How to get a birth certificate apostilled from Belgium
Posted by Same-Trash-9310@reddit | expats | View on Reddit | 2 comments
Hi all!
I am a Belgian citizen born in the US. I live in Belgium and for my wedding, Belgian authorities request an apostilled birth certificate.
I have the original one. Can I have this one apostiled or do I need a more recent copy?
I am afraid that if I have to order a recent copy, have it send to Belgium, send it back to the US and wait for the apostilled version, it would be a very long and tedious process. Any recommendations how to go about this?
Are there any agencies that provide this service and is this costly?
Thanks in advance!
check the Belgium government’s requirements; Germany requires documents to be not older than 6 months (including birth certificates)
yes it’s a long process, it goes faster & cheaper if you have someone in the US who can receive the certificate, mail it for the apostille, and then mail it to you
not sure about any agencies, perhaps someone else can help
Same-Trash-9310@reddit (OP)