Sand or Strip to Bare Metal? 72 Midget

Posted by pburgh@reddit | projectcar | View on Reddit | 9 comments

That’s my dilemma. A friend is adamant stripping to bare metal is the only way to go but I’d like more opinions.

Removing the horrible vinyl wrap it had is taking a lot of clear with it leaving a flaking patchy mess. That being said the car doesn’t have any cracking and minimal rock chips but definitely has bondo hiding. This is a cheap heap that’ll never be worth much I’m using to learn to paint with.

The previous respray is very old with no real way of knowing just how old. It was a base/clear though.

Planning to use a single stage and don’t care about it being show quality. Mainly get it all one color and presentable while learning a new skill. Is a bare metal strip really the only way to go?