weird it'd just your PC, on or not.
Either way, if it's too hot or humid outside, you should run your AC to reduce the humidity inside. It's a good idea anyway. It prevents mold inside.
The cold air flowing inside is lowering the temperature of the metal on your case. If this metal goes below the ambient temperature of your room, moist warm air from your home can condense on it (warm air holds more moisture content). It's the same reason why a cold glass of water can condense on the outside in hot weather.
I used to have a tiled interior windowsill that would exhibit the same behaviour if I opened a window and it was much colder outside and warm inside. The easy fix is to just move your pc a few feet away from your window.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Yup, exactly what happen today , outside mesh was slightly colder and moisty, inside of the case nothing- pc is not finished yet.
Your PC will be fine if your PSU is covered up. The only trouble will be your screen. it'll show moisture content soon inside and later rainbows. 🌈
Yep, it's bad. Virusses can fly in.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Flying monkey virus
I live in Pennsylvania so I witness every type of weather. I've kept my PC by a window for all 4 years I've owned it. Granted, it's under the desk, but the desk is always placed in front of a row. Sometimes I open the window to cool my room.
The moisture is probably just from fine drops blowing in, so it's more so up to you if you feel confident in keeping it there long term.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Ordered a humidity meter just for curiosity, however i came to a. Conclusion of today moisture, basically outside temperature dropped for 10 c from yesterday, cold breeze came towards the case mesh thats it felt kinda wet, we will see in future ty for answer
My pc is next to my windows too, but i usually close it when its raining so rain doesnt come in, other than that ive had no problems
sixis22@reddit (OP)
Good to know 🙂
It's not great. As much as you can, you want to keep outside things from getting into your PC.
It's to be avoided.
I've had mine near my window for all its life. I live in desert climate tho. A little extra dust, but no issues.
sixis22@reddit (OP)
0 humidity
Open street level window = stolen PC