Growing small scale Cotten for shtf

Posted by Traditional_Neat_387@reddit | preppers | View on Reddit | 36 comments

I planted a dozen Cotten plants this year and there doing amazing. I had the idea of during a prolonged SHTF event clothing is going to rip and tear and degrade over time. Now by no means is this enough to make a wardrobe and depending on your size making a whole outfit would be highly labor intensive BUT I figured growing Cotten for just making thread to repair stuff would be a worth while investment. Honestly for my small scale goal I went pretty large without realizing it. Each plant it seems to get between 40-70 balls (bolls) and I harvested two times this year from each plant. Apparently if you know what you’re doing it takes like 125ish bolls turned to thread to make a shirt. But again I grew mostly to make my own thread for fabric repair. I wouldn’t recommend going with 12 plants though as I have an over abundant surplus now and am honestly thinking about making a few shirts, rags, ect. I’d say though like 2–3 plants is a worth while investment as during long term grid down you can make rags for bandages, make cotton swabs to clean ears and stuff, and obviously thread for repairing fabrics. I’ll probably only plant 3 next year maaaaybe 4 as the plants need constant harvesting once bolls start opening. Has anyone else done anything similar? I feel like it’s a fairly overlooked plant for prepper with a homestead spinning it into thread isn’t even that hard either, I did buy a little thread spinner to make it easier but you can literally do it with your hands and a stick like object.