Lump - Pres of US - Musings
Posted by LowerBumblebee8150@reddit | Xennials | View on Reddit | 45 comments

On a late(!) drive home from work last night, Lump came on and it suddenly popped into my head how times change.
When I was younger, I always thought the line, "She spent her 20s between the sheets" had a double meaning with a sexual connotation.
Last night, when I heard that line I immediately thought, "An entire decade of (adequate or more) sleep in my nice, warm bed? That would be absolute heaven."
Priorities, I guess.
They are a part of what is quintessential 90’s to me.
I’ve seen them live at least a couple of times.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that someone who kept coming up on my young kids’ Spotify playlists was actually the former lead singer of the Presidents of the United States of America. He sang as Caspar Babypants and I was looking him up to see if he did live shows because my wife and I liked him almost as much as the kids did. He does not do live shows anymore (or didn’t 2 years ago). Being old is weird.
OMG! Spotify just threw “noodles and butter” in the mix as I was playing music for the kid. I was wondering if it was an actual kids song or a 90s song that just worked for kids. This makes so much sense why I liked it.
The two Beatles cover albums are amazing.
I had a similar experience when my kids went nuts for Space Unicorn, I Like Bread, and a bunch of other songs by the lead from Nerfherder.
Just before my son was born we got to see him live in Seattle. He was performing at a local park, and we just stopped and listened for a while. Bought a couple of CD's and had him sign them. But this was like 10yrs ago, and now I'm sad thinking how long ago that was.
People keep talking about CDs. What is a CDs!
Caspar Babypants was/is great. By far THE BEST “kids” music ever. I went to see if he did shows too, but it looked like he did a lot—but just around his home in Seattle. His website had a little note about how he didn’t really want to travel, etc. and suggested they fans “go on tour” and make a family trip to see him in Seattle.
cries in They Might Be Giants
TMBG Kids is a SOLID second. Caspar is just way more prolific in terms of published albums, which is kinda surprising given how prolific TMBG is as well.
Thats’s a good point about the depth of CB’s discography. I also think they complement each other. Little ones start with him, then move to TMBG’s NO! and Here Come the ABCs/123s, then onto Here Comes Science and Why?
I live near Seattle, seen him twice. Anyone who can capture the attention of little kids for a solid 45 minutes is a M-Fing legend.
Well that explains why the Caspar Babypants songs are so catchy. My kids were into those songs for a while
Used to see them in an even more rare band called Subset w sir mix a lot.
I have an infant now, and his two bedtime albums have completely eclipsed my Spotify stats the past year. I put one on and he knows it’s time for nap or bed, it’s almost Pavlovian. All his stuff is great though, I genuinely love it haha
Really from what I’ve heard his music hasn’t really changed since the presidents days. He was always singing about anthropomorphic bugs and silly little stories
I heard he’s an old man on a back porch in Georgia eating lots of peaches and Cay-yay-yan-dee. He keeps letting the Kitty out and back in. I can’t get his body out of my mind.
For those that were fans of this band, I would suggest another in the band SELF. Specifically the Gizmodgery album. It is an album with a similar irreverent playfulness to TPOTUSOA and was made mostly with kid’s musical instruments/toys…but it’s not kid’s music.
I would suggest starting with their banger, “Trunk Fulla Amps”. NSFW.
“What a Fool Believes” for a funky flashback to sitcom intro music.
“I Love To Love” for a fun slightly trippy 50’s oldies vibe.
I miss when musical acts that were weird and maybe a little bit out of left field or experimental could get a lot of exposure and popularity. I blame Clearchannel/IHeartRadio for the premature end of that era.
I think I always conflated this with Weezer.
Lump lingered last in line for brains.
The one she got was sorta rotten and insane…
This was so good 👍
Gump sat alone on a bench in the park.
He's not too bright....
But he's alright ✅
Gump was a big celebrity
He told JFK that he really had to pee
Gump lingered last in line for brains
Before this album I had no idea that peaches come from a can. Thank you potusa!
Lump lingered last in line for brains and the one she got was sorta rotten and insane.
I remember the Weird Al parody of this song with Gump
Anyone heard of Caspar Babypants?
Odd fact, when their popularity wanted they started doing music for movies, tv and porn Lots and lots of porn.
Kitty I'm a foot and I wanna touch ya indeed.
She spent her 20s between the sheets.
Fun band. Always thought it was cool The Drew Carey Show used Cleveland Rocks as their opening theme song.
Saw them live in '96 at a Local Festival! They were really good
Look at that year's line up! it was awesome!
Their first two albums are fantastic, I still play them quite regularly
Lived through their debut n that first album and never really kept up with them. Got older, started playing drums and just rediscovered them. I'm amazed at how musically talented, dynamic, and just playful they are instrumentally and lyrically. I was stoked to realize they got a ton of albums n have been busy the past few decades!!
Totally confused all the passing…..
As an obsessive radio listener back when this came out, I remember thinking Lump had a catchy chorus as a hook but never really paid off due to lack of a true bridge. Just some bababa dah stuff somewhere in the middle. It's like a meal without a main course.
I always got a kick over how small the cymbals sound in Lump.
Your babies will thank you
for those of you without spotify
Great...Now it's in my head
It might be dead
Old man on the back porch and that..